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Mariah Langton May 2015
Late, late, late.
Late work, late period, late date.
Nothing good comes out of being late.
Late, late, late
Dread fills you stomach, tears fill your eyes,
You just can't believe you messed up by being late
Late, late, late
You want to fix it, but can't
Nothing can undo time, you're stuck being late
Late, late, late
Nothing good comes out of being late
Mariah Langton May 2015
Love as loud as a lion’s roar.
Love as quiet as a bird’s song.
Songs that scream,
Songs that whisper.
Love is passionate.
Love is noticeable.
Songs that bring joy,
Songs that bring tears.
No love is the same,
No song is the same.
People have different views on each.
But that’s the thing about music, about love.
Each genre is different,
But in the end it's all the same.
Both are on the earth to make us happy,
To make living worth living.
Mariah Langton May 2015
Casting her light across the world
Laughing and telling secrets into the dark of the night.
Spending time with each other as much as possible.
The days began to fade away with your smile.
You began to keep your secrets to yourself.
Going to bed early and without me.

What happened to my bright-eyed friend?
What happened to the one who could make me smile and laugh?
Sweet sweet friend, you're beginning to turn sour,
I don’t know what to say, don't know what to say to save you.

Nights now are spent with you crying to me late in the night.
Tears of betrayal, tears of hurt.
I wish I could wipe away all your pain.
You tell me you’re sad, you tell me you don’t know why.
Let me tell you, my friend, it’s okay to cry
It’s okay to be sad.
Just know that you are loved by everyone around.

There are many people you haven't met yet,
so many new opportunities you won’t see if you keep your head down.
Turn your head up, love
and see how the stars shine in the distance.

What happen to my bright-eyed friend?
The one with the dreams of the future?
Smart and successful, you shined so bright.
Your light is beginning to fade, I’m afraid it’ll go out.
I don’t know how to get that light back, I don’t know how to get you back.

My nights are spent alone now.
No one to laugh and tell my secrets too.
No one to tell me it’ll be alright.
I tried so hard to make you happy, to get your light back.
In the end, it was all up to you.
You were the one who had to make your light shine, to get the sourness out.

You were too far away for any of us to save you.
Floating away on your boat of despair.
You crashed with an iceberg made of sadness.
And like the titanic, something great sunk,
and the only thing that remains is stories,
and recovered parts of you.

What happened to my friend, my bright-eyed friend.
She turned herself off, and her eyes grew so dim that I could not recognise them.
A shadow of herself is what was left before she went away.
A shadow of my bright-eyed friend.
Lost in the darkness that’s life.
Mariah Langton May 2015
Dear Peter,
It’s been six years Peter.
I dream of you often.
Of flying into the stars.
Of looking after the boys.
Of battling evil Captain Hook.
Of arguing with Tinkerbell even.
The exciting adventures I experienced.
Growing up has been exciting.
Growing up has been painful
Growing up is lonely Peter.
I have my own house.
I miss the family everyday.
I miss the loud laughter.
I miss mother and Father.
I miss John and Michael.
The war took them away.
I know what you’re thinking.
What is this war Wendy?
War is a terrible thing.
The loud explosions and screams.
The blood in the fields.
Soldiers marching in the streets.
Enemies killing children and families.
They're bombing all the cities.
Come and save me Peter.
Take me away to Neverland.
I’m in too much pain.
I’m lonely and scared now.
I want to get away,.
Away from war and pain.
I want to be young.
Growing up is too painful.
I wish everyday for you.
But now that I’m grown.
I worry that you’ve forgotten.
Please say you haven’t forgotten.
You keep me going Peter.
The explosions always scare me.
But then I remember you.
How brave you are Peter.
I wish I was brave.
I wish I had stayed.
I love you Peter Pan.

From your own Wendy Darling.
Mariah Langton May 2015
Liam James could hear all the voices.
Talking and judging all of his choices.
He just smiled and shook his head.
They didn’t know what was ahead.

He walked the streets alone.
Never really minding that he was on his own.
He thought about his plan and grew grim.
And wondered if anyone would know it was him..

He looked back at his younger days.
Before he experienced all of the pain.
He thought about all of his old friends
And how they all turned their backs.

And then Liam James took out his gun.
It would all be worth it in the long run.
The shots rang out one by one.
Killing the ones who had made him come undone.
Mariah Langton May 2015
They say that we’re all equal, but yet there are people who can’t marry.
They say all men are equal, but we’re not all men are we?
They say that it’s a land of acceptance, but we don’t want new residents.
They say it’s a land of truth, but we get lied to daily.
They say we’re all united, but we still separate people into groups.
They say that everyone is loved but in a crisis we blame each other.
They say it's a land of opportunity, but it’s limited to only who we say so.
They say we want to grow but when we try to do so, we get shut down.
They say that we love to love but how can that be when we hate so much?
They say America is the country to live in but how can we when we’re a big contradiction?
Mariah Langton May 2015
Typed words, shouted words
They all hurt just the same
Fake friends, an enemy in disguise
She cries at night, and hides during the day
Tries to tell, no one is listening
She grows tired, she grows sad
The insults never stop, until one day
she doesn’t go to school, but into the ground.
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