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 Dec 2016 Rose Harvey
Made for each other,
the proof is evidence.
Touched by your presence,
our souls are present.
Our eyes takes residence,
As they gaze at each other
we appear, closer than we appear.
Moments later we are a pair
Lips sealed to each other like, I swear.
I never tasted anything so sweet,
with a texture so rare.
A pleasure so treasured,
The flavor will never disappear
Savored every and all measures;
Until the last second we were there.
Together forever, even though you are no longer hereā€¦.
 Dec 2016 Rose Harvey
Feeling your flesh
On my bear chest
Your bare breast
Firmly pressed
Slightly abreast
Using your breathe
From my wind
Pushing your lips aside
As our bodies collide
I feel a rush inside
Eclipsing emotion
With an eruption
As I *** inside
Our bodies coincide
Like the flames
of combustion
Everyone leaves like the sun at dusk
Attempting to make them stay
Very prepared for another to leave because-
Everyone leaves
Trust me
Because I know the feeling of pain
Of betrayal

Trust me
Because I know how to feels to be lost
With no where to run

Trust me
Because I know how it feels
To want the pain to stop

Trust me
Because I know how hard it is to find someone to trust
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
Created equal but were not even.
physically here, but  mentally your leaving
been fighting all night, hurting each other for no apparent reason
all this screaming
you hate me;
and I'm a demon.

When I look back don't even know the reason.
remember watching you wipe your eyes.
got me hurting inside, feeling what your feeling.
I thinking I'm strong enough to not feel it --
tearing us apart -- I can't believe it.

Different story--
same side;
making the odds
seem even.

You taking my breathe,
keeps me breathing.
I guess all things happen for a reason.
even the bad things, the more you tease them.
I believe it now - and you are the reasoning.
It could be pouring rain, you walk by --
and change the season.
At least that's my excuse for never leaving.

Stopped listening to my heart;
too stubborn to listen.
Fighting with myself makes for one long evening
already over the pain, but the thoughts aren't leaving
how come they're still alive,
all I want is my freedom.

somethings come with time
some things don't even.
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
Its easy for normal people to love you,
when they want, or need,
something from you.
It's a reality - Normal People **** --- so don't be normal.
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
nights like this,
when I am all alone,
remembering our us,
realizing you are gone,
the distance between us
making me more lonely,
things adding up --
counting up the miles
that divide us
enduring the time,
patiently awaiting
the connection with your touch.
alone we are lost,
together we are us.
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
it happens all the time
meeting the right person
at the wrong time
picturing things -- picture perfect,
while avoiding the warning sign
breaking your heart
after blowing your mind
wear your heart on your sleeve
and they leave every time
I guess I will never learn
I guess I will never get it right, so its fine.
worse part about it, is the story of my life.
sorry ending, every time.
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
Suicide -- its a suicide,
with these constant battles, I face alone inside.
my body, soul and spirit  -- battling my cruel mind.
sick of searching for the peace -- I keep failing to find.
The search has me fighting emotions of a different kind.
The longer I try, the harder it is not to hide, these feelings
and thoughts trapped in my mind -- especially when
I'm already dying inside.
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