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Lizzie Bevis Feb 11
We mistake some encounters for forever,
blaming time when our hearts don't align,
but, perhaps we were never meant
to be each other's Valentine.

Maybe we were just commuters,
meeting at the perfect time,
when you needed steady ground,
and I needed a divine sign.

The moment wasn't wrong at all,
it was our expectations' weight;
Two strangers meant to cross paths,
to help each other navigate.

But, my compass pointed towards the North,
as we met in unfamiliar lands,
and you were destined to travel South,
our lives just had different plans.

We were wrong for who we were,
yet, perfect in that moment of stay.
We were not meant for endless tomorrows,
but to help each other find our way.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Sometimes love isn't forever.
But, I hope that one day,
I will meet the one.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2024
Since time is taken universally,
to be measured in portions to each
thing a time and seasons, within that time,

to use the will to live, and let seem living
all - what, curiously wrought musings,
wordless, falling for the lure, seems living
moving itself aright, as often wines may do,
inviting titles do to musers unbemused,
but no child knows the meaning of things
such as admonitions not to look upon
the wine red, swirling beauty, see
books judged by covers oft stink of
deceitful meats, imagine the ruler's
condescension, partake in silence,

answering freely all who question why,
breathe-ing and eating,
I am but a temporary mover of matter,
from one state to another, as I pass along
this trail that speaks of long disuse,
where it leads, at this junction,
I lack a will to lie and say I know, but

I know, I am willing to believe, where
I would be if I turned around, here

from there, relatively no time at all,
nonsensed wish to be known,
for having been a survivor,
sensed as something natural, self

set up to become this old, enough
to know, no greater need than peace
with purpose, a faith that your duty

is to learn and make do-good things
from things not being used at all.

We on Earth, honestly,
we have no where to go and be,
we do know what must be done,
we leave undone all we have no

will, or means, no way, to do right,
no way to do at all, wrong or right,

yet, with a will used to prove, right
my will, a will used to wait, to see

after many days, few change life's initial
gravitational course.
Castles on high crags, eventually reach the sea, wait. Just watch.
Mel Kay Mar 2024
And I think there are just too many things that break my heart, I fight too hard to stop from falling into pieces that I can't be spoken to, not even quietly.

There are too many people I've seen thoroughly, I can't separate myself from anything and I can't be looked at, not even briefly.

There are too many oceans, too deep to venture, no explorer will have courage enough to dip their toes in this water, and no one can touch me, not even kindly.

There are too many things that scare me now. I never leave from the bed I lay in and I can't be danced with, not even calmly.

There are too many ways to break my heart these days that I can't be moved, not even gently,

Not even at all.
It's not good but it's a poem.
Patrick Jul 2022
Vivid memories of you: just a word or phrase.
Hiding meaning like a yolk in an egg.
A "Hello kitten",
A cheeky laugh,
The brightest smile,
I miss our past.
neth jones Oct 2021
A Chattered Weeping
Tropic heat
    there hangs a grief
      Clung !

Like a cold wet shower curtain
      inhaled by an open window
         mildew mischievous
                against the skin

But this grief ..
       a replenishing ache
      (now scolded from rank)
    and no longer
heaving and hopeless suffocation

duration has operated
Man Mar 2021
to the man donned in black
to the woman with no spine
and a broken back
you work in slumber
with eyes unopened
to life's beauty
you have only spoken
brief talks betwixt dreams
stiffened, when awoken
of thoughts that linger a ways away
in a land of virtue
reminiscent of tolkien
mark soltero Dec 2020
i wish for my own good
but my truth is the weight of my option

i’ve only found that my true illumination
comes from darkness that covers my sight
from the pressure created inside
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