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sitting across from you in this quiet library
while we do homework,
i look at you and wonder-
how did i get so lucky to be loved by you?
6 months ago you asked me out.
6 months of pure happiness and love,
6 months of never once questioning if you do love me,
only knowing that you do.
and now, we look forward to the rest of our lives,
loving someone has never been easier,
it's like second nature,
as simple and innate as breathing.
your fluffy brown curls,
stunning hazel eyes,
and adorable silver and navy glasses;
unparalleled intelligence,
kindness, goofiness, dorkiness,
lovability- my golden retriever boy.
you always take care of me,
especially when my adhd and anxiety get bad,
and i always take care of you,
especially when you're tired and dehydrated.
i love you
Grace Jordan Oct 2015
I know this doesn't get me any promises of forgiveness, and I know how much things have been a mess lately and I refused to deal with it. But there are things I should have said instead of counter-arguing and berating you.

I've forgotten to tell you how I've been so excited to learn coding because I like to think it gets me a little closer to you, maybe even lets me understand you a bit more.

I've forgotten to tell you how though I have trouble sleeping having you beside me really comforts me, and though its beyond creepy I'll look at you to feel better.

I've forgotten to tell you how I love going to the movies with you, and hearing you get excited and involved in the story, and its like you forget all your school troubles for awhile, something I seem to have forgotten to do.

I've forgotten to tell you how I'm stupidly afraid to ask you to do things, like kiss you til we're dizzy, giggle til our cheeks hurt, or have really good *** (thought about that a lot today, but I was too much of a ******* to say something).

I've forgotten to tell you that you light up my day, and though I'm a moody ******* even just being around you helps. I know I don't act like it, but it does, so I need to get some ***** and just ask you on a date like a middle schooler and get that out of the way.

I've forgotten to tell you how I started a new novel, and that my mood diary has been going up lately in moods. That I was really hoping that at least my time with you next week won't be so bad.

I've forgotten to tell you that I want us to play mass effect, even if it means I'll swoon over Garrus half the time. I promise all my kisses are reserved by you.

I've forgotten to tell you how worried I've been for you, about your friends being more distant. I've been trying to just let you do whatever, at my own expense. Alone time is great (especially for these poems and homework and figuring out that new novel) but I should have been more open about it. Communication is key, especially for us, and I should have been more open about things.

I've forgotten to tell you how afraid I've been of being lost without you after next fall, but I just need to get my ***** in place and enjoy my time with you. Its silly to ruin time you have for some separation in the future.

I've forgotten to tell you that you look so **** sometimes, but I don't want to bother you because I know school worries you. And I know that goes with the bad communication stuff again, and I need to get my **** together, because I know you wouldn't mind a **** time or two.

I've forgotten to tell you that I really love horror movies, especially bad ones, and I really love Photoshop, and I really love tech at the moment, and I really love Diablo 3, and I really love spending time with you and yes I agree alone time is good and I shouldn't get angsty at bad times and make you think I never want you alone. I need to get my afraid bar to cool its rollers.(PS that's my new favorite phrase) You are my favorite person and I should and want to tell you everything. I need to get this together.

I've forgotten to tell you I've been trying to lose weight again, less because I hate myself and more because I want to look hotter for you, and have been eating less sweets and less food in general.

I've forgotten to tell you I want to learn to make paper cranes and watch gargoyles and be more in-tune with you. I'll watch Super Troopers, I'll even watch Master in Disguise, if you truly want to. I can't just say no to everything you want to do together. Why? Because if I always say no to together things, you'll start always doing them alone.

I've forgotten to tell you that your scruff is adorable and its kinda hot you're a little taller and your hair is beautiful. That I love goofiness and tickles and nose kisses and **** grabs and making you smile. I know I've messed things up but I want to all I can in my power to get it together, because you are special. You once told me you were like a shooting star and hard to catch and I rolled my eyes, but you are. I love you and have never met someone like you before.

I've forgotten to share my stories and my life and all the things that made you love me and even me love me, and I'm going to fix that. I will not sit by and let you forget me.

One last thing.

I've forgotten to tell you I love you oodles, and that will never change.
Mercurychyld Nov 2015
I feel lonely
when you sleep.

I find myself walking
and pacing,
plagued by thoughts
and worries and
feelings of doom.

Wired yet empty,
as if some part of me
is missing or
ripped away.

Where did it go?
When will it be back?

Displaced, I am
obliged to search within
the trunk of memories
in my mind
and pick out a few
memories of you,
of us,
dust them off
and play them like
snippets of favorite

and for a little while
I can ignore the flood
of tearful melancholia
that creeps and stalks,
just waiting to drown me.

For a little while
I can think of you,
our silly laughs and giggles
and mutual goofiness…

and for that little while
I can smile.

(Ode to my beautiful sons)

-by Mercurychyld
Copyright 23 Nov 15
Grace Jordan Jul 2015
Being who I am I get obsessive. I get paranoid. I get utterly, shamefully, afraid. I lie. I lie a lot, even when I don't mean to or even when I don't realize it. The moods are like different people taking the reins, and they hardly acknowledge one another's actions. Happiness can do  thousand wonderful things that sadness will never remember. Mania will think a thousand thoughts stability can never fathom even pondering.

But I guess I'm getting off track. This isn't a movie about my head. Its a tale about my drugs, my loves, and my heart.

Its funny, trading drugs that stop you from suicide to drugs that stop your body from doing just that, but this time without your permission. At least let me say its ok before self-destructing, systems. Have some common decency before sinking the ship.

Even funnier, though, is now that my lungs stopped trying to **** me, my head totally decided it was time to take that title back for itself. Funniest has to be, though, is that my worst drugs aren't even the ones I pump into my bloodstream.

With the mood meds, I also stopped taking creativity and honesty and responsibility and ambition. Goodness has it been a messy den of deception I've been nesting in for the past month. This is the first time I've really written clearly what I've been thinking since I thought I was dying. Oh, sure, there was the one time I stopped breathing, but if I wasn't breathing I obviously thought I was still dying.

I guess its really today when I take a step outside my own vanity project and look at the mess I've made. I've done nothing, been nothing, but utter horror since I got out of that hospital. I've been a terrible girlfriend, student, daughter, and friend this entire time. I shut myself away, only exposing myself to those who I had to as to not raise suspicion. Hell, I've basically acted like a class act villain, hiding away in my lair plotting and thinking while ultimately accomplishing nothing. That's what villains do, right? Lonely, misunderstood, ultimately alone people who do not see the light the way the rest of society does ultimately never win, don't they?

I was someone, months ago. I had dreams, I had friends, I had a life. Now all I have is the shadows of my family and a boyfriend who I have done nothing to deserve this past month. But I guess the darkness has gobbled me up like a yummy cake and left me an ugly, unlikable crumb of my former self.

Time to **** it the **** up. Everything hurts, everything's broken, everything;s wrong. I don't have my drugs. I don't have the endless love I once had in my heart. I'm not the girl who once spent every day with her friends, called her mom three times a week, always excelled in class, and cried when she had to let it go.

Be honest with yourself, Grace. The true thing that's killing you is that you are empty. You do not care. You worry about your lies for the self-preservation tactic of not getting caught being the bad guy, but you are. You don't know if its a mental coping mechanism to deal with the torrential emotions or a survival tactic or for the sick selfishness of not wanting to feel anymore. You feign it, affection and love, but you can only muster it out in goofiness and weak "I love you"s.

Go back to your drugs, little girl. You're only strong with a security blanket. Otherwise you're a bitter ***** with a talent for lying. Get your mood stabilizers and your expressions and your friends and your hope back. Cynicism cannot keep them from you forever, unless it truly wants to **** you.

But that would ruin the lies of how fine you are, wouldn't it?

Make it ok, make your heart ok, and finally then it will be ok to lie just a little bit, maybe just to protect yourself from realizing this heartlessness, this period of nothing, was actually real. Go back to Wonderland, Grace. It missed you.

Maybe just as much as you missed it.
James Rives Jul 2023
her words snap me back to reality,
away from supposition and hypotheticals,
into her arms where I feel safe.

blue eyes that pierce whatever darkness
i thought i had and lied to myself about,
eyes that see me for a who I am and who I want to be.

imagine walking down a darkened path,
content in the streetlights that guided
you home, and spotting something small
and kind. whatever it is you imagine,
it beckons you to hold it and when you do,
you smile, truly and impulsively.

that essence is a woman, and one i admire.
someone beatiful, kind, and funny,
including her incessant snoring on
already sleepless nights because a cat is begging for food but you feeling comfort
in their REM cycle. too little space
to be your own, but enough heart to bridge the gap.

imagine, then, that someone places
your hand on their lap when you drive,
but are equally willing to do the same,
in what feels like an equivalent exchange
of heart and sheer goofiness.

and tell yourself it doesn't feel right
that you were able to find home in them,
effortlessly and happily. you won't
and can't, and neither can i.

words can't express that she has been
friend, confidant, and a visual marvel,
and someone i envision as a pillar
of my bright existence.
OnwardFlame Dec 2014
Beer stein in your hand,
Filled with coffee to the brim
Slumber so little,
We seem to slumber so little
Darkly lit room
Romance that surprises me

You've got that typical Yards IPA in your hand
So willing to share
I've never met a more generous man.
Its me that walks towards you in the romantic bar
Its me.
Its me that you turn to see
Your face lighting up, how could I forget.
So willing to share, I could get use to this--
You say--your life becoming poetic words
Embodied through vines and whimsical turns

A man with a guitar at the airport sitting next to me
Keeps looking at me
As if he knows something
Maybe its my red eyes or ***** hair
But I wish I could ***** out
How wonderful you are.

Maybe its too soon
Maybe its too quick
And its certainly difficult
When I have love from another breathing down my neck
And I'll be honest, it makes me feel like a ****.
But why fight
Feeling the most wild, on a full moon
God, I use to be so addicted to romantic plight.

Its not fair.
Because I can't just use my words
They don't seem to be enough.
But if I could paint you a portrait
Using only my body
Feeling your magnetic full touch
My skin would shine like diamonds on fire

I am almost wondering
If my words are worth discarding
Honesty and goofiness have taken over my soul
Who knows if expiration dates have come into play
But I don't remember the last time
Someone really saw me.
The way you do.
You generous, mythical man.

Lets go out, lets dance in the crowd
Hair whipping around like a fiery phoenix
Who needs sleep and food?
Escalus  Oct 2012
My perspective
Escalus Oct 2012
You’re right,
All of this is illogical.
I don’t see how any of the came about either,
No one would have expected this.

I met you at the beginning of this year,
We were at rehearsal,
Something about you drew me forth,
By the end of the night we were friends

I got your number and we began texting,
You constantly caused a smile on my face
By the end of this month I knew something was there
But I ignored those feelings

After the play was over…
We talked less
I decided I would take a breath
And try to sort my feelings out

As the end of the school year crept upon on us
I began to see you more
We began talking again
And there came the feelings again

I finally decided that I was smitten
And just accepted that I wanted to be with you
But I told myself not to try for it
That it could ruin the friendship we have

We texted through the summer
I began to hint that I liked you
In an indirect way
I never noticed you had caught on

Finally you got me to reveal my feelings
And everything was great
Soon after we began having late night talks
They ended once the school year came

After you and him had broken up
I knew I had a chance
I had a civil war whether or not to take it
But I knew you didn’t want a relationship

As school began I was dragging
Until I noticed I had lunch with you
And even a class
Your presence overwhelmed me

I still have feelings for you
I hide them everyday
The pauses and neverminds
Those are my hesitations of my feelings

The genuine smiles
The goofiness
The rare giggle
That is a side you bring out

The what ifs
The hows
That is what fills my brain
Waiting for your reply to this
Ironatmosphere Nov 2014
I have never spoken to you
I don’t know your dreams
I don’t know your family
I don’t even know your name
But I can tell by just looking at you
That you are meant for me
It’s the way you move
And the way you smile
And how the bell on your bike
Illustrates your goofiness
And uniqueness
And I know this is silly and shallow
But I have fallen for the way you shine
And as I watch you I can’t help
But see our whole love story
Nikola Mills  Sep 2015
Your Skin
Nikola Mills Sep 2015
I will never touch your magnificent skin

And I will never adore the scars
The scars adorning your forehead
The wounds from your childhood

I will never laugh at your goofiness
The way you fell and bruise your skin
And I will never kiss the pain away

And I will forever miss the scent
The scent of your skin after shower
Being envy of the droplets
Making their way across your collarbone

I miss the freckles
shining through the pale skin
I miss the palm lines
I used to read stories from

And there is not a day
when I don't miss every part of you.

— The End —