Am I depressed
Or just a little sad?
Am I insane
Or just a touch too mad?
I try to find rhythm
In the words on the page
But I long to be free
And escape from this cage
I try to find order
In a humdrum, safe life
But I need to get out
Find some conflict and strife
I'm going insane,
At least, that's what I think
And I know that my thoughts
Are beginning to sink
They're becoming so wild
So restless, untamed
And there's things in my head
That can not be named
They claw at my eyelids
They scream in my ears
They keep me awake
And they pour out my tears
I'm going insane
I just want it to end
I don't know what's coming
Around the next bend
The suspense is killing me
Will someone please help?!
I'm about to fall off
Of the highest high shelf
When I hit the ground
I'll shatter and break
And the pieces of me
Will be left for a day
Just to gather some dust
Just to sit there and rot
Because no one will give me
A first second thought
So the pieces of me
That are shattered and broken
Will remain like the words
That I've left unspoken
This one pretty much just tumbled out. The only things I thought about in for any length of time are the first stanza and the title.