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 Jul 2017 Gem
 Jul 2017 Gem
Today I ran down the same hallways
I've been avoiding my whole life.
The same halls that had plagued me with
tunnel vision every time you would walk
past me and pretend I wasn't there.
 Jul 2017 Gem
Your strands are not soft or kind
they're brittle and gasoline coated
your ends do not descend gracefully
they are chopped into straight lines and cut my
fingers each time I touch
but it is your hair that blows in the lightest winds that I want
I love the smell of the thin black daggers
that surround your pale face
the aroma consumes me and I need my fix
nothing could suit you better or worse
than that rough hair you caught me staring at mid April
and I know my fingers could never pull the thick wet locks
behind my ears
but it is one thing to desire
and another to possess
I am content with my brown honey touched strands of silk
black has never looked good on me anyways

— The End —