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topacio Apr 2020
Going in
Can be hard
When you don’t know
If it’s
Or angels
That inhabit you
Regina Apr 2020
Myriads of
sleeping babies,
dreaming on
cumulus clouds,
smiling as
the tall angels
with iridescent wings
kiss their cheeks.
M Grant Teague Apr 2020
I cast you out!

It should be the other
The evil one can eat cake

You! O, being of purity and joy!
You bring hell and it’s greatest torture!

Take your wings, your master's wishes
And let me sleep.

I rage against the light!
Scream at the sun!

Take your protection, your assigned life
And let me fade.

For if I die before I wake
I pray my heart, my mind to take.

If you do the lords work
Then take the thought and leave the rest

Now I in weeping
See my hell
Brought by visions
Of heaven I forsook.
Nissim Apr 2020
I had unsuccessfully danced with the paradoxes of Reality,
Its feet were not in lockstep with mine.
And yet I sensed they were a lesser peak in the shadow of the mountain peak above all.
I went into the forest in a state of Chaotic confusion.
It was a cold day, my wispy breath wafted in front of me.
It was a sunny day, the sun's explosive light,
Through the trees bare and bright,
Exposed my body, my soul was nigh.
I walked into the forest as far as possible,
And then completed the journey on the half-way out.
I emerged at the precipice above a sea,
Its shoreline on the other side of a narrow and meandering road.
Across the waters were the North Shore mountains.
They were snowy and rugged and hoary.
The sea was a blue-green marble sparkling by the sun's strong light.
I sat at the precipice.
In front of me my feet dangled above a void,
And behind me the Autumn leaves were dying.
I reflected on Reality's paradoxes,
On what they are truly telling me.
I stripped them of all prejudices and banalities.
I pealed away their artifices and artifacts.
I aimed to see them with a Zen state of mind,
deconstructed and bare.
How to describe a state of Zen consciousness?
Imagine looking at a painting depicting a beautiful sunset.
This painting evokes powerful emotions in you.
Emotions of serenity and your soul's longing for communion with divinity.
You ARE Zen consciousness when,
upon pondering this evocative painting,
All you can see is a coat of paint.
Zen deconstructs reality and returns you to the white-eyed womb of Creation.
Imagine descending the branches of a tall and sprawling tree,
From child to parent branch,
And then repeated like nested mirrors,
Until you reach the trunk.
You are now communing with the Source.
When you descend the Tree of Existence it is for the void,
The nothingness, the ineffable truth at the core of Existence,
That you are yearning.
And when I fell into the Zen within me I saw a grand tree.
But the world of space and time,
The implicate order imprinted by the paradoxical,
Was only one branch and not its totality.
On each branch I saw a myriad of wrestling angels - the denizens of its dream.
They perceived only the completeness of their own branch,
But not of the totality.
And then a denizen of a branch's dream soared high above the tree,
And saw its entirety.
How naive he was to think its home branch was the whole tree.
How myopic to only aspire to wrestle its home branch,
Instead of yearning to dance with the entire tree.
To this wrestler it slowly dawned, freed from prejudices and tethers,
First a release of tension due to paradox resolution and then,
like a shadow illuminated by the light,
The paradox lost its fight.
And then I snapped out of my reverie.
I witnessed a sunset with a beauty transcending sight's domain,
And which can only be parsed as the soul dancing with divinity,
Reverberating within its innermost grasp - Creation's womb.
The sky splintered into crimson shards that pierced the wispy clouds,
And then the sun's turgid red ball hung low for an Eternity,
Above the sea's furthest edge,
And then sank into the void beyond horizon's ledge.
Demi Apr 2020
There you are my Aphrodite.
Carefully carved caryatid,
the weight over your head

flew away.
Your lightness looks like feathers,
the tiny fluffy white ones.

We glance at each other knowingly.
Turn around. My face: angel falls.
The angel ascended.
Myka Apr 2020
I've written and read
poems about the stars
and how they were
so fascinating,
and ultimately,

I've heard stories
about angels and saints;
Their goodness,
nobility and purity,
serving as epitomes
of what Man could
and should be.

But the saints,
they were once sinners
and there are angels
who fell from grace.
Stars that turned
into black holes,
nothing is safe.

Falling is inevitable,
even for the untouchable,
and what we believe to be
unreal and ethereal.
She said, "Not even the stars are safe in the sky."
King Arthur Apr 2020
Oh, you poor thing
Only a mess of tears and feathers now
Your innocent halo, cracked and broken
Your newly-found wings, singed to a coal black
How did it feel to be discarded?
Cast out of the only home you knew
Having to fall so far down, so far below
Into a place where no one knows your name
Only a shapeless form on the sidewalk now
And for what, because you changed?
Because they didn’t like this new you,
Even though, from birth, this has always been you?
They just never saw it, refused to see it
Covered their eyes and prayed some more for you
Did it hurt the way they shouted fire?
Holding onto old traditions and ideals
And trying to convince you this was wrong,
That you were wrong?
Did it hurt the way they scarred your body?
They way they refused to listen,
Condemning you without a trial?
Without a voice?
Well, many of us have felt the same
Your not alone in that
But sooner or later you’ll have to rise,
Up from the ashes, dusting them away
So pick up your discarded, broken halo
Stick the ends into your bleeding head
Wear it like a crown, with pride, with bravery
Shed your feathers, reveal what’s underneath
And when you walk into that darkness, you’ll see
Just how not alone you are
She did not like coffee in the morning
She did not like to eat at lunch
Resistance at dinner
You know the heart of a sinner
She loves the sound of sweet death
Her heart beats slower within her chest
Her treasure is buried deep
The mountain she made appears so steep
The stairway to the deep
The hill provided a step
A rope to climb her way out
A handle to lift her up
And a band to hold her clear
Death to America was their cheer
Drunken driving unable to steer
What did they fear
With heaven so near?
A love to them became so queer
Unnatural in ways became their path
Pointing fingers at the other one's way
They do not listen to what the Angels say
Life and death do divide
But a blackened heart never can hide
The day had come to pick a side.
The great divide
hecate Apr 2020
if what they say is true
then ill be the man at the end of the gate
not the all powerful one
just the one for the feared
i'll wear the crown
because i want to
but forgive me for saying
i'd rather burn this sphere
and everything that i've got
before i ever enter that horrid place
i'm afraid of angels
they're not natural
they're contorted
i'm afraid of angels
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