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Aaron Beedle Mar 17
Break, my fingers can't stop
the Shake, fight the sandman
that Face, a grin of pure evil
don't Trace, the lines of the devil
he Takes, the girl who smiles
her Brace, the teeth are wild
and Stage, your own undoing
a Mage, a mood is brewing
a Rage, a storm is on
the Waters, he's coming he's coming
don't Flaunt her.
It's you that's running your time, tap tap
bleeding it out like wine and water
a rose he dines alongside, it flows
come gather your manly pride, but you're froze.

Hold your breath. Explode. Put it to the test.
Sleep. Rest. Dive. Go deep.
Must break the sheath. Deny you're weak.
The futures bleak, for those who hide.
Those who wait. Grate your teeth.
They who sleep, buried deep
Them that run, find your fun in
what got you running to begin with, the
risk of unawaryness
chase the chance to advance
and romance the possibility of fruitful fairy tales.
About: How fear is a self made cage.
Yllu Minaré Mar 14
We saw each other more often
frequent as the primes in 1 to 10
Mending each other’s boredom
widening our degrees of freedom

Ranted on things under the sun
Noted our signs, roots, and sum
We took turns airing problems
Shared proofs for peer checking

Did sanity check on our numbers
Whether in life, music, or games
Exchanged secrets and dreams
Reciprocated emojis and DMs

In the end, we skipped one thing
An asymptote we avoid touching
Assumed “us” was undefined
Then met our limits and resigned
Wasil Feb 12
Sound of knocking,
an invitation to stay.
My dear guest,
waiting unannounced.

I shall open the door.
Warm breeze
Or chilly wind.
I shall find out.
Ariannah Nov 2024
I don't know how to start this
But I swear it's ******* with my mind
Cause the way you never miss
And the way it makes me cry

Why's she always first?
And the way you always seem to make it worse
Why can't I just ignore it?
For her I'd just die for it

It makes me sick
It makes me cry
It makes me wish I could denie
Denie the fact that she's important
To repair your broken comportment

I hate your jokes
I hate my life
It's tiring me
It makes me die

And yet I always seem to come back trying
Trying to keep myself from falling
Into that deep cage again
Where I never seem to be the same

And I love her
I really do
But your indecisive way of being "you"
Makes my mind go back again
To the place I've always fell

And I tired to ignore it
Annoyed I avoided
Avoided my feelings
Desperate to cover the grave
Where I hid my toxic trait.
Emery Feine Sep 2024
I thought that we could always fall together
But you told me you wanted to fly
So I watched you realize my hand, float up to the clouds
While I was still falling in the sky
this was my 40th poem, written on 11/3/23.
Emery Feine Sep 2024
I'll leave you one day. There, I said it.
Or you'll leave me, and you won't regret it.

I love you, but I'm scared to
And I've told you what I've gone through

And you said you weren't going anywhere
But what if I go? How can that be fair?

And no, I'd never want to leave
But what if it meant nothing when I wore my heart on my sleeve?

I've known myself ten years longer than you
So I also know what I might convince myself to do

I cherish every single moment we spend together
And I hope we can smile through all this weather

But I'm so sorry if one day
I'll ghost you like the other
But for now we'll hang on tight
Because the only thing we have is each other
this is my 36th poem, written on 10/26/23... he broke up with me a day after I wrote this lmaoooo
Jeremy Betts Aug 2024
Inspired by
Krista Delle Femine
~Still the Fool~
I always find myself here
With little to no explanation
I'm thinking it's because I elicit fear
They avoid my intensity
Every bombastic and overcharged emotion that overflowes from me
I believe they mean to
But they seem to pull themselves through
It's always something I did
Or didn't do
It's so much rejection
I've lost track of the lesson
It's only humility
And wanting from someone
Something they don't have for me
They often pretend
Put up a good front and deny the lie
I have to keep all of me inside
And leave it for everyone else to interpret what one of my issues it could be
Then it falls on me
Only on me
We don't have to wait and see
What I can't be
Even alone I can't be free
Not really
I'm still the fool writing about this
Letting them live rent free in my poetry

Inspired by
Krista Delle Femine
Still the Fool
Man May 2024
Hold me,
In an embrace of thorns.
Hold me with a metallic feel,
Masticated love,
Votives made up of us
Rejected in full stead
To what appeal?
Life paid at the expense of ***,
******* yourself.
Malia Oct 2023
I don’t wanna go home
But I can’t stay here.

I know it’s after hours
But I’ve stared in the mirror
For hours
And I can’t do it anymore.

I don’t wanna go home
But I can’t stay here.

The problems fade away
When you face away from them
For a little while.

I don’t wanna go home
But I can’t stay here.

When there is nowhere to go,
Nowhere to hide,
You will find
That your problems find you.
Song version:

I don’t wanna go home
But I can’t stay here.
It’s getting late
But I hate the tears.

I don’t wanna go home
But I can’t stay here.
I know that it’s trouble
To not face your fears.

But I can’t.

Not today.

When the problems stack up,
I just put them away.

I don’t wanna go home
But I can’t stay here.
It’s getting late
But I hate the tears.

I don’t wanna go home
But I can’t stay here.
I know that it’s trouble
To not face your fears.

Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah

I don’t wanna go home,
But I can’t stay here.
When the day grows short
The night always appears.

I don’t wanna go home,
But I can’t stay here.
I’ve walked the long road
And the end isn’t near.
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