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 Jun 2016 Mayela
Such beautiful words to bring you pleasure
He lives in my five minutes of thought
Silver snaked-tounged charmer
Claws, and jaws, and teeth, and all
A hungry hellion disguised outrightly
As a love, a father, a friend
Your standing on the ledge
He wants you to jump
Into a void
Into the mouth of darkness
He wants your flesh
He wants to eat
He wants your death
And he'll call it a beautiful life
He still is speaking
And his words are mixed and missed and often remiss
He's going to speak
Listen to me
I'm only here because you need me to be
He's only there because he needs you
There's only one voice speaking truth
Step off that ledge
Fall into a lovers arms
And be safe
Yes there are demons
Who give every inch of might
To try to reach you
I will keep you
 Jun 2016 Mayela
my dystopia
 Jun 2016 Mayela
My dystopia is a blue and gray painting
A blurry eyed vision of you losing your smile
A slurred and distorted visit to a promise broken
It's watching the wind defeat the ocean
My fears and worries so great
They weigh down my hope
And bring my dreams to an underground dispair
A seven knotted rope becoming a noose
My dystopia is knowing that you love me
A star-crossed heaven and funeral pyres
Its silence and darkness as a home
Its bitter ashes from a dead sun
A black hole that swallows
An empty earth we shared
Finally meeting the event horizon
Its our destruction
My dystopia is the thought you walk
Away and always as all I need
It's watching as you leave me
 May 2016 Mayela
I feel somehow the star that shines brightest
Is too far away from me to see

I love the brilliance of the sun in the morning
Blessing us with benevolency

But I know that its light will just conceal
Stars shining in a way I want to feel

But I can't live on strangely constituted belief
And stars I'll never reach

So burn for me outside of my horizon
As the most beautiful star

And even if I can't see you with my ever searching eyes
Know I will always want you

Be a star in the night outside of my sight
But still touching my soul
 May 2016 Mayela
I simply write you in my dreams
Where a word you said becomes a child
Whose hand I hold
And we walk together into the sun

I let this image of you linger long
In the crevices of my mind
That have never been touched before
Until you found them

I follow the feelings you give me
I see clouds and glass and moons and rain
As something more divine
I become a part of everything

I throw my spirit at a wall
Because you're on the otherside
And I would give my life
If only to reach you

I allow myself to fall
Because your falling
And if you're crawling on the ground
I don't want you to crawl alone

I learn how to touch again
But this time without hands and bodies
This time I use my words
To touch your mind

I do everything
And give everything
And become everything
Because of you

 May 2016 Mayela
We have music in our souls
I have a torch I carry
A guiding light
So that I may find you
We have pain from lives before
And a belief
That when our heart stops
So do we

I had that dream last night
The same one as always
That I could fly to where you are
And hold you in my arms
While you smile in my eyes
And I live in yours
The clouds start to break
As warm rain
And we start to dance
Our naked bodies
Only pleasure

We have music in our ears
Words only
In a melody
That means everything
I have a light I have to keep
To shine the way
And even clouds of grey
Make us lose our love of black

I had that dream last night
The one I told you about
Where we were dancing naked
In the rain
We danced the pain away
And retired to a peaceful place
Where the light was all we saw
And I slept with you
In a bed of feathers
Our bodies entwined
Becoming one
That our heartbeats become
 May 2016 Mayela
Sun Hands
 May 2016 Mayela
I want the flower to bloom
Because life would not exist without its beauty
Light is only shining
So God can see her smile

Sun hands
Reaching through darkness
Only to touch every inch of you

The sun may rise tomorrow-

I want to see the color
Because it can't always be gray
The blue of her eyes
The fiery red passion

Sun hands
reaching through darkness
Only to place warmth on your skin

*The sun may rise tomorrow
 May 2016 Mayela
Heart Break
 May 2016 Mayela
A speck of paradise
A miracle abandoned
Only waiting for the clouds to change to gray
Hanging in those dark untitled spaces
Her petals are a useless perfection
Her poetry a moonlit someday

A messy galaxy
A teardrop infinity
Grace doesn't paint amorous feelings
On headaches in the space under the bed
Her flower blooms a bruise
Her worlds are dying words
Dedicated to a friend
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