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 Aug 2015 Michelle
 Aug 2015 Michelle
ten** was the number of minutes you were on stage the day i first saw you & realized I'd be missing out on life if i never got a chance to know the mind behind the words you spoke

nine was the number of times i lied to my friends telling them i wasn't falling for you when every inch of me craved you in a way i never had craved anyone or anything before

eight was the number of times i almost told you i loved you that night when we spoke about life & how easy it was to lose your way while growing up, but i held my tongue thinking you would never feel the same way

seven was the number of times i saw you at school & so badly wanted to reach out and hold your hand, when i knew i couldn't

six was the class we hid in the first time you kissed me & it was as if my whole world had changed in the blink of an eye. the rebirth of love, hope & purpose in my life.

five was the time early morning when i finally collapsed after talking to you on the phone since the night before despite having school the next day

four was the date when you came so close to getting suspended from school because you just had to come see me for a couple of minutes. willing to risk anything for that time together.

three was the number of times you stayed up all night while i cried, reassuring me until I was all out of tears & fears.

two is the number of people who understand how difficult it is for us not to see each other every single day. me & you. no one else will ever be able to comprehend what it is like to live without you.

one is the number of people who my heart belongs to. just one. you. eternally.

zero is the number of times I've regretted falling hard & fast for you.
// what's hurting you, i feel it too. i mean it when i say when you cry, i cry with you //
 Aug 2015 Michelle
if you'd never told me you loved me
i wouldn't be lying awake at 3:03am wishing you were besides me
i wouldn't see lovers together & burn flames of envy
the pangs of missing you wouldn't cause me to skip meals
i wouldn't spend all my time wanting to hurry back home & so that i could talk to you
i wouldn't worry all the time about how you were doing without me
my body would not crave your touch
my heart would not slowly fade away
my mind would not constantly be haunted by the memories of us
if you'd never told me you loved me

if you'd never told me you loved me
i would be lying awake at 3:03am wondering how i could get you to love me despite all my numerous flaws
i would see lovers together & my frail heart would crash & burn knowing we'd never be together
i would skip meals over meals, filling my stomach with the "what ifs"
i would spend all my time wanting to talk to you, even though you weren't mine
i would worry all the time about how you were doing without me when i was fading away without you
my body would crave your touch
my heart would slowly fade away
my mind would constantly be haunted by the the thought of me & you never becoming an "us"
if you'd never told me you loved me

if you'd never told me you loved me
i wouldn't have been able to stay up till 3:03am and later giggling on the phone with you hoping my laughter wouldn't wake the whole house
i wouldn't see lovers together & know that i had my very own back at home
i wouldn't be skipping meals just because of the butterlies in my stomach everytime i'd think of you
i wouldn't be able to spend all my time talking to you, being with you, making memories with you
i wouldn't be able to pick up the phone & call you whenever i worried about you
my body wouldn't have been able to feel your touch
my heart would never have felt so much pure love
my mind would never be able to keep itself occupied in the wondrous memories of us
if you'd never told me you loved me

*if you'd never told me you loved me,
i would still die loving you.
there is good & bad in everything,
but to die not knowing you felt the same way
well, that would be death of the worst kind

i guess what i'm trying to say is,
thank you for telling me you love me
three possible outcomes of the same scenario; each worse than the other.
// say a prayer but let the good times roll //
 Aug 2015 Michelle
it's that glimmer in their eyes
it's that jump in their step
it's that note in their voice
it's that joy in their laugh

it's the way they talk
as if no one else is listening
it's the way they dance
as if no one else is watching

it's all the little things
like how at every moment in time
their bodies are touching
from the slightest graze of shoulders
to embracing in the streets

it's as if they're lost
in a world fully of their own
consisting of two people
no one else exists
and if they do, well,
no one else really matters

& the world may end
oceans may dry
skies may fall
but as long as they have each other,
**they have it all
// i don't want my love to go to waste, i want you & your beautiful soul //

written about the young couple i saw today & all those like them x
 Aug 2015 Michelle
they were just kids
begging for a taste
of the outside world
waiting for a hint of freedom
which could be used
just like a lighter
to set aflame the bonfire
they'd been building all year

when the heat set in
and days begun to get longer
the glimmer in their eyes shined brighter than ever
school ties were lost
& backpacks were filled with
anything but books

summer by the beach
under the stars
in each others arms
making memories
bound to last them
far more than a lifetime
leaving a mark
everywhere they went
so that once all this was over,
they'd continue to live on
with the legacy they left behind

lies & guys
kiss curls & girls
bars & cars
jubilation & intoxication

oh, they never thought it would end
and to be honest,
they didn't care
because nothing could compare
to the way the grass felt against their bare legs
or the way the sun burnt their rosy cheeks
they found all the needed within one another
whether it was arms to hold them
to keep them from falling apart
a smile to remind them
they were never alone
or lips
to help them remember
that there was more to life
than the nine to five routine

but as the cool winds begun coming ashore
taking back with them the summer love
the ecstasy was bound to start wearing off
back to black hair ties, black shoes & black hearts they went
back to the reality of it all
the summer spell broken
but reality could only keep them bound for oh, so long
because 9 months later
they'd be back

with untethered souls
& shattered hearts
willing to throw it all away
for a night worth remembering

*[ a tribute to summer ]
// here we go watching the sun go round, sitting on a rooftop making time stop. i never want to come back down //

theory of a deadman- end of the summer
 Aug 2015 Michelle
because in the end
they all want sugarcoated lies
over the bitter **truth
// i don't need to know you'll be there, you're not on my mind. i don't need to know you care, please don't waste my time //
.                       She'll
for a                     little bit of coverage
Ride                     windows down
in the rain              like she loves it
                                What she'll do
                             for a hundred likes
                             on a website

  in real life              
      Is something project X like
her best nights
Her friends lie about her importance 
Beauty cant get you on a Forbes list
                                          But her dreams only  
*exist when attention shuts out pain
 Aug 2015 Michelle
the burning tip of your half-smoked cigarette
is the light at the end of my dark tunnel
// i found love where it wasn't supposed to be: right in front of me //
 Aug 2015 Michelle
Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?
Did you hear about the wave that crashed to the shore?
Whirling and tumbling, till the
castle was no more.
The wave just did what
nature commanded,
leaving a trail of destruction
with reckless abandon
 Aug 2015 Michelle
i guess this is it
you've said your last goodbye
i guess this is it
time for you to fly

i want to beg you to stay
ask you to jump off the plane and run
straight into my arms
where it all begun

instead i put on a brave face
and kiss you goodbye
promise you it'll be well & good
hoping my words aren't a lie

once you're gone, i can't help but break
inside i can't feel my heart beat
i miss your smile so bright
i miss your touch so sweet

but distance is just a number
and miles do not define us
alive will remain the burning flame
of love & lust

i can't say it'll be easy
or that I'll make it out alive
but i do swear to you one thing
*I'll try my best to make "us" survive
// save the last goodbye for me, one more shining memory //
dedicated to y o u
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