I'll pay you a visit
Once a week
Don't worry about it
I'll be your relief
We can watch movies
Dance, sing without a care
We can act like the queens
Sassy and full of flare
We can bake cookies
Eat ice cream, Play a game or two
We can pig out on junk food
There is no need to feel so blue
This is your life
The pathway you have chosen
This is your future
Don't allow yourself to feel broken
You never liked them much anyway
The drama and those people
So dont allow your dreams to sway
When you feel isolated and alone
Stand up straight, Meditate
I know you can pull through
You are my best friend after all
There isn't anything you can't do.
So raise your head to the sky
Feel the nice cool breeze
This is the first step, its one of many
Its okay though just be at ease
Its a new world for both of us
One not many may choose
We may rarely see each other now
But you will still forever be my muse
Don't let loneliness swallow you whole
Don't fall down that rabbit hole
Because I will forever be around
Just do your best and reach your goal
Good luck my love
I wish you the best
- Your best Friend.
It will all work out eventually
I'm sure of it
Just do your best