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May 2017 · 283
A Stirring
Monsieur Sleep May 2017
We are dust in dust, swimming
through time and existence
We remain when the bird dies
when the darkness conquers
when the silence reigns
Eternally moving, cursed
to remain, if nothing else.
We reach further into our home
here we lurk, here we live
here within the shadows
here within your minds
Here in the Nothing
awaiting, expecting
reaching further and further
until you let us out
and then we are shrieking
and destroying, and evolving
until you are Nothing
until we are all.
May 2017 · 321
Monsieur Sleep May 2017
I wish the ocean
took me away
washed me off shore
pushed me astray

I own a sea
of pure regret
things I wish
I could just forget

I am oceanic
dark and danger
you're floating
and just a stranger

I'm underwater
and high upstream
slowly disappearing
a silent scream

I will always be
out of reach
sinking, leaving
my empty beach

May 2017 · 270
Monsieur Sleep May 2017
I will forever regret
every door left unopened
every letter left unsent
every word left unspoken
every love, I didn't care

I will forever regret
things I never did
things I never saw
things I never thought
things, I didn't save

But never will I regret
loving you
even if it hurts
even if it breaks
even if you left

I will forever regret
I left behind
except you.

May 2017 · 265
Monsieur Sleep May 2017
I will forever regret
every door left unopened
every letter left unsent
every word left unspoken
every love, I didn't care

I will forever regret
things I never did
things I never saw
things I never thought
things, I didn't save

But never will I regret
loving you
even if it hurts
even if it breaks
even if you left

I will forever regret
I left behind
except you.
May 2017 · 397
Monsieur Sleep May 2017
We were waves
traveling in a rope
tied so tightly,
so tense

Our centrifugal force
was imaginary
it only existed
when we were
in the same focal point

When our world
began spinning
we tried holding on
there was nothing

We had
a moment
and then it was gone
like waves
on a tightly tied
Dec 2016 · 243
Monsieur Sleep Dec 2016
I didn't need you.
Then why did I urge myself to do so?
Why did I indulge in the stupidity?
Why did my eyes dart back to you?
You might as well could **** me
It would leave me in less pain
Than seeing you leave
With someone who wasn't me
With someone who didn't want you.
With someone who didn't need you.
But I didn't need you either.

Then why do I feel so empty inside?
Dec 2016 · 533
Monsieur Sleep Dec 2016
I begged silently for something
I couldn't even touch
And though you always offered
Your burning hands
I still felt nothing, just the cold,
Solitary touch
Of hands that would never embrace me
The way they could.
Dec 2016 · 549
re: goodbye
Monsieur Sleep Dec 2016
Maybe it was the fact that you laughed
Even at the most stupid things
Or the way you made your problems seem unimportant
Though the pain was inevitable
Maybe it was the way you smiled at everyone
But only cried in front of a select few
And maybe it was the fact that you treated me like I existed
Though I was but a speck of galaxy.
But I found myself falling for you
Even though I knew from the beginning
That you weren't mine
And you would never catch me
And I would forever fall
In love
With you
May 2016 · 262
Monsieur Sleep May 2016
What does a shadow do at night?
Does it disappear into nothingness?
Does it sink up into the eternal sky?
Where does it go?
Or does it remain,
Forever by your side,
Left to be forgotten
Until the daylight comes
Once again?
Mar 2016 · 108
Suicide Note
Monsieur Sleep Mar 2016
The yellowing white paper stands in front of me like a statue. To my now trembling hands, it seems like mockery even in my last minutes.The tears that once inundated my tired eyes are now long gone and forgotten, all that is left is dryness. What is there to say now? What is there to speak about, now that I finally have the chance? The words that I once ached to spill lay crumpled in the ground. Without knowing, I've said enough. In moments like this, words are not necessary. Silence settles in like an old, awaiting friend, and I embrace it for the last time.

*I've said enough for a lifetime
Mar 2016 · 344
Control Freaks
Monsieur Sleep Mar 2016
We name the oceans
We tame the lands
Encasing what was
In what we want it to be
We count every second
We pair up stars
We chain them together
And chase after skies
We want the world
To be all for ourselves
But we keep forgetting
That oceans are living
That lands have heartbeats
And stars like to fly
We are control freaks
Chasing over things
We could never control
In hopes to feel
A little less lost.
Dec 2015 · 375
Monsieur Sleep Dec 2015
Her body was a time-bomb,
her eyes crying the seconds
His hands were the only comfort
But hands can break bonds

And bombs can destroy people.
Dec 2015 · 410
Monsieur Sleep Dec 2015
Hit me with your best shot
Make the bullets pierce my skin
Let the blood sink in one spot
Who cares if my heart can't win?
Dec 2015 · 338
Bon Voyage
Monsieur Sleep Dec 2015
Last night I said goodbye to my demons
We all cried, after being together so long
It was so out of the blue, without reasons
I guess I'll miss them, like I miss all wrong

Oh, demons, have a good trip.
I guess again, my heart must rip.
Dec 2015 · 332
Monsieur Sleep Dec 2015
Life will break you
In chunks so little
That you will know
Sometimes it is best
To leave some back
Dec 2015 · 393
Thoughts on Friend
Monsieur Sleep Dec 2015
When you wake up, late at night
All alone, no one near sight
Who do you think of?
Who do you miss?
Who is that person that you want there?

That is friendship
As real as it can get.

When you have a hectic day
And you work only for the pay.
Who is that person in your mind?
Who do you need right now?

When you wish everything went back
And you can feel your heart crack,
Who will be there for you?
Who will guide you in the dark?

That is a friend: A guide,
A help, a hand to hold onto.
A person who cares and gives
Hoping for nothing in exchange

That is how you know true friendship
When you can fall down
Knowing that somebody will be there
To never let you drown.

*That, that is really a friend.
Nov 2015 · 297
The Treason
Monsieur Sleep Nov 2015
Rotten hearts and rotten flowers
What have they given to me?
Only a dark stare that glowers
For my heart cannot flee

It was the loss, the lie within
Was that even our end?
Desperate, tearing my skin
Was that your love, friend?

Had I not loved as I did
Sickly,sweetly addicted
And somewhat as a kid
Would I still be convicted?

— The End —