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Any girl could have smiled
Not many flew that high
Never could grasp that child
And is she even worth a cry?
Now I know she told the truth
I know she also lied
Could I have to save her twice
Only could have tried
Little did she know of me
       yet, let me in her life
Even now, I wonder why
        why oh why oh why
Still, I'll always hear her laugh
Maybe see her smile
I'll even taste her stenchy sweat
Through memories of mine

she died
 May 2015 RazanSidErani
Love me so deeply it hurts
I want raw love,
Love that festers like an open wound
if left untreated

Crave me like a smoker
who can't quit their bad habits
I'll be your nicotine
If you keep coming back for more

Touch me like I'm the masterpiece
of the art museum
They tell you not to touch
but you can't resist

Experience me like a joy ride
a rare kind of high
Let our love kindle like a flame
don't let it blow out
© copyright
unattended nose
babies all dried up
too late to wail
futility already set sail
time jumps
but your reckless sky still slumps
******* creeds
& skullduggery triumphs
leaves you
mind-numbing defeats
no room for the young
or the weak
unless you're the story
of the week
you scream your lungs out
clawing your essence to pieces
your once beautiful soul
tempered by momentary fame
your blind eyes found dead
lost inside a heartless mirror
never once found silence
and only in this final moment
something that resembles
please tell me
this is not the way you wanted to go
before it's too late
and i will give you my heartbeat
rip it spraying from my dying chest
just to let you follow the bleed
and listen for the beat
follow it
towards the hope you lost
towards the home you loved
towards the home that bleeds.
Mommy has left the building.
 May 2015 RazanSidErani
Jade Anne
I'm always jealous
I have a short temper
I get overly clingy but I promise,
No one will ever love you like I do.
This house

This house is yours 
This house is mine 
This house is open anytime
This house is happy
This house is whole
This house welcomes any soul

This house is home
Come here.

Come here.
Listen to Edith Piaf
(So hipster, n'est-ce pas?)
and the scratch of her
voice on the turntable,
will be ours
to keep in Moleskine
notebooks of memory.
So that we’ll try to believe,
love is actually a thing.

Come here.
This quaint room will be
our guest, as we breathe life
into the coffee cups, wooden chairs.
We’ll give it a nose, yes.
Lightbulbs will smell red
wine in fingerprinted glasses.
Windows will drink
to us.
And we’ll laugh, our faces
hot and sad, mouths
crammed with French
A scene blurred with happiness.

Come here.
Trash the hands of every
boy, who’s spread himself
out on marginalia of our days.
Slathered himself on pieces
of time we wish we had hugged to ourselves.
Hate, hate, hate
him, we’ll say.
And his **** hands.

Come here.
Our eyes will be fireflies
behind our glasses,
in this cinema’s night, as we ‘swoon’
at rom-coms as buttery
as the popcorn we bought in the interval.
Life’s too short, we say.
Eat about it, drink about it,
maybe even talk about it.
Forget about it.

Come here.
Talk, about nothing.
We’ll all be dead one day.

Come here.
We can be friends.


(And your giggle will end
all and every verse written.
I’m **** sure of it.)
About my lovely, lovely friend who also writes lovely, lovely poetry.
 Apr 2015 RazanSidErani
lately happiness seems to come and go
like a lover who bores easily
as i don't offer them enough to stay
while the depression always returns
like an abuser, it's fists made of ravage fire
masquerading loyalty and love i know is insincere
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