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lulu Oct 2015
aries:** tell us why you always feel like you're letting yourself down,
even when you try your hardest. tell us who made you believe
you'd never be good enough- what was their name?

taurus: when is the last time you felt like someone cared
about you? why is it that you feel like you're all alone in
this world? where has everyone gone?

gemini: how many times have you cried this week? how many
times were your tears over people who don't even think of you
any more?

cancer: tell us about how you can still feel their fingers in yours.
tell us about how the last time they held your hand it burned-
better yet, tell us why.

leo: how many times can someone kiss your wounds before they heal? when will you finally be able to move on again?

virgo: why do you feel like everyone is out to get you? why
is it that every time someone looks at you, you feel like
they're planning to hurt you? who was it that betrayed
you last?

libra: you're always getting caught up in what everyone else
thinks- but what about you? why do your own thoughts and
opinions get pushed aside if they aren't like everyone else's?

scorpio: how many times did you repeat that you loved them?
how many times did they tell you they didn't want to hear it?
tell us about how it felt like you'd been punched in the chest
and how your heart hasn't beat the same since.

sagittarius: why do you pretend not to have a heart? why
do you wear a cloak to cover yourself up? why do you
feel like you have to make a joke out of love? why can't
you let anyone in?

capricorn: if you really loved yourself, you would know it,
wouldn't you? so why is it that when you look in the mirror,
you can't tell whether you like what you see or not? tell us
what it's like to be afraid to search for beauty in yourself.

aquarius: how do you feel now that the storm has calmed?
did everything turn out the way you thought it would or has
your house been more damaged than anticipated? why is it
that when you look for help with rebuilding everyone
seems to be too busy with their seemingly untouched homes?
who was the first to turn their back on you?

pisces: why do you look for love in all the wrong places?
why do you go after the most damaged people? tell us
about how you want to be able to fix people because
no one ever offered to help fix you.
(your horoscope)
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Taylor St Onge Aug 2015
I was driving to work tonight and I almost swerved off the road because I was staring at Orion's Belt as it hung near the horizon of the sky.

Please study the following photo and connect the dots on Orion, his belt, and his arrow:
(A detailed answer will be on the back for comparison)

I do not pretend to understand astrology nor astronomy.  

Orion’s arrow always points north.  You can use it as a compass if you are traveling somewhere where there are not many signs of light.  In October, if you crane your neck and squint your eyes and maybe pray to God, Orion will shoot arrow after arrow off into the sky and you will be able to make your first wish upon a shooting star.  (If you are in a desert, and that is why you are navigating by constellations, pray for help.)

His belt is made up of three sisters and I wonder if they talk to him in the night and keep him company?

(Is it possible to be up in the Heavens, overlooking the world, while still feeling lonely and insignificant?)

Constellations move minutely every year.  In this way, they are similar to humans.  Always roaming.  Always looking for change.

When Orion boasted that he could **** any living animal on the planet, Gaia, the Earth Goddess, objected and sent a scorpion after him.  After his death, Zeus flung his body into the stars; fractured to pieces, glowing softly in the night sky, Orion continues to hunt his prey into the dark, cold depths of the Milky Way.

Maybe, if you prayed to the Greek Gods, you could find yourself breathing in the stars, too.
wrote this for my poetry: intermediate course.  prompt: factual poem.
Rasmia Aug 2015
Want you here,
just to breathe
in your atmosphere.
Hire me, make me
your career.
When we stare,
time stops,
I might fall out,
carry me on a cot.
I left my heart
on the nightstand,
where my passion began
but had to end.
When your hand
touched the door,
my heart begged for more
regrese por favor mi amigo, mi amour.
regrese por favor mi amigo, mi amour = come back please my friend, my love.
Kim Denise Aug 2015
When I found out
that we came from the same star,
I realized it was not familiarity I feel
when I'm with you,
it's longing.

All these years of travel,
looking for a place to belong to,
then crashing into you,
turning the debris to
what we call home.

*Come home.
I'm a Cancer Sun and you're a Cancer moon
and despite having the saddest name in the zodiac,
meeting you was and always will be
my happiest memory.
Egeria Litha Jul 2015
Let your mind wander to the days of flowing and recording it.
When you built sand castles and watched as the ocean ate them.
Boy, wasn't that a lesson for your sign!
Fill your mind with recent love you have created.
Like a poet reveal to life
words in morbid grey and neon lights.
What love has felt like.
The trips away, first kisses, haunting lyrics
beautiful moments you haven't had time to think about
busy in the present - working to make it.
When you made sand castles and watched as the ocean ate them.
Boy, falling in love by the ocean had to be a sign
Fill your mind with recent love you have created.
Sad Grey Brilliant Neon
The duality you speak of
Dear Poet, make me a sand castle
of Melody and Harmony
the necessity of **combination
CautiousRain Jun 2015
Ascending among the brilliant stars,
Varied blue, white, yellow, red;
Distinct and somewhat poignant,
Draped beneath the sky overhead.

Orion unsheaths his weapon,
Ursa major does not roar,
These bears and men who cannot see,
Lend faces to the whispy air as they soar.

Dark clouds, dim lit and hazy,
Among the moon's soft shine,
Each image is reflected,
In the city's humble skyline.

Descending alongside comets,
Hot, burning, coarse rocks,
Break free from godly confines,
And dance among men, stars, and clocks.
MV Blake Jun 2015
As Mars ascended,
One split in two;
The mitosis of fact
Splitting right through.
An anaphase ritual
Lining the floor,
Where I wanted mine,
And you wanted more.

But Venus was kind
When last she was here
And gave us a gift
Of temporal fear,
So we’d done this before
And the God was decried,
Yet out of the darkness of space
He cried:

‘Oh come to me Father,
I shan’t be denied.’

And Saturn, he heard
As he fought with Rhea,
And looked at his mother
And the remains of Theia.
A plan came to mind,
A clever time trick,
And we were caught fast
By the Great Malefic.

As Saturn ascended,
We split up again,
With no time to heal,
Our love was in vain;
For Venus had long since
Bored of our space,
And our love had begun
The sad telophase.
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