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Josiah Wilson Mar 2016
Who can compare with your majesty, oh Lord?
Who can match your might and power?
For with your breath you gave life to the earth,
and as you spoke, the world came into being.

Truly, God, you are powerful beyond measure.
Your strength is beyond the comprehension of man.
Only you can say what is right and wrong;
from your mouth come the decrees of justice.

Hear my plea, oh God.
I have fallen in the darkness,
and I can not raise myself up.
The heights of Your glory are beyond my reach.

I am beset on all sides by trouble.
Doubt and fear are my constant companions.
My eyes are blinded,
and I cannot see your path.

You, Lord, who sees all,
know of my faith.
I have never renounced your name,
but always have I kept it in reverence.

Look upon me in my hour of need,
and see that I have done no wrong.
Through no fault of my own
I have lost my way.

Surely, oh God, you will deliver me.
For do you not guide the righteous along your paths
even as you condemn the wicked to damnation?
Surely, oh God, you will pull me from the depths.

Reach out your hand
and rescue me, Lord.
Restore unto me surety and boldness once again,
that I might walk in your light forever.

Nothing is impossible for you, God.
You are all powerful, all knowing,
with love that never ends.
I place my trust in you.

Your mercy and grace are boundless.
Though I often fail to keep your laws,
still you do not abandon me.
Your forgiveness is unfathomable.
This was something I did for a class at my university. It's modeled after a lament from the book of Psalms, and follows the general structure as well as making use of different forms of parallelism that are found in ancient Hebrew poetry.
Josiah Wilson Jan 2016
The scars you've left upon my body
Will probably never fade
And they're engraved upon me
Part of what you made

I can't bring myself to let memories
Fade away to dust
They're all I have left of me and you
Of that once held trust

I'll drown myself in this blood
Filling my chest
And choking on my life
With these last breaths
Josiah Wilson Nov 2015
My veins thrum with
The thrill of death and blood
My eyes alight with life
As I stride through the mud

Dead men all around
Most felled by my hand
They gave their all to die
And still alive I stand

I am invincible
Too angry to die
The battle rage fills me
As I roar at the sky

My thirst is never sated
I always yearn for more
More killing, more blood
More bodies for my sword
Josiah Wilson Oct 2015
I am indomitable, untouchable
I am wrath embodied
The rage of the downtrodden made flesh
Nothing will stand in my way

Their corpses torn apart by my hands
Their blood soaked into the soil
I have wrought destruction upon them
And brought ruin to their hearth

They dared to provoke me
To spit upon me when I was weak
And what was sown
They have reaped

I am the berserker
Blood streams from my wounds
The horde overwhelms me
Yet I refuse to be defeated

I smash through their lines
A roar ripping from my throat
As I rend my enemies asunder
And cover myself in their gore

I see terror in their eyes
As they see the blood frenzy in mine
I lay waste to all who oppose me
And still it is not enough

My lust for battle can not be sated
It will not be satisfied
Until I have annihilated them
Until I have erased every trace of them
Josiah Wilson Aug 2015
I sleep too much
But when I sleep
I dream
Oh, such dreams

I dream too much
But when I dream
I feel
Oh, how I feel

I feel as if everything
That I need, that I yearn for
That I so desperately crave
Is in my dreams

So I sleep
And I dream
And when I dream
I am happy
Josiah Wilson Jul 2015
There's a tired feeling
That I sometimes get
When I'm not ready
For the day just yet

So I squeeze my eyes shut
Roll over in bed
Pull the blanket up
And over my head

I pretend that it's dark
And the sun isn't there
So I can get more sleep
Without a thought to spare
Josiah Wilson May 2015
I can't sleep at the thought of you gone
And I don't know how I'll get along
Without your beautiful smile by my side
Or your bright, bright eyes that you try to hide
Behind that auburn hair
Hanging over your face
And your faded scars
That I love to trace
With my fingers when I'm holding you
There's nothing else I'd rather do
Just stay here with me
No need to go
Outside today
Just stay
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