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 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Javaria Waseem
They told me it's a cruel place.
I should keep my voices down.
They trapped me in this cage
Asked me to not flap my wings around.
Suffocated, I began to bleed
My words out on paper
Which now the world reads.

*You can never imprison a writer.
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Haydn Swan
What is it we see and so often despise,
when we view ourselves using only the eyes,
that distorted image inside our head,
the old snakes skin that we’d like to shed,

dare we look from behind the frame,
beyond the self-loathing, repulsion and shame,
our vesture is woven from the beauty inside,
so take on its mantel and wear it with pride.
I wrote this for anyone who struggles with accepting how they see themselves in the mirror, which is often very different to how others see us.  It sounds like a cliche but beauty really is what we are on the inside.
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Lauren Gorger
I close my eyes to fall into the spiral of my twisted mind.
I twirl and dance like a child in your dreams,
picking flowers from your garden of mystery.
I lay in a field of grass and see the clouds mold to the shape of my spine.
My imagination flies.
These white clouds in the sky resemble the purest doves,
roaming free as they flew by.
Staring into the abyss, beauty looked into my eyes and i saw and part of you and I.
The infinite possibilities of the infinite...
I remain here, my body surrendering to what is bigger than I.
I put my hands firmly around the neck of the universe, but I'm the only one that chokes.
The answers form in the mind of reason and rhyme
and spill out of the back of my throat.
The cosmos live inside this abstract mind.
In time, I will become as light as the doves that fly.
Levitate beyond the division line that separates your heart and mine.
What is the combination to the lock that closes our minds?
I wandered.
The answer ran through my veins under this tree of wonder.

I opened my eyes, and there was only thunder.

 Oct 2014 Katelyn
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Dear men,
You are not emasculated when you are gentle to a woman.
You are not emasculated when you can't control your child's behaviour
You are not emasculated when you get a vasectomy done
You are not emasculated when you stand up for a woman, no matter how old she is.
You are not emasculated when you support gender equality.
You are not emasculated when you choose to not drink and drive
You are not emasculated when your lifestyle choices are different from that of your friends.

I am a feminist who believes that man and woman have equal roles in the society.

If you think women are weaker,  I fail to comprehend you and I m not going to waste my time explaining you the basics of how to be peaceful and respecting one another.

Someone who wants a change, and is doing their part in it.
Rant + telling people to not be *******
 Oct 2014 Katelyn
Kayla Behm
When you're little, you look up to your father;
A man who's always there for his little daughter.
He supposed to be there to dance and play,
and, maybe, even sing with you all day.
Your dad is the man to push you on the swings,
so high you feel like you have wings.

My father always had the whitest smile,
just like my dress will be when I walk down the aisle.
He always put his hands on his hips,
and flashed a smile yet not on his lips.
His eyes would twinkle when they met mine,
no matter the situation, he make you laugh every time.

My fantasy world was shattered at age five,
when my father stopped breathing and wasn't alive.
My mom cried and our family shared hugs,
yet there's still something on my heart that tugs.
That constant reminder of what my life was,
some people say it hurts, and I'll tell you it does.

But don't feel too bad, my life is truly great;
I promise this experience didn't fill me full of hate.
I love my dad and my step-father too,
some people say, "That's impossible to do".
So my life continues and he's still dearly, I miss,
How I said goodbye -- it was with a kiss.
Hope you enjoy my poem. This is a true story, I did lose my father. Don't think I'm trying to write this for sympathy. I wrote it because it truly means a lot to me.
My hate is the unused love
The love that was not accepted
Everyone saw that quiet, lonely shell
But merely flicked it away

I walked alone
I sat alone
I had this love
This unwanted love
No one to give it to
No way to show it

So I learned how to hate
This love turned sour
Covered in black
Scrape away the darkness,
You'll end up back

The hatred filled me like love once did
And like love,
There was no one to give it to
Like always,
I was alone

So the hatred simmered
The darkness calmed down
And turned dark blue
It was sadness
Suffocating sadness

The muggy air filled my lungs
Condensation pouring out of my eyes
The love was being chipped away
Was there any love at all?

And here I sit
With a line for a mouth
And tired eyes
I'm still alone
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