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  Jan 2018 Joshua Michael
i don't want an apology
i don't need a half hearted smile
because you feel obligated
i don't want your pity
i don't need you to feel sorry for me
because believe it or not
being hurt isn't new to me
i just want a "thank you"
that's all
for loving you
when you least deserved it
  Jan 2018 Joshua Michael
We often wonder why our hearts
get broken, and I think I am
beginning to understand why.

A tiny thing, so precious yet so
fragile, had to be undone before
it can be made whole again.

My guess is, in putting the pieces
back together;
we find strength in weakness.
We find courage in vulnerability.
We understand ourselves better.

And with what we lose,
we also gain more of ourselves.
Trust the process. Self-talk.
  Jan 2018 Joshua Michael
Mitch Prax
I want you
and a home to come home to
or maybe to come home to you
or maybe a home in you
or maybe I just want you.
  Jan 2018 Joshua Michael
Layla Thurman
I revel in our fights
Its the only time
I can pretend
Like you actually care
About me
  Jan 2018 Joshua Michael
Rachel Brisco
Your heartbeat is like the soundtrack to my soul and everytime I hold you close I don't want to let you go in fear of forgetting the rhythm.
But you have no idea.
You make me feel so much.
You make me crave every part of you, like an addiction I'm not quite ready to be cured of.
And will I ever?
It matters not at all to you.
Interferes with your life in no way and you love it.
I know you love that I can't move on because if I could, where would that leave us?
Could you live with the knowledge I didn't love you anymore like I'm living with the knowledge you never did?
I'd be your plus one forever.
I'd be whatever you wanted me to be but the one thing I hate being is all that I am to you.
A secret.
And what is a secret but something you are ashamed of?
I spend my life being second best and I'm forced to believe I deserve it.
Maybe I do.
But I'd evade every possible scenario that could make you feel like that.
I'd make you feel like the most important person in the world.
Because to me that's what you are.
You're so special.
I'd never hide you or lock you away.
I'd show the world how lucky I am to have you if you were mine.
And I'd make sure you felt the same.
  Jan 2018 Joshua Michael
I seem to be the master at this game
always out liking someone
I dive it with high expectations and end with them crashing down into the dirt
because I always out like
You liked me, I liked you
you stopped liking me eventually, but I didn't stop liking you
I win, you lose.
You'd think winning is a sweet victory
but winning this game ends in nothing but sad nights
I win, you lose.
I'll stay on the phone, content with just listening to our silence and you did too
for a while
I win, you lose.
I'll go out of my way to see you
you'd go when it was convenient
I win, you lose.
I keep the same feelings
while yours wither
I win. you lose.
All connections break because you simply
don't feel it anymore
I win,
you lose.
  Jan 2018 Joshua Michael
i hope you never have to know
the depth of my devotion
because to know
would be to understand
the emptiness you left in me
when you had nothing
to give back
and surely such
would eat you alive
we matched on tinder today and i'm upset
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