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awas amidst
the bits and bobs of my pseudo-sleep,
check my watch oft habitually,
that the precisive time is not
what I seek,

what I desire is reassurance of
some sort, that time is present,
that it is
a measurable actuality in,

my about,
a breathable actuality
woven into my
Body’s  Constructional
Constitutional Cconsciousness

that time is there, here,
for it is rhe

wondrous of all wonder,
it is a
present of, from,
is love itself,

love is time…
(think on it)

it is all and only
the future in
slow mo
is both
realizable & visible ,
even some part knowable;
its somes & sums,
as we daily
practice realizing it,
as if
time is a
smuggler of snuggles,
comforting but not
for too long
a new lover’s
beginning beguiling explanations
reforming our ardor


a glove
asking us each:
slow s l i d e
your hand inside,
newly commence
waving yours,
airy all about

conducting a new self
into your
precious moment of precarious
that we dare not waste!

write and right
are no accident,
but purposed
brothers and sisters,
one and both
the same time…
writ in the dark hours
when the watch
watches over me
The wind whispered to the trees
Who sent messages in fallen leaves

The bluebell rang out the alarm
And the rabbits burrowed out of harm

The birds carried the message on a wing
Then the forest fell asleep until the spring
Thank you for bringing back to life a 2019 poem.
Living is dying
That's why it's so painful
Loving and hurting
They say to be grateful
Remembering to be forgiving
I'm so very forgetful
Beginning and continuing
Both have been my downfall

Try and pull me down
Chop my wings
To hear me agonizing
And then watch me walk on ground
Reminiscing the sky
But not being affected much around
Hear me say
You didn't pull me down
I wonder when my blue skies
Slowly faded to grey
I’m beginning to think
It’s always been that way

Because for as long as I can remember
There’s been a storm inside my mind
Casting cloudy weather
With no light to shine

I wish for nothing more  
Than to feel warmth upon my face
To look up at the sun
And soak up all her rays

But I suppose for now
Dancing in the rain will have to do
Until my skies of grey  
Turn back into blue
i know i hurt you,
im sorry,
dont worry,
i will hurt myself more.
Her: I have a confession...
Him: what kind of confession...?
Her: I tried to **** myself.
Him: at what time...?
Her: last night at midnight.
Him: that's nice. we attempted at the same time.
Her: ...
Him: let's meet up the next time you feel low, hmm?
The thing is, he didn't try to commit suicide.
A short story :D attempting to suicide isn't a light matter, so pls take caution when approaching this topic :) <3
Be patient with me
I’m still a work in progress

Somedays I seem put together
But that paint’s not dry just yet

One day I’ll get this right
I’m sorry
i need a hug,
not a false side one.
a really long one.
one in which i just disappear from the world.

nothing else will matter.
not the fact that me and you
have both moved on and found someone new.
i need one so tight
that i can feel my bones being crushed and pressured
until they s h a t t e r .


because all of what i've seen
is pain and hurt.
people fall and are pushed to
instantly get back up and brush off the dirt.

let's hug.
Absent minded
Amidst an unfamiliar zone
Heading head first
Into the great unknown
Like a dog
Chasing a leaf
That's being chased by the wind
Into the road

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