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Grace Haak Mar 2021
To start your mornings with
blood on your hands
smearing across pages
and inspiring
And you must know
if you were to slice open
my veins would also
spill black fountain ink
If you were to sever my tongue
my hands would speak
for me
Go ahead and gouge my eyes
I can still see
And when I die I desire
to be cut as a cadaver
All the words visible
under paper-white skin
so they will know, too.
I do not aspire to be a skeleton
with brittle bones
I want blood
to pour with every pinprick
of a pilot pen pressed
on a page
But blood makes people squirm
Blood makes people gag
so I intend to
leave this world
with a crime scene behind me.
Let them shake and shudder
for they know not
the life they’ve lost
They live in fear of papercuts
and I carve myself open
again and again
And I will continue to
until I bleed out
and my ink dries up
If it sounds violent it’s
because it has to be
The world could use a
few more bloodstains
Makes it more uncomfortable
Makes it more interesting.
Judson Shastri Jul 2012
Sometimes they spring up full-blown and disappear as quickly as they came,
phantom slivers of churning mind-scape.
I missed the mist but it found me anyway in the plain regret of mature introspection.
Astigmatisms of bygone days are twenty-twenty today.
But no mind, there's no self-incrimination.
The organic twist of living being, evolving gets made.
And we cannot twist around, and reach into the back-seat to change the past and make the road ahead engineer well.
It's best to live and let decision birth itself into this passing moment fabric-ed as life itself.
By my beloved father, Prem K. Shastri...
One heck of a genius.
A Psalmist Jul 2016
Death doesn't discriminate
It doesn't see black or blue
But it sure as hell leaves a bruise.
Its punches and beatings repeating
On the news each evening
Until we're left bleeding,
Crying and pleading
For this to stop
Because this "news" is starting to get old.
Death is never satisfied;
It whispers its lies
That It is the answer to all your problems,
That your thirst for vengeance will subside
If you claim just one victim.
And when the blood is poured out
And as death sips its red ***,
We are left awake in its wake
With a ticker-tape parade
Because of one vigilante's charades
of marching to the beat of his own drum.
But let us at least take note of that
before we vilify an entire people group
And start acting brash based on looks
whether it's skin color or uniform.
Death shows no discrimination, so neither should life
My life or your life; our lives are the life blood of this nation
So let's **** out discrimination
lest we bleed out from prejudiced incrimination.
Stephen E Yocum Sep 2013
Man, woman, fear, touch, kiss, scent, taste, magical embrace, *******,
exaltation, celebration, emotional intoxication, tenderness, cuddling.  .  .

Fear, doubt, expectation, incrimination, inebriation, allegations, regret,
concerns of damnation, impregnation, incarceration, restraining order. . .

Reconciliation, fear, Man, Woman, touch, kiss, scent, taste, embrace . . .
And you know the rest
And somewhere in all that, if your lucky is a little thing called LOVE.
Finding, getting and keeping it, well that is up to the fates and you.
Arcassin B Jan 2015
By Arcassin , Mayas , Wolf , patty m and creep

AB: Baby I know this mite sound crazy, A remix is just what you can't see, Baby,

Mayas: My love,
You drive me crazy,
I think of you daily,
My love, My love,
Touching me so kindly,
My insides go tingly,
My love, My love,
Seeing you rarely,
Missing you I wait patiently,
My love, My love,
How you kiss with ease,
I want you more 'oh please',
My love, My love,
If only I could be,
The one to hold the key,
My love, My love,
Not letting me in is misery,
I wish to love your mystery,
My love, My love,
Let our love be,
Let yourself love me,
Stay with me, My love.

WSQF: honey, honey
i ain't bein funny
honey , honey, 
we don't need too much money
honey, honey
your my centerfold bunny
honey, honey
you make my skies sunny
honey, sweet honey
you're the onliest oney in my soul,
i adore you honey,

Patty : All is devastation, incrimination,
why the f--k do we fight, happens every night, even when
we make up you whimper like a whipped pup, whine whine, 
a warning sign of some other lover, Out late, another date
U go undercover, 
Cold heart, ripped apart, 
tries to make a brand new start, 
You're taking it to your boys ,making lotsa noise now,
I come 2 grips with your lies,
in the event of my demise,

I wish u knew how much i cared,

testament of what we shared.

Off track, never coming back, my pain, your gain
never letting me explain,

i love your kisses, your body bootilicious

men make mistakes, so do what it takes
punch a wall, stand up tall, you don't wanna
be no loser at all. How will i know if
my missions achieved, when u come 2
conclusions before the question's conceived?
Before I was blinded, now I am reminded
out of place out of time, my reputation on the line
A voice inside, my spirit guide, leaves no speculation. 
I look wise in review, fake fairy tales do come true, when manipulated 
askew, by people like U.

bleeding heart torn apart, needs a lightning strike 

a doctor friend of mine, his name is Frankenstein 

No babies, this lady, wants romance, to dance 

and be charmed by a storm out of the blue

not to be tied down and misconstrued. 

CTLY : Baby,
You are my one and only,
Without you, things are way too lonely,
You're the only one I can seem to think about,
I just hope I don't creep you out ;)
My love for you is limitless and stretches past the galaxies,
So let's just skip all the formalities,
When you message me,
It's all I can do to not to kiss thee,
There are no words to describe what you are to me,
'Cause you're more than perfect,
Kissing you,
Loving you,
If you're James Dean,
Then I'm Audrey Hepburn,
You are my miracle,
I love you,

AB : Baby,
I need you to be with me,
I know you think I'm acting shady,
Baby, Baby,
I need a sense of empathy
Put yourself in the place of me,
I need someone like you to save me,
Baby, Baby.
The Greatest Collaboration To kick off the year
A place newly freed from the grips of its mother
Struggles with the rules that keep the mezzanine from
Crashing down.

1) The official and ever-wanted right to speak one's mind
In a way only they can do. Religion, politics,
Every matter ever opinionated.

2) If a man entered your home and threatened
Every loved one that lived there, would you want to be helpless?
Defenseless? Or would you **** or maim to protect
Your family? A gun, a knife, and the right to do so?

3) Many people would be honored to house a soldier.
Simple as that, but what if they didnt?
Money is tight, there is no room? And they are sick of giving up
Their own beds and food for a soldier fighting for
Something they do not agree with?
Preventative measures are needed.

4) Nothing to hide, but constantly searched.
Is privacy really that unimportant?
No; it is important.

5) A crime, a trial; it should be obvious.
The same crime twice? Impossible.
Self incrimination? Non existent.

6) The right to know what you've been accused of,
To have a quick trial with an attorney and witnesses at your defense.
Imagine having no clue, and suddenly having a gun to your head?

7) A crime done by you or another,
And a jury to help the decision, but not step in the
Judge's place. Simple discussions of which laws applied and not
No longer took place.
Sed lex, dura lex.

8) The banishment of cruel and unusual punishment,
Outrageous fees payed for bail, pain inflicted in strange ways.
The morality of punishment made into law.

9) A common arrangement that an individuals rights,
Not written in the constitution, are secure and valid.
Yet, for some odd reason, it had to be added to prevent
Violation of these rights.

10) Finally, the abilities of each individual state
To decide and enforce for its own people.
The individuality each separate place craves and
Wants as a child wants his own decisions to be made.
Jack Turner Jun 2010
How do you tell a 19 year old boy that he is in Love?
More importantly, how does he tell himself?
At this point in life, that admonition is more life self-incrimination,
Than the natural steps for a smitten heart.

For so long the lone wold has roamed the range,
And now that one has been found that feels the same,
The instinct to go run and hide away
Must be corralled and eliminated from the brain,
With proper manners, class, and tact instilled in its place.

Though he feels so strongly, and always sees her face,
And with thoughts of her never far from reach
- Hovering on the edge of consciousness for easy access -
The ripping sound is his being being torn apart, heart and mind at odds with each other.
This self-perpetuating war in those maturing from boys into men,
These internal struggles time and again testing their carriers' mental fortitude.

Eventually will he just give up?
Or does he tend to fold and give in to the strain?
Could he possibly soldier on, keeping shredded thoughts to himself?
I sure would like to get a hint if you know,
T'would save me a lot of trouble, time, pain, and sorrow.
Ady  Jul 2014
Can't you see?
Ady Jul 2014
Summer once more,
you dote on him and make excuses on his favour.
Saying “not guilty” when we, the judges, know
how criminally wrong.

Need some time, he argues,
as I, your friend, sigh against the obvious.
But you can't see because he curses you the culprit
while playing victim.

We both know, your eyes tell me,
through the manipulation and the love that's more like “***”
that blinds you, that binds you
he twists you once more around his finger until he gets bored
and moves onto another.

Can't you see?
The boundaries between *** and making love?

Stop begging for scraps of attention, can't you see?
Love is not constant incrimination.
Sadly this is the continuation of my poem "A summer heartache" which I wrote for a friend who is going through a horrible, manipulative relationship.
For now all I can do is be with her. If you happen to be in such terms please open your eyes because you are worth so much and deserve to be treated like so.
Sjr1000 May 2014
I'm a dead man walking
dead man talking
dead man running to his grave.
I would have stayed if I wasn't so afraid
adding and subtracting
all the mistakes I have made.

I never could have stayed
it never would have worked  out that way.
In the end was that last smile
and saying,
"I'll see you down the road after a while."

I'm a dead man walking
a dead man talking
a dead man running towards my grave.

My crimes
they have been small
mostly involving
self harm
The self-inflicted wounds
are stings that last the longest time.

I'm a dead man walking
a dead man laughing
a dead man running towards my grave.

I have always tried my best
to be as loving as I can
little acts of kindness
now and then
Even have submerged myself
in others
talking their pain

I'm a dead man walking
a dead man falling
a dead man running to my grave.

Many small crimes
many petty misdeameanors
never meant to hurt you
only wanted to touch you
but all these judgments
all this self-incrimination
can't be undone

Too many
justifications, rationalizations,
too many words to say
too much water? the bridge has washed away
I don't think I could ever explain

Even for a dead man running
let's just say
"one touch on the hand
I'll be on my way."
Francie Lynch Nov 2017
The glitter is blinding.
New stars start shining.
Then memories recalled
Five million to start.
Not that alone.
You're getting your picture
On the cover of
*The Rolling Stone?
What a mess!
Anthony Perry Jul 2017
My poetry is open and bare on the examination table
While my brain falls into place in the exsanguination cradle
Pieces fit together like a monster from the old world fables
Set up to disassociate the Cains from the Ables

We're all meant to die
There's no harm in asking why
Self harm, drugs left in the arms, premeditation, self incrimination
It won't matter when we're stitched up in a Y

Theres hidden meanings in every line
A chance to put aside all the woes and keep feelings burning inside
When things are on the decline
I can write down facts and theories
Like self investigation as to why I'm feeling weary
No Overbearing intoxication here just a rough cut heart of ice melting due to overheating and slipping liquidation

— The End —