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Megan Ann Aug 2014
The world below you takes a breath
As you descend
Deep into what seems to be nothing
As you're falling
The light shines through
But just for a second
Then again darkness surrounds you
You try to scream
But no sound is heard
You see everything
But still you see nothing
You feel ground below you
And you stand on your feet
You turn around
As the breath is ripped from your lungs
And you fall once more
You close your eyes
Trying to think of a better place
As a cold sweat pours down your face
You thrash about
Hoping to feel something
Something to stop you from falling
But there's nothing there
There's never anything there
Never anyone there
Nobody to stop you
And nobody to help you
You breath your hardest
But your lungs give way
As you hit the water with one last breath
Your throat burns
As water fills your lungs
And fire starts to pierce your torso
You rip at your flesh
As the acid eats your skin
You feel dizzy
As rain starts to fall
You feel heavy
And you can't move
You're lying on the ground
As your breath returns to your screaming lungs
You get up and walk away
As the wind starts to howl
And cold ice starts to form on your skin
You begin to cry
But your tears freeze to your face
And blood pours from your eyes
The pain makes you numb
You feel nothing
But your heart beating in your chest
Someone watches you
As you walk toward the horizon
He follows you
Watching your every step
And studying your face
You can't see him
But you feel his eyes burn into your skin
You turn around
But all you see is the wind blowing
You quicken your pace
But he stays right behind you
You close your eyes
Giving him strength
He grips your arm
And his hands are like ice
You look down to push his hand away
But there's nothing but a mere handprint
The color drains from your face
You try to run
But you can't move
The wind picks up
As you start to fall
Down. down into the darkness you fall
Again you fall forever
Until you see light
And you hit the ground
You wake up screaming
And you fall back onto your pillow
To fall asleep again
Until human voices wake you
And you drown
Written in high school.
Based on a recurring dream I had that lasted for about 5 months and then just stopped.
Aug 2014 · 772
Just Remember
Megan Ann Aug 2014
Ashen voices
Of those unknown
Call your name
To bring you home

Smiles carved
Out of flesh and bone
Call your name
To bring you home

Rivers of crimson
And mountains of stone
Call your name
To bring you home

Skies above
And memories your own
Call your name to bring you home

A body cold
And left alone
Call your name
To bring you home
written in high school
Aug 2014 · 341
Muses Of The Mourning
Megan Ann Aug 2014
They'll find out what makes you tick
How to break you down
How to make you sick
You'll choke on your words
You're dead inside
You know why you're here
There's nothing to hide
You'll bleed it out
You'll die alone
They'll hear you scream
'There's no place like home'
They'll rip oyt your heart
They'll slit your wrists
You know somewhere over the rainbow
Doesn't exist
written in high school
Aug 2014 · 783
Megan Ann Aug 2014
I hear the piano in the background
As the cello starts to play
The violin starts up next
As the music makes you sway
The cello plays faster
As we spin around
The violin speeds up now
As we fall to the ground
The piano plays slowly
As the rain starts to fall
I look at you knowing I have nothing to fear
Nothing at all
written in high school
Aug 2014 · 554
Megan Ann Aug 2014
Please allow me to explain
Please know that I can't fight the pain
Please understand why I can't stay
Please remember it's better this way
Please know that I'm not dreaming,
I'm wishing
Please understand that this has meaning,
You won't miss me
Please lock the door,
I'll close my eyes
Forever more,
My weakness dies
Written in high school
Aug 2014 · 2.0k
Rose Red
Megan Ann Aug 2014
Mirror mirror, on the wall
Cracked and broken
Tarnished and dull
A precious token
Never meant to fall
written in high school
Aug 2014 · 513
Megan Ann Aug 2014
Cyanide fever
Clutches your throat
Keep your mouth shut
Through the arsenic choke

Formaldehyde tears
Staining your bed
Keep your eyes shut
Through the nightmares ahead

Demonic sounds
Filling your dreams
Keep your ears shut
Through the torturous screams

The sandman burns you
With his acidic stare
Keep your mind shut
Through the neverending nightmare

The beast of the harlot
Will eat you to the core
Keep your veins open
To bleed on the floor
written in high school
Aug 2014 · 267
The Middle Of Summer
Megan Ann Aug 2014
He looked happy
I asked how he was
"I'm wonderful"
Is what he said
I looked at him and smiled
he smiled back

He looked depressed
I asked what was wrong
"I'm tired"
Is what he said
I looked at him and smiled
He didn't smile back

He looked like he'd been crying
I asked why
"I can't take it"
Is what he said
I looked at him and hugged him
He hugged me back and thanked me

He looked cold
I asked why he had left me
He stayed silent
And said nothing
I looked at him and cried
He stayed still

I couldn't see him
I didn't ask why, I knew
I couldn't hear him
He didn't say anything
I wanted to hold him
But they lowered him into the ground
written in high school
Aug 2014 · 829
Megan Ann Aug 2014
A state of comastose
As love in repose
Your life is a masquerade
But nobody knows

The happiness feels
Like a gun to the head
A funeral march
For the living dead

The light has gone out
As feelings slowly fade
Beginning to feel numb
Day after day

The tears start to gather
In your lonely eyes
Your heart is forever broken
But it's no surprise

Everytime it's all the same
You've never understood why
People always end up leaving you
Broken and alone to die

You always did your best
To always make it work
No matter how hard you try
You always end up hurt

You don't know why you attempt
To find love anymore
You always end up beaten down
Bleeding on the floor

It's only human nature
To want to find love again
But you'll never find anyone
You'll love as much as him
Written in high school
Aug 2014 · 392
My Life
Megan Ann Aug 2014
A straight jacket feeling holds me close to my pain
This feigning joy captures no gain
Like a Shakespearean tale of love for naught
This game called life is harder than I thought
Some claim to love me, others claim to care
No matter what they say, I don't feel it's there
The one and only person keeping me here
Is honestly my life and I hold her very dear
She sees past the scars and fights away my fears
She there through my laughter, but more so through my tears
I love her more than anything and I owe her my life
She's my everything and more, my vampire wife.
Written in high school
I wrote this about my (now) ex-girlfriend whom I still love more than anything.
Aug 2014 · 553
Megan Ann Aug 2014
Harlequin dreams
Tangled in fears
A scarlet disease
Grown over the years

Feelings of sadness
Turning to hate
It's all a mess
For a worse fate

Poisonous words
That burn like hell
All tell a story
Only he can tell

Closing your eyes
Hiding your face
Trying to think
Of a different place

Tears fall hard
Harder than you
You sit and contemplate
The things he will do

He puts you in the ground
He covers your head
Little did he know
You were already dead
Written in high school
Aug 2014 · 451
Face The Ripper
Megan Ann Aug 2014
The silence feels so good
It tells no lies
The water covers your head
Don't open your eyes
Liquid flows in
As pain flows out
You'll be gone in seconds
Without a single doubt
The pressure on your lungs
Is almost too much to bear
Ten more seconds
You're almost there
Your mind goes blank
Your world goes black
You've done it
You've finished
There's no turning back
The macabre thoughts
Are all finally gone
You're out of this world, literally
Face it, you're done
Written in high school
Aug 2014 · 3.0k
Megan Ann Aug 2014
The silence always seems so loud
yet never says a word
Your voice I hear is a beautiful sound
yet a screaming, horrible dirge
The things I see are hard to describe
yet easy enough to tell
That all I want is to feel alive
in this world meant for hell.
Written in high school.
Aug 2014 · 293
Before You Go
Megan Ann Aug 2014
A gun to the head
A blade to the skin
Life flowing out
Death coming in
Red turns to grey
Grey fades to black
Eyes closing slowly
No turning back
Death was sudden
An unexpected pose
Lain upon the coffin,
A single red rose
Hearts broken to pieces
By loves false facade
Thoughts of yesterday...
Forgive me, my God.
This was written when I was in high school.

— The End —