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I'm laying in bed hearing sharp sounds in my head.
Smelling the sent of pine from a memory of the trees back at my first home.
Thinking about that time when i wasn't so a lone.

Getting shivers from the slivers on my skin.
I Watch the blood leak out as the razor blade goes in.
It Sends A sense of fear and chills down to my bones.
But you'll never know what it's like to feel alone.

Trapped inside the mind, seeking a way out of something i just can't find, or get out of.
Loss and fear rush through my head and that's why i can't love.

The limit of acceptation to feel comfort of by any means is at its own stand still.
Which has me thinking, "These thoughts could ****! What's wrong with me? Am I ill?"

At times i feel that people and the life around me are living and i'm just the time keeper.
Other times, it's like the world is on pause and I'm the attention seeker.

How can life put me through this? It's made me so sore.
This is hell for me On earth,
And that makes me not want to live anymore.
I do not authorize the duplications of my writings photography or any personal information
 Nov 2015 Maha Salman
 Nov 2015 Maha Salman
she watches curiously
the shadows of the world
as Innocence slowly slips away
 Nov 2015 Maha Salman
Dad !!
 Nov 2015 Maha Salman
For world,
he is a strong man
a soldier
fighting the bad
defending his land
brave enough
to stand against a million
defiant enough to
make the first move
confident much
to never miss a target
ruthless enough
to **** the enemy
with bare hands
but for a little girl
back at home
he is a teddy bear
who will wipe her tear
a ray of hope and light
a Dad
who makes every thing
go right !!
 Nov 2015 Maha Salman
His dark eyes
galaxies in them
She loved stargazing !!
Notes (optional)
 Nov 2015 Maha Salman
Gaby Lemin
Around a glittered lake I stroll,
its water flecked with spots of peach.
Specks of light that whisper warm,
the dreams of homes that live there, each.

The glowing hue I follow round,
but stopped by something soft.
I lift my head, my face, my eyes
to the figure before me, lost.

A halo of watery moon light,
hangs about its head.
"I am but a lonely shadow",
is what the stranger said.

Filled with disbelief I feel,
my heart contract with fright.
The dust path billows beneath leather boots,
twirling away from the sight.

A darkened arm curls around my own
and the bitter wind be stills.
"Fear not" the shadow whispers
like the wind amongst the hills.

Enclosed by warmth a sudden,
a fluttering appears.
Transported to the woods above,
just this befriended darkness near.

Hours dance about the night
as sheltered secrets I am told.
Warmth engrosses all around
whilst the mellow evening grows but old.

Sunlight creeps into the sky
and new love begins to fade.
"Find me not by morning,
only drifting behind the shade."
 Nov 2015 Maha Salman
the Terror
i am suddenly in the autumn

of everything

and i only smell wet leaves

instead of honeysuckle

where once there was spring

i am suddenly in the autumn
When I'm hurt,
I cry,

When I'm happy,
I fly,

When I'm lonely,
I hide,

When I'm helpless,
I despise,

When I'm angry,
I hate,

All these emotions,
Build up a humans way of life,

Some may cry, some may whine,
Some try suicide, some make up lies,

Some console, some feel,
Some love, some deceive,

People differ in many aspects,
Through pain I led my life,

But theres not one day that I say,
I'm lucky to have had such pain,

I'm lucky to go through rejection,
I'm lucky to see people and feel them,

This taught me so much,
And helped me mature myself.
White pearly skin,
Red blazing lips,
Deep greyish blue eyes,

Her alluring touch,
Her walking style,
Seducts him and captivates his eyes,
The train of your thoughts sells
Your body to the wind
Of your desires
And in your angers
You dream of angels
Of games
And I
Being naked
Being moved
Via the madness
To the hilt
Of what hurts
This ecce
The train of your thoughts sells
Your body to the wind
You suffer in
In your sufferings’ ring
Your funeral Ebro
Your inferno
You remain here
Out of atmosphere
Your light wanders
Around this rime’s end
Severe oration
Oh Reason
Is there an end
In this hunger
To the words’ anger?

Translated and adapted on September 4, 2015
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