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 Jul 2018 Deanna
i love him
he loves her
i want him
he always wants her
she is perfection
i'm just me
 Jul 2018 Deanna
 Jul 2018 Deanna
and everytime i think of him
i break a little bit
because he loves her
and i love him
 Jun 2018 Deanna
Nicole Dawn
 Jun 2018 Deanna
Nicole Dawn
Why is it
That the biggest hearts
Are emptied the fastest?

And the brightest souls
Are blackened
The quickest?
 Jun 2018 Deanna
It is the brightest moon
That makes me remember your smile
A smile that lights up my dark night
As I see your smile,
I see myself
Myself with you forever.
I hate cringey poems. Poems that talk too much about love and affection is not my forte and not fan of it and yet, I really made one?!I still don't know how did I wrote this 3 years ago. I didn't even remember who I am talking with this. Hey self, who's guy did you fling for this cringey poem? Lols. :P
 Jun 2018 Deanna
 Jun 2018 Deanna
i think i love you

and that

the thought of getting attached

makes me want to run

-please say something
I'm not really sure. I just know you feel something as do I. I just wish one of us would say something.
 May 2018 Deanna
Don't give up
 May 2018 Deanna
If at first you don't succeed try, try again
It could be a test you did poor on
Maybe it's a game that you can't beat
Even if it's as simple as tying your shoes
It almost never works the first time
So never give up

That doesn't mean you shouldn't change
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results
The world gave us trys to find our mistakes and improve it
It is our job to find it out and change
If we don't change we get stuck in what the world uses to be instead of what it is about to be

The message is clear
Give all you have everytime
If that doesn't work try again
Never give up on the world:
Your dreams
Your aspirations
Most importantly never give up on your life
A childhood saying is a true message of life. I want this message to help those who feel hopeless and out of luck. The ones who are contemplating giving everything up
 May 2018 Deanna
Eyes of brown
 May 2018 Deanna
Most don't want brown eyes
Instead they want blue like the sky
Or maybe its the green of a jade fly

I see them for the beauty they hold
Visualizing coffee and a day so cold
Or riding a horse whose stride is bold
In the end it's brown eyes with a story untold
 May 2018 Deanna
bad friend
 May 2018 Deanna
Two faced.
Smile at me, act like everything is fine.
Turn around and tell them how much you hate me when i'm not there.
back stabber.
I'm sorry I was never enough for you.
I'm sorry i'm cold.
but you doing this to me has only made everything worse.
When you begged me to stop cutting, I never imagined you'd be the reason that I would tear my skin to shreds.
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