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 Jul 2014 julius alcancia
Your touch is like
the flutter
of butterfly wings
ghosting on my skin,
setting off an explosion of fireworks
causing ripples in time
and tsunamis to form
halfway across the world.
Her legs she stretches
Drops her jaw, with vampired grin
Wings glide; oh goodbyes.

(6/29/14 @xirlleelang)
Through my pages
Looking into
Previous phases

Most of them
A few
I saw
And in the middle
How I had forgotten
That in those
I had scribbled.

Rest assured
I myself
Utterly unsure

Why would I keep
Were they all in fact

I grappled
All of a sudden
I remembered

Did not leave
More feelings
On the page
To lessen the pain
That had me writing
In the first place.

Time had elapsed
And sometimes, I relapse.

It was noted
Pulled from
Opposite corners
I was undecided

What is a piece
Without its end
Will I find peace
If I write the end

Time had elapsed
And sometimes, I relapse;

Should I
Work on the old
Or learn to
Let go.
 Jun 2014 julius alcancia
I am the one
who stayed awake
to listen to your problems,
I lost sleep for your affection,
for you to feel like
you had someone.
I wrapped your loneliness
around my
whilst you injected your pain
in my bones,
but when things got better,
you decided to make your own world
 Jun 2014 julius alcancia
i like to listen to the silence of the night
because beneath the deafening stillness
and gruelling vagueness that it holds are
the sound of your breathing that i sync with mine
the chuckles you make when i say a bad joke
the rustle of sweet words you mutter to my ear
the disarming roughness of your voice when you talk

i like to listen to the silence of the night
because its warmth is my brief escape from loneliness
and its noise is calm and inviting
and because for a moment, no matter how quick,
silence takes me to you
I love you. I hope you know I do. :(
You remind me of the wind
constantly lingering everywhere I go

Messing up my hair
just to remind me of your presence

Whistling in my ears
telling the stories of where you've been

Yet some days I feel as if you vanish

As if all the wind just stopped

But I was dumb to think

that I was the only one who noticed you
that I was the only one with the messed up hair
that I was the only one who's heard your stories

I was just a speck of dust, taken by you.
 Jun 2014 julius alcancia
Is when you finally told me
that we were too young
to believe in forever
the teardrop factory is closed
a rusted sign suspended by worn down chains read

the teardrop factory is closed
workers and co-workers retreat to their
teapot homes and their well paved streets

the teardrop factory is closed
usually the halls fill with shattering
screams or distant wailing
but now it's as if
Sound has finally kept quiet

but behind a door on
the 25th floor was a man

peacefully asleep he was
but his bare body
seemed to think otherwise

chained both hands and feet
bruised from top to bottom
his heart had been pierced
his soul spread out on the cold floor
the burden in his pocket weighs
another pound as the minute goes by

the poor poor man stirred awake
eyes bloodshot and puffy
remembering his misery
he began to sob

the teardrop factory is now open
a rusted sign suspended by worn down chains read
 Jun 2014 julius alcancia
Maybe the only reason why you will never miss me is because I will always visit you in your dreams.

(They say that if you miss somebody, you'll eventually show up in their dreams.)
Perhaps to love is to learn
to walk through this world.
To learn to be silent
like the oak and the linden of the fable.
To learn to see.
Your glance scattered seeds.
It planted a tree.
     I talk
because you shake its leaves.
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