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Your touch makes me tremble
The feel of your skin on mine
Intimate moments
Known only by us two
No one can describe

Your hands on me
It all feels so right
I never want to leave your side
Come hold me close
Hold me tight
Kiss my lips
Tell the world you're mine

I'll always be by your side
Forever, until the end of time
My heart could never stop loving you
You're branded into my being
My soul longs for you and your love
No one else could ever be enough

Laying with you in the dark of night
Chattering quietly about whatever pops into our minds
Matching our breaths
Never have I felt so close to anyone before
You uncloth my soul
It unbears everything to you

My love is stronger  than the sea
It grows quickly like a ****
Forever I am bound to you
Always I will love you
There is nothing anyone could do to change that
This feeling is too strong

The intimacy I share with you
Forever I'll treasure
I relish being so closer to you

I love your touch, your feel, your kiss
None of it would I want to miss
I'll hold you close
Never let go
caress your soul

Your touch makes me tremble
The wind gently blows the trees
They sway gracefully
The sun smiles down on the world
you can hear the babble of an unseen brook
What a nice day
The bees buzz
The birds sing
The world is at peace

Be at peace
Accept yourself and feel a weight lift
Let yourself be happy
It's all in your controll
Don't let the world dull your glow
The earth has a heartbeat
It's as alive as you and me
It's alive yet holds so much life
The earth is amazing
Wise from millions of years we can't imagine
It has beauty no human could attain
God's wonderful creation
It took six days to make
And is filled with so much wonder and amazement
Earth; the first mother
The earth has a heartbeat
It breathes as do we
Provides us a house
The ungrateful humans
The selfish race
The earth is sad
It sees us drifting farther and farther from the farther
It knows disaster is coming
It offers us what it can
I see a piece of my God
When I admire the beauty of the world
The earth is alive
AND again tonight she cries
As humans we all want to leave a mark
To be remembered
To have lived a worthy life
Change the world
Not me
I will quickly pass out of the earth's memory
My goal is only to inspire other souls
If I can only help one person on my life so be it
If I can make the world seem wonderful and grand
If I can make life worthwhile for one person
My job here is complete
I don't need my memory to go on
I'm just here to help
I'll live an ordinary life
Full of dreams I won't achieve
This world is too vast for me
No one will remember me
I won't leave a footprint
I'll be washed away with the sand
This doesn't make my existence worthless
I'm not even a ghost
The world won't miss me
The earth won't notice in gone
I'll be a gentle breeze
Quietly moving on
Keeping watch over the loved ones
Wishing them the best
The world won't know me
I'm only here to be my best
I won't be famous
Or taught about in school
But the life I change will live in to do great things
They will be great
But not me
I'll gladly fade away
Everything is going wrong
I'm not on it anymore
Nothing is working right
You won't understand my strife
We don't care about the same things
We won't understand each other's ways
Regardless if it causes pain

You're so naturally smart, talented at heart
I have to struggle and try
We're so different you and I
I try to tell you everything, I speak my mind
You hardly say a word about what's going on inside

I try so hard to quell my mind
You can't understand this strife
I hurt inside
Because your mind
Yours and mine
I wish it didn't have to be this way
I don't know how to make it change
We're just so different... It's hard to understand what's going on inside that lovely little mind of his
Will you try to take my breath away?
Show me you love me everyday
Make my heart melt
Sweep me off my feet
Prove to me how you feel
I'm tired if having to assume
It hurts my heart to have to wonder
I don't know how to explain the feeling
Just pain
I can't make it go away
Only you
I know you just aren't as outward as I
You love me I know
It'd just be nice if you let it show
Will you try to take my breath away?
Show me you love me everyday
Actions speak louder than words
You're quiet both ways
Take my pain away
Will you try?
Try I ease the pain in my heart
Be more outward
Share your thoughts
I'm sorry to ask
Will you try for me?
How can you assume I know
You never say anything
How am I supposed to know
If you never hint otherwise
It hurt my heart
Seeing that look in your eyes
How was I supposed to know
You never told
Stop giving me those eyes
It's not like I'm feeding lies
I just didn't know
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