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Feb 2022 · 234
At my Table
lex hughes Feb 2022
I want to share something important with you.
I want to make and split a big, hearty stew

I want to free you from the world's dread
And I want to cut in half a fresh loaf of bread.

I want to make soup for all my loved ones
And pour all my love into its taste sensations

I want to make pie, filled with sweet berries
Topped with cream and blessed by fairies.

Here at my table there's plenty to share,
So please, you're not intruding; pull up a chair.
Aug 2021 · 313
Ages Bizarrely
lex hughes Aug 2021
Longing for the old days
Simple days
Times when you could ask "what's this song?" a hundred times
And every time, in reply:
"Darude sandstorm"
Something funny for once
Aug 2021 · 1.6k
Shards of you
lex hughes Aug 2021
Looking at a life through the shattered wine glass
One of my earliest memories of you,
Understanding with no words or thoughts that you were going to die one day
And yet I still wasn't ready.

You drank to still your thoughts
And finally, they are still.
Long, unplanned absence. Still grief will always guide me back.
Dec 2020 · 127
lex hughes Dec 2020
I don't like the way men look at me.
"It's because you're beautiful," says my mother
I don't want to be beautiful
I want to be a person.
Apologies for a long absence.. it's been a strange year, hasn't it?
Jan 2020 · 189
contingency notice
lex hughes Jan 2020
the greatest liberty of all.
it is an honor to be called to action.

she helped her parents and siblings first
they didn't understand initially, but that was okay
out on the front lawn they sat
a message of freedom they relay

she made the house look clean and tidy
put the flag out on the lawn
everyone dressed in their best

she was going out to join them
when the tv flashed again
it was a hoax. we apologize for the confusion.

confused at first
then she understood
that's just what the enemy wants us to think
it is an honor to be called to action.

it is an honor to be called to action.

it is an honor to be called to action.
inspired by this video on youtube:
Nov 2019 · 326
lex hughes Nov 2019
if i lie in the grass and stay there
will i be overrun with vines and bugs
will i rot away
will i become the earth?
Nov 2019 · 285
lex hughes Nov 2019
if i sit in the dark and stare into the nothingness
sometimes I can pretend I am not me
and the world is not as it is

when I look into the dark
does it look back?

i pretend I feel the world around me fall away
I am nowhere
I am everywhere
i am nothing
i am everything

I am not here anymore

when you look into me
will I look back?
Nov 2019 · 227
lex hughes Nov 2019
running down a hall no end in sight
doors line each side, all shut, all locked
they all look the same where am I going
where am I going
where can I go
what is there to do but pick a door and try to break it open

ill try until I give myself a concussion
at least then I don't have to be present for this
Nov 2019 · 1.1k
lex hughes Nov 2019
I crouched by the flowers beside the dirt path
holding one gently as i breathed in its scent

I heard you call from further down
looking up, I feel the warmth of summer on my face

I stand and breathe
the air is fresh and warm
the only noise is the birds chirping along the treeline, and us, walking along arm in arm and discussing everything and nothing
Sep 2019 · 240
lex hughes Sep 2019
there is a fork in the road
i stop and glance down each path
just make a decision
vines crawl up my legs
just pick a path
moss grows on my back
just choose one
i turn to stone
don't die wondering.
Sep 2019 · 119
lex hughes Sep 2019
i envy wolves
i want to scream till my lungs give out
i want to scream till i pass out
i want to scream till i begin to sob
i swallow down my sadness
and i never let it out
i envy wolves
i want to howl like they do
i received some bad news today
Aug 2019 · 447
lex hughes Aug 2019
insects under my skin
they're there they're there they're there
you're there

redacted oh redacted
i dream about maggots eating your eyes

the only justice i will ever find is in my dreams
maybe that's why i sleep all the time
May 2019 · 264
lex hughes May 2019
once i dreamt that i sat at the edge of the world
if i looked down from the grass i sat on,
there was nothing but dizzying blue below me

i sang as loud as i could and the breeze carried my voice away
i wondered who would hear me, and where

the world seems very different from up here

i wonder if anyone can hear me.
i dream vividly and often
Apr 2019 · 175
last night
lex hughes Apr 2019
last night I dreamt I was a child again
holding hands with my mother

last night I dreamt I was pure
that I had never been hurt

last night I dreamt I was innocent
that I knew nothing of trauma

last night I dreamt I was alive
but I am choking on the dirt you buried me with.
i suddenly started remembering repressed memories of abuse recently at therapy. I've been having to work through them as if they were fresh
Mar 2019 · 369
the unicorn
lex hughes Mar 2019
tracking hooves
hands gripping persephone's fruit
white dress trailing

she's shining
angelic, surreal, her light smothering the dark
nature's peace untouched as she steps through

a ghost of what once was

green melts to grey

her light fades.
they say unicorns are guardian spirits of nature
Feb 2019 · 284
lex hughes Feb 2019
and you lay crumpled on the floor
pain blazing in your *****

She came to you, oh medusa
your hair, writhing, becomes a life all its own

your eyes become poison
"do not look at me that way."

"i am not your piece of meat."

you rise
and you stand on your feet

if they will treat you like an animal
you will become a monster.
i rewrote this one to be cleaner and flow better
Jan 2019 · 1.2k
monster girlfriend
lex hughes Jan 2019
in the glow of the moon she shines
her silhouette everchanging as she moves

the lights reflect her eyes
her skirt flows in the wind

in the shadows of the forest she shines
her body so still as she looks back at me

there's beauty in her smile, and danger
a flicker of something unknown

in the abyss of space she shines
her claws outstretched to meet me

her eyes are so different now
in her cold grip i still feel her warmth

on unfamiliar ground she shines
her silhouette unrecognisable to me now

feathers and tentacles, claws and fangs
my heart is still hers
yes i'm gay and i like surrealism/monsters. what more do you want from me
Dec 2018 · 269
lex hughes Dec 2018
evil strikes in the gaps of humanity.
hold your brothers and sisters close,
keep your pets and companions near,
and unite.

evil lurks where our hearts fail.
keep compassion for your fellows,
make time to help those who need it,
and unite.

evil slips in when we lose sight of ourselves.
read up till your eyes give out,
arm yourself with knowledge of immovable facts and educated opinions,
and unite.

evil will see us fall when we forget each other.
remember that across the oceans and borders,
across language and history and culture and religion,
we are all a part of each other,
and unite.
sometimes it feels like people have forgotten that we're all the same species living on the same planet with each other.
Dec 2018 · 934
i'll be your damsel
lex hughes Dec 2018
walking down, feeling the grass cool my feet, a white dress dragging behind me
clutching flowers as if they can calm my nerves
feeling the weight of my beauty and happiness as it plays my heart like a drum
looking up and seeing my loved ones

and oh

there she is.

the dream ends
i wake up again
but i wait.
i wait for her to step out from my dream and embrace me in her arms
i don't know her name yet.
i can't see her face yet.

but i'll be waiting,
here in my tower.
i'm kind of a romantic, and sometimes homophobia gets me down, so i like to imagine a little fantasy to lift my heart.
Dec 2018 · 384
lex hughes Dec 2018
i dream of azure skies
azure waves
soft white sand,

i dream of thick forests
green and full of life
life in every inch,

i dream of space
every conceivable colour
glistening with stars,

i dream of any place but here
health clearly visible in every sense
no fears within me,

i dream.
i wrote this in december last year and its been in my drafts for a year lol, here it is though
Dec 2018 · 1.1k
the moon
lex hughes Dec 2018
i quietly hope after years of despair,
that one night the moon herself will bless me,
will she come down from the celestial eternity,
and take me in her cosmic arms,
will she love me the way i love her,
or will she vanish like the night's dream?
this is about being sad and sapphic lol

— The End —