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brandon nagley Sep 2015
As I walked in sickly step's
Down to the brown mucky;
Maumee river today

I asked for God's healing
Mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally;
As Indian style I sat and prayed

I looked up skyward
And saw the cumulus quietly sit;
I didst not careth for the ghost's in the wood's, watching all this

After I prayed, looking through the oak beam's of that porch
The light from the glowing sun danced the water;
Making figure's of Angel's reflecting holy silhouette Spark's

I went into a trance, as I dazed staring at these sight's
Tear's fell from mine face, as I felt Christ's mercy this night;
I don't deserve his grace, I thought to self, then I saweth mine help

I seeith thing's I needeth to change, a deeper insight
As love penetrated mine spirit, I felt Yahweh's strong invite;
As tis, the other image i hath seen, was mine savior, on the river


©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
This is a real story just happened a bit ago.. I've been sick lately and dealing with alot... So went down to a porch overlooking river behind mine apartments.. I prayed to God asked him for his comfort and peace, and renewing mineself to God... As I was staring at the water... I saw images .. As sometimes Christ/God can give you visions or images and you don't even realize it's happening... After tears were coming from mine eyes asking for Christ and his father gods help with health and all things... I stared at the water... As the sun was over the island across from the river that's below the porch.. And the sunlight hit the water perfectly.. And the waves made the light streaks from the sun on the water sway and move.. It looked like many angels you could see the wings of light and bodies.. And bodies swaying next to another back and forth with angels it looked like with wings... and far to the left... Looked more like a man.. Like Christ as his image on the water looked as if he was walking the way the river moved down stream giving me this image... Saw this right after I prayed... It was soo beautiful as I looked to the sky and said( is this your sign to me God)just staring at the lights that looked like angels, and the other figure that looked like Christ.. All made by the sun and river. Though do know God was showing me a little piece of himself and his angels... Saying he is here.. For me.. As I've had more than plenty of angels protect me I do know.. I do know I should be dead and I'm not... I thank God so much for that... Enjoy writing.. As I'm soo blessed for all gods brought to me good wonderful people on hellopoetry who actually help heal me.. And mine queen earl Jane nagley! I'm soo blessed...
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
Angels visit this place sometimes,
when occasional fog comes down
& cloaks them in their flight

there are gelaterias
& burger restaurants in town now
& the buses still run at midnight

but when all are gone, the angels gather
at the sleeping harbor
& gaze at the Clifton lights

watching over this pirate town
guarding somebody's broken heart
perhaps now, mine

re-reading rejected love letters
shaking their sublime wings
envydean Sep 2015
The angels are warriors
They’re seraphs and soldiers
They’re messengers and protectors
And they’ve existed for aeons.

They say they’ve existed
Since the dawn of time
Since there was just darkness
And no light

They say they’ve existed
Since there was no water
Since there was no land
Just Heaven and Hell

They say they’ve existed
For years upon years
For centuries upon centuries
For aeons
           upon aeons
                       upon aeons
                                         upon aeons…
For @aeoniancas on Tumblr :)
Daniel Gambill Sep 2015
The broken wings of angels,
They are so hard to see,
Especially when those angels are not seen by you or me.
From heaven they have fallen,
A blessing from above.
While giving up their home
God chose them out of love.
Their tongues silent in battle,
Quiet wars waged within.
Seeking out the lost and weary
To right their way again.
These angels never seeking
To be fixed to fly away.
Content to care for others,
On this earth they choose to stay.
But if their final breath be taken
When their time has come,
No mistake can be made;
On earth God’s work was done.
These broken winged angels take flight for one last time,
From the grave into heaven, where heaven’s bells will chime.
Although not comprehensible,
It is easy to see,
That God broke those angels’ wings
Just for you and me.
Scott Lipka Aug 2015
Angels fall from heaven
With ****** in their eyes
Swords drawn for blood
They won't be denied
They've come for vengeance
They've come out of pride
To take back what's theirs
What they've been denied

The demons rise up
Like the dead from their graves
The dying masses cry out
They cry out to be saved
Angry and smelling of hell
They come to protect
****** swords drawn
They demand your respect

It's a clash of the ages
As demons and angles war
The earth is the battleground
Here to settle a score
A brotherhood divided
Since the beginning of time
A difference of opinion
Over the divine

Those that were cast out
Those that were raised up
The fine line of obedience
Knowing when you've had enough
The war will go on forever
The end will never come
We are the pawns caught in the middle
And will be until kingdom come

We are the causalities
In a war over beliefs
We are the plunder
That the victors get to reap    
So close your eyes
Try to get some sleep
I doesn't matter what we believe
Our souls aren't ours to keep
Adobe and dust,
a place so quiet.
One grandfather
leaves rustling,
listens with us
for the next train.

Drought has dried
this land beyond
any living person's
Now, a cooling wind
gathers power.
The sky over the old
mountains darkens.

As the train pulls
out from the antique
station, a single fork
of lightning frames
itself in the small
rear window.

The silvered tracks
put distance
rapidly behind us.

Opening out now
before us, sunlight
on the High Desert.

We turn to see
starched white
cumulous clouds,
absent for months
float by, flat bottoms
casting healing shadows
over the parched land.

In Albuquerque, we
stop for new passengers.
It's days after the 4th of July;
families have been visiting.

Roasted green chilies,
their fragrance so earthy
are brought onboard.

A mother and her 
teenagers sit down
beside me. She smiles,
we talk. This brother
and sister are so good
to each other.

Dinner in the dining car
is an old-fashioned treat.
Big windows and white
cotton table cloths.

I find myself seated
family style, with a
father and son. Some
bicycle race has given
them rare time together.

As night comes on,
the conductor makes
a sleeping time call.
The lights are dimmed.

In the early hours,
walking aisle after
aisle and car to car
I see humanity
asleep in all its
quirky loveliness.

Tanned toddlers,
sprawled almost upside
down. Hair mussed up,
wearing bows meant
for grandparents.

Graying heads,
long accustomed to
leaning into one another,
rest peacefully.

One young man, a poet
with a crown of dreads
stands alone with his
thoughts, looking  
out at the stars.  

Jostled awake now,
I see the The Big Dipper
perfectly placed as a child
would draw it, twinkling
in my smudged window.

A haze of soft pink light
signals this new day.
All of us, coming home.

Human angels, each
here for one another.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
Nena Twedell Aug 2015
We stand at the edge of the parking lot
my child like hands wrapped tightly around your first ******* with your thumb resting on my hand
Like a promise that couldn't ever be broken
A promise that you would always wear a cape
So you could rescue me from all of my demons
But step by step
Your cape became tattered
your grip began to loosen
I keep trying to hold on tighter reaching for your other *******
that have never seemed so far away
until now
The promises you once held in the palm of you hands
freely  handing them out as if they were breathe mints
begin to lose power
The mint begins to fade just like the gum from a quarter machine looses its flavor just moments after touching your tongue
but I try to hold on to each one
hoping that someday the flavor will comeback
hoping that the thread in your cape will be sewn back together with miracles from angels above
I hang on tighter
Calling each night
just to remind you of how much I adore you
using all of the chewed up gum ***** to hold on to your fingers together
Repeating all of the promises in my mind
Screaming "Some day"
But your hair has begun to turn grey
and wrinkles have begun to crawl across your face
your hands begin to become fragile
but I refuse to let go
Empty promises stack on the shelf
like ***** dishes in the sink
as if reminders of what it used be like at the edge of the parking lot
When I held your first *******
your thumb resting on my hand
and you wore a cape
adelaide Aug 2015
the large wooden door to my throneroom is tossed aside with a bang, an army of demons storming inside. i observe their gathered number calmly. i could **** each and every demon taking part in this revolt with ease. the problem is, i have no fight left in me. i've relapsed into my addiction to human blood, and i have no strength to cut off the rebellion. i'm exhausted, and i keep hearing my own words from that fateful night in the church so many years ago, knowing they could never become reality,

we deserve to be loved
i deserve to be loved
i just want to be loved

so, when the demon army orders me to step down from my throne, i agree. even if they sentenced me to death, i probably wouldn't fight it. yet, the demons are too afraid to attempt execution. instead, they allow me to return to my old profession as a crossroads demon. my work as a crossroads demon was the only thing i've ever felt truly confident in. i loved the job, and I was the best in the business. after all, i am king of the crossroads.
Marissa Kohlman Aug 2015
I rest my head between bed and sky
As countless worlds tip-toe on by
And I try
Oh, I try
As I open my eyes
To keep your hand in mine.
Poem 2 in my "What Dreams May Come" challenge.  If you are interested in joining in on the fun, check my profile for the details!
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