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Mar 2 · 907
Some people aren't open to talks
others don't even entertain jokes,
because their daily moments are
a chaos, of sadness, pain, of anger,
of rising from varying rejections.

We.....are the heroes,
or the villains...or the sacrificed, glorious times,
struggles, described in verses;
we know...for we are those writers,
our poems are colored with our lives.

We create our own rhythms, from
calm or tempestuous days and nights,
we hear ourselves
in gentle or loud voices
we hide...among our limited choices,
we turn numb
we become blind, due to despair,
yet, with a little love,
we get by, time,
our poems become our lifetime hymns,
bringing us back to those days,
how we tried, and
learned our lessons.

sally b

Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
March 2, 2025
Jan 12 · 1.1k
Different Worlds
Sally A Bayan Jan 12
East...and west, are we?
north, and south?.....maybe...
we were nurtured with love,
our eyes and our minds opened
to different isms that helped shape our
values...we were brought up, bearing our
folks' customs, traditions. principles...
we have different faiths...some practice...some
don't...some, don't even subscribe, yet, survive.

we have dry and monsoon
other parts, pleasant weather, cold winds,
and in some parts, snow.....turning to ice

we are  a mix of white skin, seeking for a tan,
and brown-skin, hiding from the sun;
one's night, is the other's day,
there are surfers among us, playing with the waves,
there at the cusp...gambling...daring fate...
there are those who hide from silent freezing winters,
finding warmth and comfort in long hot summers...

countless points of comparison,  
yet, we've something beautiful in common,
a connection of feelings, of words...our poetry,
flowing like blood, through our veins...endlessly
feeding, fueling our hearts and minds, with classy,
themes....sometimes bold, mushy, or....sassy...
no set skeds...we do it even through adversity...

we write......

we tell about our escape from life's banalities,
mindscapes, landscapes immersed in frivolities

yet, we await the marvels of each  morning we wake,
remembering gratitude, in every breath we take...

years have passed us by,
still, plays this soft music that mollifies
and inspires......heard only by you and i
prodding us, through hours, of day or night

while you exist in your own part of the world,
as i, in my hot, humid cosmos, long for cold.


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    May, 19, 2019
(a love poem, edited...for all Hello Poetry writers)
(a repost from May 2019)
Dec 2024 · 101
Sally A Bayan Dec 2024

The cold temperature keeps me wrapped,
and yet...purposes must not be forgot,
this time, chores keep arising, yet
prioritized plans have to come first.

A dark brownish pool in a deep pan, waits,
a mix of soy sauce and squeezed lemon,
generously sprinkled with ground pepper
invades the nostrils........soon,

Small slices of meat would be like
creatures drowning within...left a while,
to absorb color and flavor...a raw, fragrant
marinade wherein secrets are created.

A newly honed knife rules the scene, and
cruelly cuts potatoes, bell peppers and crushes and slices the garlic,
the onions, and the tomatoes....shortly,

The music begins: garlic, onions, tomatoes
make a noise of protest as they hit hot oil
in a hot steel ***...yet, hand carefully leads
the spoon while sautéing these aromatics.

Marinated meat is added, and it becomes meat's color changes, marinade
is poured over the meat; bay leaves, oregano,
and some cracked peppercorns are dropped;

Ahh...the aroma spreads  as the sauce boils,
time to pour in a cup of Italian tomato sauce;
a lovely sight when mixture starts to simmer!
while mixing the sauce, one becomes hungrier.

In fifteen minutes, carrots, potatoes, and bell
peppers would add color to the mixture,
some washed raisins for a sweeter taste.
what a fragrant blend of ingredients !

Finally,  small slices of pork or beef liver are
added...sauce bubbles as it boils...heat is
turned off, liver gets tougher when cooked longer;
finally, a gentle dash of oregano and chili flakes.

Voila! Menudo is done, with
pork barbecue fresh from
the grill......welcome
to a simple Christmas lunch!

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
December 25, 2024
#simple #lunch #menudo #Christmas #sallyb
Oct 2024 · 587
Unspoken Narratives
Sally A Bayan Oct 2024
Unspoken Narratives

<  >..........<  >..........<  >

A late glum afternoon takes place;
two stilled shadows occupy space,
seated on warmth-less corners,
sipping cold, stale alters
not, a pricking, awkward quietness,
both alternate, share flitting glances.

Timid, uncertain thoughts
enslave, and sway to and fro,
none wants to be uttered
they block the throats,
trapped...nowhere to go.
into lumps, they've turned.

Two restless shadows inhale
and take time to exhale
unspoken narratives are set free,
all spewed in one long, deep sigh.
a love that's gone awry,
meanders...and takes flight,
suddenly, their verses they can't write
why can't they do things right?
They're couplets, no longer spliced
no cadence left, just estranged rhymes
hesitating...dangling on in their minds.
A soured silence lingers,
bearing a scene in faded watercolors
their spirits, so shaded with pallor.


sally b

Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
September 11, 2019
(^o^ a silly love poem ^o^)
Sep 2024 · 665
Sally A Bayan Sep 2024

There's need for a break
days have been so chaotic

see, the door is ajar,
like a chance, given this hour

a way breathe fresh
time to expel the toxic mess

meeting the air out the door
looking upwards, with pains to pour

welcomed by the splendifirous sky,
to its open-armed clouds i want to fly

and on the clear blue firmament
God, i must capture this moment

ton visage lointain*...smiles at me
i'm eased, unburdened suddenly.

sally b

Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
September 27, 2024
*("ton visage lointain"---your distant face)
Aug 2024 · 375
Here On Earth
Sally A Bayan Aug 2024
Most of us grew up believing
that after death is when one  
gets to face heaven or hell;
but, as the earth gets older,
people's eyes and minds
change with the times, turning
deeper, coming up with various
analyses and conclusions.

Some fight for what they think,
that there already exists
heaven and hell here on earth.
to experience any of the two,
we......don't have to die.

While here on earth, we see
and live...we experience
the good and the bad, and
whatever is in between; we
breathe a mix of fresh and
stale air...survive countless
hardships, physical, mental
and emotional struggles,
are we already being
rewarded, maybe being
punished, for whatever
we deserve?

At this point, i remember
my folks words:  reward
and punishment starts
here on earth, while we still
breathe and have lucid minds
to identify the colors of our
past actions and decisions,
were they right or wrong?

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
August 29, 2024
Aug 2024 · 1.8k
Sally A Bayan Aug 2024
Roused by its touch,
a brush of cold air
on my whole being;
am now taking in
the cold 4am air, as
the eyes struggle to
a still dark horizon.

Yet, it's already brimming
with a series of breaths.

It is automatic,
this habit of taking in
each morning's freshness
by the the door,
inhaling its serenity,
slowly extricating
the soreness,
the brokenness of days past,
lingering still, invading still
a most precious solitude.

The atmosphere, already
is filled with a variety
of breaths: of faith, of hope,
of silent prayers, and
of endless gratitude.

The fragrance of dawn
with raw anticipation,
bits of uncertainty,
and not to forget
the most welcome aroma
of hot coffee,
as a new day kicks off.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
August 9, 2024/6:56 PM
Jul 2024 · 599
Dignified Silence
Sally A Bayan Jul 2024

This summer's heat was worse,
problems are at their extremes,
burning, like undying embers.

Murmurs in government, in
public and private communities,
create chaos.

Repetition, initiates a desire
to walk away from what upsets
even for a while...some just

Laugh things off, too tired of
useless smiles and handshakes,
some get fed up, walk away, and

Go to the waters, to the shores
filled with voices crying for peace,
seeking justice.

Throughout our struggles...the
battles we fight, we always must
maintain a dignified silence.

We deserve some respect
no matter

Monsoon season has come,
soon...rain will pour and
shall inundate.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
July 8, 2024
Jun 2024 · 172
In Betweens
Sally A Bayan Jun 2024
They reside between pages of
magazines, books or journals.
some are yellow...some, white,
by neglect and by time,
lined or otherwise, upon which
are written spur of the moment
thoughts, maybe some nagging
experiences that can't be forgot.
they live amongst fellow papers,
crumpled, dog-eared.

Sun and moon
while the unknown

when found again,
the desire to resurrect
rings and echoes like an
indiscreet chime;
a crowd of ideas confuse
the hand and pen...soon
enough, words fall into their
proper places...old scribbled
notes, rediscovered and
revivified, a new poem is born.

Some, unfortunately,
are deleted unconsciously,
or thrown away accidentally,
some are purposely hidden
amongst life's in-betweens.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
  June 25, 2024
May 2024 · 524
Sally A Bayan May 2024

A kind of darkness
is rich with a silence, where
pleasant thoughts prevail.

A sweet dark soothes...calms,
its fragrance melts restlessness
it brings a cool breeze.

Yet, there's this darkness,
moist with fear...body and mind
do quiver from dread.

Some find calm and peace,
shun light...heal amongst shadows

Some aren't aware
of others' feelings and needs,
they need to live... let them live!

I'm curious, tell me,
which darkness do you prefer?
might i see you there?

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    May 29th, 2024
May 2024 · 1.9k
I'd Rather Be...
Sally A Bayan May 2024

It's wonderful to be
a freshly blooming rose,
seen by everyone's eyes
given special names,
and compared with other
grown blooms.


I'd rather be free from
everyone's attention,
i prefer to grow, to bloom
without much effort,
to sprout amongst the grass,
on some random garden spots,
to persist to exist, to breathe
even among crevices.

I'd rather be a wildflower
unannounced, unmaintained
yet, beautifully unique,
and with much freedom.

Upon me, others may tread,
but, i don't die easily,
i persevere, and then
in due time, i rise again.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
MAY 16, 2024
Apr 2024 · 379
Sally A Bayan Apr 2024
(haiku x 3)

Life is a river
we swim, we drift...a cycle
of rising....falling.

is ******* soft riverbed
we reel....sometimes drown,

we give up, they dry
we fight...we breathe....rivers flow!
ripples do follow.

Copyright March 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(Wrote this a long time ago, and while writing, I thought of a fellow poet, our good  friend, Harlon Rivers.)
Mar 2024 · 620
I Cannot Not Remember
Sally A Bayan Mar 2024

I cannot not remember my mother,
whatever time...whatever day,
during work or while viewing sunsets
while relaxing...or while too stressed,
her face...smiling or wearing a frown,
or a tune of a song she used to sing,
all these hover over everything
around me, they dangle like tassels
of memories,
they make me recall more.

I cannot not remember the scents
of flowers in my mother's garden
that she used to grow and love,
for they all still exist  in my garden,
dishes she used to cook for us,
I now cook for my own family.

When a breeze brushes over me,
i cannot not remember, how in the
early mornings of her life, my mother
had rushed to the church, to hear serve God 'til the last days
of her life...she did, in every way.

I cannot not remember my own mother,
for i saw in her how to be a mother
and a grandmother
with love, extreme effort and care.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
February 24, 2024
...was reading some works by Rabindranath Tagore,
and I ended up with this poem...
Feb 2024 · 206
Me and My Shadow
Sally A Bayan Feb 2024
One dry night in June
brought a floating soft tune
of crickets' calling...air was strewn
with their song......the night wind
blew slow and felt silky on skin,
My steps were measured,
a good view, a right shot was needed
for, high up the neighbor's roof,
hang a creamy full moon.

On an empty street...quiet, moon-glowed
there, and my stilled shadow.
i felt, God put a finger on His lips, the world
was hush sounds
to cease movements in the dark mounds
of vacant call my attention, waken my perception.

It was too quiet...not a dog barked.
suddenly, i heard motions in the dark,
a crash...perhaps, a bat made its mark
in my mind, fear sparked
a cold wind swayed the branches
a scary noise, but i shunned my hunches
then fled, as restless leaves rustled 👀 👀
yet, me and my shadow never separated.

Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
February 24, 2024
Jan 2024 · 156
Sally A Bayan Jan 2024
Restless, useless murmurs
poison the airs
journals and a bead plate stare
back at me, they connive, as i wait.
On the coffee table,
rough drafts lay parallel
sunlight and clear citrine spears
refuse to create shining tears.
Ideas dangle, then crumble...penciled,
then crossed out, darkened...the mind
is a lonely mannequin in a dark space,
no fire or warmth...only cold stares, pizzazz.
There's no glitter or sparkle
to excite an opaque mind,
to sharpen dulled senses,
my beadworks
need candor and splendor.
i need my swarovskis...n o w.


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    January 17, 2024
Dec 2023 · 145
Sally A Bayan Dec 2023

A little disorder in the hair:
a curl goes on its own...astray,
some loose strands
escape from its bun,
like a new style, it stuns,
as if it was styled that way.

A bit twisted collar, with a stain
of tiny brown dots...conspicuous,
but, a fine distraction, for its wearer
boasts of a perfect fair neck.

Ankle-length pants...hide
a shoe lace gone awry
during rushed moments, yet,
passes, "just like normal,"
almost unnoticeable...

Some freckles on the face,
a few pimples, yet, a wee
sweet smile compensates,
erases all what others see
as carelessness, or disarray.

Some shiver even on a slight
trace of mess...others find delight
in imperfection, a kind of  grace
felt from within, and appreciated
with a smiling face.

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
  December 23, 2023
Nov 2023 · 832
What Really Matters...
Sally A Bayan Nov 2023

Doves and roses are sought
when hurtful, tempestuous thoughts
flood and create lumps in the throat,
the urge...the surge grow stronger,
much to write...we grab pen...paper,
suddenly......we are "there,"
in that comfortable nook...where,

We create fictional love scenes,
or...relive tremulous experiences
of blazing lava flows, souls despondent
driven by disastrous rains, by discontent,
or, of souls cherishing rare times, serene,
a lake, warm sun...calm coffee moments;
all these become messages conveyed
they're the carbon dioxide we exhale;

Verses are afloat above our heads
until they're written.....and read.

Both old poets and newcomers
come up with stuff...funny or bizarre,
some readers relate...epiphanies occur.
isn't that what really matters?

No kings or queens in prose or poetry.
some came first, others came later.
surely, both want to share.
in God's eyes, no one is above the other.


Copyright Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
November 27, 2023
Sep 2023 · 236
September Night
Sally A Bayan Sep 2023

Overworked fans
give out warm air
this uncomfortable
early evening.

Just a few sparkles
in the sky, no moon...just
a humid silence that hovers.
outside, silhouettes are
quickly gobbled up by
a great dark.

There's a slight wind
pink lightning
slashes the sky.

Finally, slow, persistent
showers tap on the roof,
September rains cool
this super hot night.

On the table, i see peanuts,
an empty wine glass, and
a chilled bottle of Rose...the
aroma of steamed pompano,
stuffed with onions, tomatoes,
ginger and pepper.....invade
every corner of the house.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    September 8, 2023
Sep 2023 · 327
Sally A Bayan Sep 2023
Through the years,
they have come bit by bit,
these telltale signs of one's
aging existence...glaring
changes that one can only
acknowledge, and not resist.

Especially when a fine-lined
face with a furrowed forehead
looks back at you each time
you face a mirror...or,

When knees must first gain
their momentum, before
they can stand straight,
leap, hop, or walk.

Reflective moments come
while ascending, or while
descending the stairs;
a plethora of thoughts and
scenes about tomorrows
create space, simultaneous
with heartbeats.

The hunching of the back,
the weakening of limbs
and the mind....must
be held at bay...there
are lots more unresolved  
issues to be fixed.

One wonders, how many more
sunrises and sunsets left?

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
September 8, 2023
Aug 2023 · 208
Sally A Bayan Aug 2023
Amongst silhouettes on the front yard,
weary mind, fatigued limbs relax,
Lee Ritenour sings "Dreamwalkin,"
no lyrics spoken, just soft humming,
while thinking of summers and
monsoon seasons gone by.
nineteen once...slid to seventies,
smooth, glossy skin have creased,
deeply furrowed, plump with stories,
yet...long taut muscles are now lithe,
softened by missteps and slides,
each day's unexpected rhythms
were reasons to waltz, boogie,
or balance the stance,
to sway, with grace
to avoid a fall.

A fragrant and pleasant sunset
greets tonight...a sweet refuge,
dimming skies, a comfortable seat,
a glass of pre dinner wine,
as the mind does the samba,
a nasal hum while cd plays
Astrud Gilberto's “So Nice," while
appreciating life's ups and downs,
ahhh...what a graceful dusk!

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
August 11, 2023
Jul 2023 · 472
Sally A Bayan Jul 2023

Fading rays
of sunset
to welcome
of dusk.

Myriads of
sparkling stars
the dark indigo sky.

cold nights,
full moon's glow
the day's

Life's smooth
serrated edges,
in one's writing.

sally b
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
June 9, 2023
Jun 2023 · 1.8k
Comforting Dark
Sally A Bayan Jun 2023
Friday night
is almost done,
it's past eleven,
body is stilled,
tired eyes gaze
by the closed gate,
restless soul
seeks peace
through low,
deep breaths;

Body rhythm
to slow swinging,
like a hammock
by the wind.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
body and soul
by Carly Simon's
"Moonlight Serenade."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
amidst the silence
of this comforting
i feel fine.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

(good night, everyone!)

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
   June 10, 2023
May 2023 · 1.9k
First Light
Sally A Bayan May 2023
of first light

sally b
© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    May 27th. 2023
May 2023 · 417
In Repose
Sally A Bayan May 2023
(last night)

The day’s raging rains
finally stopped,
humid summer winds,
cooled into soothing breezes.
a pink, purpled sky
quickly darkened,
calls of crickets,
croaks of frogs
they got lost in the air.
the day’s noise segued
to a soft echo of voices,
.............f a d i n g
..........g r a d u a l l y
'til burning worries
of the mind were calmed,
forgotten for the night.
lights turned somber
and amplified a spreading,
much awaited

All found their places,
their own shelter
in the comforting dark.
nature...was in repose.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
      May 17, 2023
Apr 2023 · 441
Coffee, or Tea...
Sally A Bayan Apr 2023
In the soft early morning light
of a quiet, peaceful kitchen,
some of us
make coffee, or tea,
while air is still cold,
the house,
still devoid of human noise.
Fingers are slow and gentle
while stirring.
the careful touch of teaspoon
to cup is the only sound heard,
no voices, just the breathing
of a silenced heart...could be,
A heart filled with hope...or a
broken heart, courageously
trying... to forget;
it may be a heart  quivering
from unnamed fears...on its own,
in an unidentified darkness.
Maybe, it's the heart of one
who seeks something meaningful
to say, or write, but, often end up
with mediocre stuff...
These sleepless hearts are always
up early…savoring quiet air,
avoiding human conversation,
finding a perfect ally in cups of
coffee, or tea that provide warm
tolerance...silent witnesses to
sagging spirits...the first ones to
hear our contented or heavy sighs,
once in a while, life makes us
seek the calm, the peace
emitted by the steam, rising
from a cup of hot coffee, or tea.


sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    March 22, 2023
Mar 2023 · 1.3k
Sally A Bayan Mar 2023
It’s Springtime.
The hours, the days pass quicker,
especially to folks already in their
late seventies, or eighties…
a cool breeze blowing easily brings
back good times, bringing smiles
to their wrinkled some,
rage and sorrow are resurrected,
recalling, how they lost loved ones,
all that they've had, through ways
unlawful, how they pined for truth,
justice, and freedom...time is too
slow for for them...some choose
to forget, but couldn't...
malfeasance is a habit, a way of life.

The privileged ones bask in the
brightest of comforts…impregnable
walls of their fortresses have made
them blind and deaf to the woes
and the doldrums outside.

The "unsolved" remain unsolved,
the "miserable" are now despondent,
the needy, the hungry, in greater
need...are even hungrier...drifting,
wherever their needs take them,
some minds have gotten used to
distorted versions of democracy,
existing on uncertain airs and waters.

Being bereft.......takes its toll.

Past awakenings were wasted.
eyes...minds opened, and closed.
those outside the walls, patiently
await...nothing is ever permanent.

sally b
© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
February 18, 2023


(Percy Bysshe Shelley)

 I met a traveller from an antique land,
2Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

3Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,

4Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

5And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,

6Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

7Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

8The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;

9And on the pedestal, these words appear:

10My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;

11Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

12Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

13Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare

14The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Jan 2023 · 296
Sally A Bayan Jan 2023

Sous le plafond blanc
de notre maison,

je suis la voix
je fixe des règles
je suis reine… pourtant,

Sous un plafond de
ciel bleu clair sans limites,

Je suis


sally b
©Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan


(English Version)

Under the white ceiling
of our house,

I am the voice
i set rules
i am queen…yet,

Under a ceiling of
limitless light blue skies,

I am

sally b

©Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Dec 2022 · 123
Sally A Bayan Dec 2022
is a random surprise,
like a handkerchief
suddenly present
to wipe off sweat,
timidity, fear, anxiety,
and also ice that have
been broken...and
have melted.

The air,
once cold with worries,
suddenly warms  up  
and beams with  comfort.
and confidence.

brings about miracles
tugging on its tail,
for a soul merely grasping
for an invisible bar, with
almost zero percent of hope,
ready to fall……..or, maybe,

for two persons bound by love,
a beautiful, unexpected
chance meeting can do so much.

is a white handkerchief
brought out of the pocket
or bag…fallen from the sky,
fragrant with fresh hope
and good luck.

sally b

©Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan

November 7, 2022
Nov 2022 · 262
Coffee…and Journeys
Sally A Bayan Nov 2022

Awake still, a few hours
before sunrise…and yet,
every morning, rising early
is a hard habit to break.

Dry thirsty mouth awaits
the morning’s initial cup
of steaming fulfillment.
caffeine's instantaneous effect
goes beyond waking hours,
working it’s way through the
day’s unfolding inspirations,
born from uncertainty, as
well as predictability, and
through deep concentration
and cups of hot refills.

One gets rapt in the hours of the
day…regardless if it’s a win or lose,
five-thirty…six pm approaches...
Mooned…or moonless, night comes,
to pause, or otherwise…our bodies,
our circumstances, the horizon speak:

‘Enough’ is a decision arrived at,
the dark sky leads to a new dawn,
to new journeys, once again, to be
enriched, inspired, and sustained by
countless cups of fresh coffee.

So, if it’s already four, or five am,
no more dilly-dallying..get up now,
have your first cup…take the first sip,
be driven………….be inspired.

sally b

©Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Sep 2022 · 1.7k
The Red Cane Umbrella
Sally A Bayan Sep 2022
My sister bought it years ago,
too bad, my mother didn’t
get the chance to enjoy it,
she would've treasured it.

It became a reminder of sadness,
an unintended metaphor, for loss
and always brought back
that very unexpected, very sad
early morning in February.

Its bright red handle...faded
through weeks, months and
years of changing seasons,
stood on a corner for a long
time...unused, but still intact,
until i took notice one day,
brought it out of its dusty wrap
and opened the red cane umbrella.

A smiling face suddenly flashed
in mind...a presence who, on
early mornings, eagerly recited,
“I am the master of my fate:
  I am the captain of my soul,”
tirelessly sketched portraits of
unknown faces during unholy hours,
planted, cooked, sewed, while
humming "Ramona" who
taught us about silent vows and
undying promises that eventually,
became ours to keep.

It's now an accompanying cane,
the red saves me
from miscalculating steps, from
falling debris, when keeping walls
from crumbling.

sally b

©Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
September 29, 2022
Sep 2022 · 438
Moon Glow
Sally A Bayan Sep 2022
A cold midnight wind blows.
underneath a moon glow,
silhouettes of leaves, sway
with an enchanting grace,
while “Sabor A Mi” plays.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
September 21, 2022
Sep 2022 · 175
Facing Death
Sally A Bayan Sep 2022
It would be nice to face death
while being loved, not broken
while being held, not alone,
not sinking in a cold silence
while drowning in laughter
and not in tears,
while hair, though mostly gray,
still glows with love’s rays.
while dismissing the grieving
of those we shall be leaving
nothing could be braver,
it would be easier,
to accept, to welcome death
while in deep slumber's breath.
sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
September 11, 2022
This poem was born after I read "DEATH WISH"
by LORI JONES McCAFFERY. Thanks, Lori!
Aug 2022 · 2.3k
Sally A Bayan Aug 2022
The heavy downpour
took longer,
easily, it spread all over,
the weight of water,
drenched the ground,
the doused
the body and
silenced the mind.

I stared
at the gloomy, grayed
horizon...while rain
poured without end.
the water level
rose...and swelled,
all active and dormant fears
lost their tethers
and darkened the floodwaters.

It seemed, the sky
really needed to cry.

and here we are, humans,
twisted...tangled up in the chaos
of a grieving universe.

With just thin raincoats
and light scarves as shields,
how do we escape the aftermath
of life's heavy downpours?

For lots of reasons, the sky
disencumbers...and cries.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
August 31, 2022
...but, there is no escape,
.....just choices
........on how to cope...
Aug 2022 · 232
Wayward Fingers
Sally A Bayan Aug 2022
A misty breeze…the birds’ songs,
the aroma of coffee brewing,
easily disrupt a new day’s
diaphanous veil of quietude,
to give way to morning rituals.

Stubborn, newly-woken arthritic
hands start to takes
longer now for tight fingers to
uncurl or straighten each sunrise.

Palms open and close gently, and
then abruptly...fingers move in a
circle…clockwise, counter clockwise,
blood must flow, even when they hurt.

Some of these hands have worked
through water and soil…through
pen and paper…through rain and
sun…building, creating, moulding,
withstanding fire, getting burned,
toughened by time…..honed by
nature’s elements, and life's
many implements.

Veins are protruding,
knuckles are lined and wrinkled,
swelling with the many sketches
of life…good and bad stories,
lessons from daily existence.

It's sad, these wayward fingers
will one day…care no longer,
will turn stiff and cold...their
untold stories, kept forever.

sally b

Copyright Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
August 17, 2022
Jul 2022 · 915
Night Haikus
Sally A Bayan Jul 2022

Dew-laden grass bend,
misty air touches warm skin,
…..a tranquil evening.

Cool night breeze blows…’pon
scintillas of light..….fireflies,
on blue starry night!

Cuppa tea…on palm,
tired body and mind succumb,
bed calls....night is calm.

sally b

©Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
July 30, 2022

#night #haikus
Jul 2022 · 735
You and I
Sally A Bayan Jul 2022
(Vous et moi)

I am....light,
i flicker not,
nor do i dim.
i am peaceful
as the waves of a river
on a summer day,
unshaken by events.
i am in a total calm.

I exist permanently,
and independently,
unaffected and
by outside forces,
i keep a close watch,
over my temple.

I am transparent,
yet...i acquire
the colors of
thoughts that
enslave the mind.

I fade not...i live on.
i am there on a lighted boat
sailing with you
while  struggling
through life's
troubled waters.

You have a silent,
constant dialogue with me,
that inherent energy,
dwelling inside you.

You are body,
i am soul,
“nous sommes un.”
  (we are one.)

sally b

Copyright Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Jun 2022 · 512
A Lone Star
Sally A Bayan Jun 2022
~>/~ * ~<~\
In the middle of my chaos,
in moments of despondency,
a lone bright star shines,
and holds every piece of me,
always "there,"
from a distance,
but ever near
to catch me
if i fall.

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
June 7, 2022

#God #deadfamilyfriend #lovedone #lonestar #sallyb
May 2022 · 2.1k
At 4am...
Sally A Bayan May 2022


At 4am, serenity surrenders to the rooster.

Early risers snap from their slumber,
thinking, the world is on their shoulders.

Eyes close...thoughts for the day gather,
strength is renewed...mind gets sharper
while under the lukewarm shower.


Aromatic moments stir the cold sleepy air.

there's hot coffee, frittata and fried frankfurters,
day starts with good food, whatever the weather.

Between work and breaks, we count the hours
of an unpredictable day, til 9-5 pressure is over.
coffee, gardening or wine, undo the day's fetters.

sally b

Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Apr 2022 · 287
Sally A Bayan Apr 2022
The sound of a train departing,
halted my world from turning.

I wondered if,
on a spur of the moment, will i be
brave enough? have the courage to
buy a ticket to an unknown destination?
leave without a suitcase? without a plan?
would i be ready for some other life?
away from my known zone?
w­ould i dare step onto the platform?
and enter the train?
a cacophony of doubts, and a small
voice, were all swallowed by the
loud noise of the train engine,
that faded into the clouds and sky,
while wet clothes waited to be hung,
while *** roast fragrantly simmered,
while the platform lingered on in my mind.

sally b

Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
April 21, 2022

#just #a #poem #train #platform
Mar 2022 · 930
Sally A Bayan Mar 2022
It's a space within a space, where
all are transparent...i am myself.

On two layers of shelves on a wall,
a dictionary and a thesaurus,
share space with what seems like
an heirloom of books, old and new:
Gibran, Dylan Thomas, Dickinson,
Bronte, P. B. Shelley, Jane Eyre,
Hosseini, few Ludlum oldies, etc...

Here, a blending of the tangible and
the intangible is present, like habits
and thoughts that don't, and can't die,
stuffs that've endured the years: old
unposted poems with scribbled notes,
faded photos in sepia...faded jeans;
a bed that awaits fatigued body and
mind on toxic days, and becomes a
desk to write on...when needed.

It's not as though nothing's awry,
imperfections are seen by the eyes,
some details may not be precise
in this accepted clutter of daily goings-
on...of feelings...of some undoings
that interrupt and are mingling
with enigmas flashing up the ceiling;
lost shoe-laces wander, and go hiding
among indispensable habits and things,
kept...retained, like a hanging purse,
grabbed, when a sudden trip occurs.

It's hot and cold in this ***** place,
it's cozy, my neatly-cluttered space.

sally b

Rosalia Rosrio A. Bayan
March 24, 2022
Feb 2022 · 286
Twilight Episodes
Sally A Bayan Feb 2022

From the kitchen door, i watch
orange and pink layers of a
fading sun, pale and quickly vanish.
sky gets dimmer by the minute.

On this fragrant twilight,
"Queen of the Night" blossoms,
infuse the dark atmosphere
with their long lasting scent,
still appearing white,
even in the darkest of night.

Somewhere, in the garden blocks
a resident bull frog hides and croaks.

A brush of cold breeze blends
with tonight's scenes, sounds and scents,
easing...relaxing stiff, tensed muscles,
untangling this busy day's knotted tassels.

A bowl of peanuts is tempting me,
while feet are repeatedly flexing.
tiny sweats on glass touch my skin,
Pinot Grigio is cold as evening dew, if on cue,
Harry Connick easily sings,
......"It Had To Be You."

I hope for a new day without sorrow,
for another fragrant twilight, tomorrow.

sally b

Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Happy weekend everyone!
Feb 2022 · 549
Sally A Bayan Feb 2022

Conversations are brief surprises,
sweet, like unexpected presents,
polite, yet laced with
genuine affection and
a growing fervour;
with every farewell,
strength flies with the wind, breath, departing
for, love hides...confines itself
in the ***** of the heart, it is
known, and yet, not known, but
silently exuding a sweet scent,
a subtle fragrance...more enduring
than a gentle spray of White Linen,
or, dabs of Dolce and Gabbana...its
scent lingers, the nostrils remember.
it clings deeper, dwelling on skin pores,
in every fiber of the the veins
that carry blood, to and from the heart.
it is a fragrance so reassuring,
never vanishing...more calming,
more relaxing than a glass, or two
of chilled Champagne, or sweet Moscato
it exists, even without the sun,
for, it has a light of its own,
a torch, but, with a tamed flame,
it burns subtly...even in quiet airs.



             sally b

Copyright Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
February 14, 2022
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