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jg Dec 2018
I dream of a Christmas
Where all of our dreams have come true,
Where all our hatred has gone to rue,

Where all our souls are loved,
And each of our broken pieces glued,

I dream of a Christmas
Where happiness rules each person's face,
And loneliness and frowns have no place
jg Oct 2018
For so long I've wanted to dive into your sweet and warming rhymes,
But a voice inside me tells me otherwise,
So I have decided i won't listen to it,
I've learned to be brave within some time,
Unlike the voice,
which is just hiding from what it truly is; Fear.
So finally, i have my dreams clear,
sit and watch me jump into happiness and be free
jg Oct 2018
Have patience,
Life indeed, and destiny itself,
has plans all over your gracious dreams

Life has it's own timing,
Look at all the noise we make, and yet everything is rhyming
at it's own pace and style,
Synchronizing and intertwining for an infinite while.
jg Oct 2018

Look at all we have,
Can't you see i'm your better half?

When the world is falling apart,
Who has been there to hold your heart?

When the light seems dim,
I've shown you the way by caressing your golden skin

& when the air gets cold,
I've given you my whole body for you to hold

Baby, please tell me you still feel love when i look into your eyes, because i can't take no more lies...
jg Sep 2018
Yes, life gives us challenges,
Life sometimes makes us think we're weak,
But when the right people come in your life
I asure you, they'll repair all the damages
By maybe, just a kiss on your cheek
  Nov 2017 jg
Krusty Aranda
Tu cuerpo dibuja las olas en la arena
Tus caderas van y vienen con un ritmo interrumpido por la espuma del mar
Tus labios tan salados como el agua en la que nado
Tu canto irreal como las sirenas de leyenda
Tus manos me aprehenden como el pulpo a su presa
Tus piernas me envuelven como el alga al coral

Navego lentamente hacia mar abierto
Atrás quedó la seguridad de la bahía
Yo capitán y tú tormenta
Azotas mi navío con violencia
Me lanzas a las frías e imperdonables aguas de tu océano
Atrás quedó la seguridad de la bahía
El agua de tu **** inunda mis sentidos y ahoga mi conciencia

Al despuntar el alba estás tú
Etérea en mi soledad
Efímera en esencia
Eterna en alta mar
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