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Secret-Author Aug 2016
I became an aviator to explore all I wanted to see,
to feel the sun upon my skin and wander strong and free.
And learn about this life so far the things I already knew,
be brave enough to trapeze this world and see the oceans blue.
Eyes cloaked and squinting under all the sunshine's might,
a sense of dazzling clarity from both senses and the light.
Hello new dawn hello new day and hello to new me,
tethered oh so heavily when I used to be at sea.
Long may this greatness stay with every moment passing through,
and blown away the fog will be that blurs life's glistening hue.
Dreaming that the sun will never settle into night,
or that my wings will fail me now or cause me to alight.
  Aug 2016 Secret-Author
Olga Valerevna
I want to die together when the time has come in due
for I have come to notice every piece of me in you
we've always been a team and fought the battles as they came
we've weathered every storm and washed our sorrows in the rain
you let me be your future and I let you shed your past
we dignified each other, may these glories breathe their last
the more I am suspended all the more I am assured
this life is something sacred when I understand rebirth
I may have been your child once but grew to be your friend
and in my latter years I made a choice: until the end
three inches never mattered, I could never let you go
my faith is like your name, together we are going home
Vera Anatolivna Palashnyuk
  Aug 2016 Secret-Author
Olga Valerevna
Put those angry words away
hate adds nothing to a day
Secret-Author Aug 2016

The thoughts in my head
                            And the tingle of my skin
                                                     Do not belong to you


My feet do not follow
                            The commands of your voice
                                                       Or the desires you express to me


The words that leave your mouth
                                    Do not belong to me
                                                      Only I belong to me


I do not mean that
              No matter how much you tell me
                                    That you know what I mean


In a world that tells me
                             That I am wrong
                                              I will not stop telling myself
                                                          ­               *Just how right I am.
Secret-Author Aug 2016
I love you as certain dark
things are to be loved,
In secret, between the
shadow and the soul.

                                                - Pablo Neruda
Secret-Author Aug 2016
Do you ever feel overcome?

A work of art made of a million layered stencils
Where nothing makes sense until the last dot dries

Nothing, no one,
                               abstract, confusion,
                                                      ­             dot dot dot,
                                                                ­                        and then,

there it is.
                       THE MASTERPIECE.

A violent bruise of emotion that is so
                                                              ­      S T R O N G

You see colours.
                            Light peels across your eyes

Fazed. Dazed.

Feeling everything at once
                                             you take nothing in

Numb to everything
                except -
                        your heartbeat

We are so perfectly broken -
                                        that it
           ­                                        almost

                                                        looks like we are complete.

And we are.
I am.

In so many way.
                       So. Many. Ways.

It's just,
            I mainlyyy

                                         Don't feel

And I spend most of my time,

                                  Left wondering,

Is it just me?
Secret-Author May 2016
Do you ever feel confused?

I see a million different
            r      r      r      r      r      r      r­      r      r      r      r
            o     o      o     o     o      o     o     o      o     o      o
            a     a      a      a     a      a      a     a      a     a      a
            d    d      d     d     d      d     d     d      d     d     d
            s     s       s      s      s      s      s      s      s      s      s        ­in front of me.

Yet I hesitate to move.

All are entirely d i f f e r e n t,
                                                       yet distinctly the same.

I can make out face
                                     f a c e
                                                 f a c e s
                                                             ­           in the distance.

But they merge together
                                            into every possibility.

They are:
warm.     cold.      livid.       smiling.      
                                                  ­           mine.     yours.   ours.

All  S M I L E at me.
Some show their teeth.

They are:
there.      here.    nowhere.       everywhere.        
                                           ­                                   past.    present.      future.

All  H I S S  at me.
Some have no tongues.

They are?
living.     dead.    or somewhere in-between.

Where your prejudice is my pain -

                          The grey reflected so brightly
                                        from your black and w h i t e  eyes.

In a space where your victories make me warm,

                           Or when your pain is bursting
                                         through my own heart,

Only then will we truly understand what road we should take.

For we are all one.
                          We are all the light

                                                   all the dark

                                                           ­     and every road.
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