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 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
I want to
kiss you
until my mouth
tastes like you.
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
the hurt and the pain
tied to my heart
like a ball and chain.
the scars on my heart
are the initials of your name
you gave me the love
that taught me the pain
now i'll never be the same.
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
What's wrong with these people, I don't even know. You give them a piece of your mind and all they want is more. Riding off your shine, just to get off the floor. Can't speak there own mind so they criticize yours. Losers of a different kind, trying to steal the show. Pay them no mind, thier two cents ain't worth it so,  I treat it like water under the bridge, cause that's how these post trolls roll.
 Nov 2015 Rose Harvey
your love is worth more
than my heart can afford.
This my ode to November the month I was born
From comfort of the womb I was torn
Clouds shed tears as if to mourn
Bring promise of life from every storm
Shades of brown fill the fall
Thanks we give to it all
Foot we play with a ball
Whispering winds I hear the call
Sun peeks out from skies of grey
Prelude to winter hard at play
Clocks fall back shorten the day
In warm beds we wish to stay
Fallen leaves tree's memories
Dance in wind to nature's melody
Thoughts spill out in soliloquy
Earth speaks back in poetry.
Poetry by M.A.N 11-18-15

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