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Jun 2018 · 234
Give it All
honey Jun 2018
I love and hate,
My obsession with giving myself,
I want people to have me,
But feel bad that they have to deal with me after.
Jun 2018 · 453
Lick it Up
honey Jun 2018
I bet your tears,
Those little tears I say I don’t want you to shed,
I bet they taste like honey and sunshine and validation,
When they’re for me and nobody else.
Jun 2018 · 445
honey Jun 2018
Give everything you have,
Give it to them,
That’s what they deserve,
Not just their own happiness,
But yours as well.
Jun 2018 · 287
honey Jun 2018
Stereo tunes and held hands,
A blossomed buttercup tucked behind your ear.
It’s a girl this time
Jun 2018 · 234
honey Jun 2018
The way your eyes crinkle,
When you smile,
Hiding those hazel greens.

The way you look at me,
Even when you think I’m not,
Looking right back at you.

The way you smile,
When I call you an idiot,
You know it means I love you.

The way you come back,
Make me your only constant,
As you are mine as well.

The way you make me cry,
With such intensity,
That I think I will never breathe again.

The way you hesitated,
I could feel the tautness,
When we hugged,
You wanted to lift me up.

The way your arms,
Always have and always will,
Feel like home,
Like a bottle of water after a run.

The way you make me fall in love with you in every single way,
A thousand little universes,
All based on the things about you that I adore.
Jun 2018 · 289
honey Jun 2018
A boy I was never with, he was a replacement for you.
I thought I needed the pain and attention he provided would fill the void you left behind.
I promise I’ve never loved anyone like this but you.
I was lying to myself.
I’m sorry.
Jun 2018 · 270
Just a Hug
honey Jun 2018
A simple thing,
Wrapped up in your arms,
At peace with the chaos in my chest,
That chaos you planted,
That chaos you plant every time you look at me.
I love you.
Jun 2018 · 325
Memory of a Lullaby
honey Jun 2018
Asleep on the phone,
The other end is quiet,
The rustle of sheets and soft snoring,
That alone is enough to lull me.
I miss you
Feb 2018 · 363
honey Feb 2018
Butterscotch kisses,
Punches that feel the same,
All the while,
Just as sweet.
Feb 2018 · 208
honey Feb 2018
I woke up today,
Wishing I hadn’t.

I am a nuisance,
On those I love.

obviously im sad lol
Feb 2018 · 719
honey Feb 2018
Scittering across the forest floor,
My thoughts dance,
and twirl.

Trailing down your skin,
With lovely touches.
I am not good enough.

I want to hurt you,
Hurt myself,
Let myself ******* fall.

I wonder what it would be like if you watched the whole thing.
I have no words to describe how I felt writing this.maybe melancholy? Bittersweet? Not very sure.
Dec 2017 · 340
honey Dec 2017
You complete me.

I’m broken; you don’t want me.
Dec 2017 · 255
honey Dec 2017
How can I miss someone,
Miss them so much,
and never have been in their presence before?

I wonder how our first hug will feel,
Or even smell?
Will it leave a trace of you behind,
Just to call my own?
Not about anyone in particular.
Dec 2017 · 822
honey Dec 2017
I can’t believe I met you,

It wasn’t perfect,
But neither are we.
This is about friendship.
Dec 2017 · 270
honey Dec 2017
Stony figures,
Slip through my fingers,
Much like a summer day,
Too fluid and fast to hold on to,
To keep up with
Trying to get back into the flow of writing.
Oct 2016 · 456
You Might Understand
honey Oct 2016
It is harder than you think,
To walk the halls,
And hear people talk about,
That one person.

It is harder than you think,
To make eye contact in the halls,
With your ******,
Who thought he had the right..
Sorry, for being morose. I needed to clear my mind.
Nov 2014 · 639
honey Nov 2014
When I was one,
I was exposed to drugs,

When I was two,
I was exposed to abuse,
And found out what it felt like,
For daddy to kick you,

When I was three,
I saw my first ******,
And somehow knew,
How it was used,

When I was four,
I was exposed to *******,
Pages tucked under the couch,
In the cabinets,

When I was five,
I was exposed to molestation,
Under the covers,
With someone who claimed,
That I was like a sister,

When I was six,
I was exposed to divorce,
And was happy that mommy,
Would finally be happy,
Without daddy,
And I met the man that I,
And my brothers,
think of as Dad.
Nov 2014 · 439
A Pain Behind My Eyes
honey Nov 2014
A headache forms,
Behind my eyes of blue,
Making pain blister in my skull,
I scream,
Clawing at the walls.
Oct 2014 · 641
honey Oct 2014
Holding with thirsty desperation,
Breathing long, deep breaths,
Loving with such dedicated conviction,
Kissing with such passionate love,
Soft as feathers,
Rough as sandpaper.

Oct 2014 · 539
honey Oct 2014
I taste a metallic taste,

I am choking,
I can barely swallow,
The taste is hinting.

It hurts,
A numbing pain,
A sharpness.

Oct 2014 · 437
honey Oct 2014
A funny thing,
A happy thing,
A warm thing.

A thing that people yearn for,
Wish for,
Have a need for.

When you make a friend,
You get a warm, drunk feeling in the pit of your stomach,
A feeling that makes you feel dizzy, happy.

I am thankful for my friends,
the ones that love me,
Are there for me,
Miss me,
Care about me..

I am thankful,
For the short girl with the colorful hair and crazy personality,
For the tall brunette boy that keeps crashing and never stops caring,
For the woman who is my hero....

I love you so ******* much.
Never forget.

edit: almost 3 years later. the short girl with the colorful hair and crazy personality and I have distanced ourselves from each other. the reckless brunette boy destroyed me twice and abandoned me. my hero is the only of the three that remain
Oct 2014 · 668
Love and Property
honey Oct 2014
When I was a little girl,
My daddy said he loved me,
But when he drank,
He would tell me to get the **** away,
And hit me and my brothers,

When I got a little older,
He stopped hitting me,
Especially at our weekend visits,
Because he knew I would tell,

But he still hit my brothers,
And later even my sisters,
But he talked down to me,
And always drank,

He said he loved me,
At the end of the day,
He'd even hold me when I slept,
Or give me medicine when I got sick,

But if he loved me,
And mommy,
And Boo,
And Bubba,
And Seren,
And Kiki........
He wouldn't change all the time,
And he wouldn't have hit us..

He treated us like property,
Like he owned us,
And everyone breaks their toys at one point,
Don't they?

You cannot love an object,
You cannot love your toys,
You cannot love your property,

I say I do not love him,
I say I want him gone,
But even though I see my step-dad as my father,
All I ever wanted was for my daddy to love me back,
To truly love me,
And treat us like family,
Not his objects,

I do not care,
I truly do not care,
I accept his existence,
I do not love him,
As my father,
But deep down,
I'll always love the good times,
The fake thought of his fatherhood,
But I love my step father,
I enjoy his existence,
He is my true

You cannot love your property....

Oct 2014 · 424
honey Oct 2014
I would like,
To dedicate my love,
My pain,
My heart,
My joy,
To the ones,
Who have suffered,
Are suffering,
Will suffer,

Except those,
Who rightfully deserve it,
Like the ones,
Who beat children,
Who touch children,
Who **** children,
Who **** people,
Who **** people,
Who abuse people,

Children and people,
Who do not deserve this treatment,
The ones who plead,
The ones who beg,
The ones who hope,
The ones who cry,
The ones who die,
At the monster's hands,

There are people who deserve to suffer,
For the pain they've caused,
Oh so many people,

I would like,
To dedicate my love,
My pain,
My heart,
My joy,
To the ones,
Who have suffered,
Are suffering,
Will suffer,
Except the true monsters.

Oct 2014 · 892
honey Oct 2014
He stumbles through the door,
I take a kick to the chest,
And a yell,
That I'm worthless and to get the **** away,

I back away,
thinking it was my fault,
slinking to my mother,

I get in the car,
Not knowing what was in store,
Or how long I would really be apart from my hero,
I thought it would just be 2 weeks,
I was wrong,

My daddy comes home from prison,
I had forgotten the things from before,
And I hug him and kiss him,
I missed him,
He smiles and returns my affections,

I look at the woman,
Round and thick,
Jolly, if you please,
And slink behind my "hero",
He tells us it's ok,

We meet our soon-to-be-siblings,

The young one touches too much,
when nobody's around,

My daddy stops letting mommy,
see us,
talk to us,

How long has it been?
I miss my mommy...

Some people came,
He told us to lie,
Or else,
and we do,
They break the rules,

He tells us mommy's dead,
He killed her,
She's in the attic,
I start to cry and ask why,
He answers that she was a *****,

Cops come a week later,
Everyone's screaming,
I don't,
I want them to take us,

They take us up the road,
They let me sit in the front,
And press the buttons,
To the station we go,
To the back,

I see someone,
By a white bmw,
I start to cry,

I jolted out of the car,
Letting my little brother out,
Running to my real hero,
She saved us from the man that fooled us all,

I am grateful,
I am thankful,
I am happy,

It's been 7 years since that day,
We were away from you for a year,
We were all lied to,
Including you,
But I want you to know that Korey was never "Hero",
You were always our hero,
I love you,
and we will always be your babies.

just something.....

update: I showed this to my mom and she cried for 20 minutes and hugged me--
Oct 2014 · 754
honey Oct 2014
My heart beats faster,
My knees weaken,
My eyes flutter,
My stomach tenses,

I feel warm,
I feel safe,
I feel loved,

In your arms,

I feel worthy,
I feel needed,
I feel wanted,

In your heart,

I feel touched,
I feel joyous,
I feel.... blissful,

In your arms,

Your arms are a sanctuary,
And I gladly devote myself to thee,

In your arms,
I am yours,
In your heart,
I am yours,

I am bright,
I am riant,
I am halcyon.


— The End —