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 Feb 2017 Jinx
Mark Penfold
There are no roses on a sailors grave,
No lillees on an ocean wave.
The only tributes are the seagulls sweeps,
And the tear drops that the lover weeps.
 Nov 2014 Jinx

Tears for the fallen
Saddened refrains
Lasting impressions
Endless the stains

Hearts of the young
Brave in the fields
Anguish and sorrow
The pain it does yield

Proudly they fight
Quickly they fall
Not soon forgotten
The blood on the wall

Freedom the journey
Cost laced with war
Darkened decisions
Death at the door

Counted statistics
No two the same
Numbers for tracking
Somebody’s name

Wasted perception
Fear has no place
Tears for the fallen
Roll down my face
We remember
 Jun 2014 Jinx
Carsyn Smith
I wonder, love, if you see
these stars that hang over me
or if you, so far away,
forget to look up?
My first attempt at a Doditsu poem...
 Jun 2014 Jinx

Will you hold each of your beautiful words
so close to my ear
I wish to listen to your whispers

Lend me each aromatic character
I'll embrace them,
inhaling the scent of your soul

Scatter for me a few curved creations
each, a puzzle piece of your thoughts
let me make you feel whole

Lay each delicious design
gently upon my fingers
and I'll caress your bleeding heart

Kiss each word sensually to my lips
I will just savour the taste
of your desire

 May 2014 Jinx
 May 2014 Jinx
She can still recall
       the footprints

that were made ..

oh, so long ago

    Left behind
a thousand footprints ago

Footprints on a path
walked in another time

     Invisible to others

She knows they still remain
      'out there'

   she remembers.

They are eternal ..
       invisible footprints ..
                on a path ..

                        she ..
                   will never ..
                      walk ..
 May 2014 Jinx
cosmic poet
i'll spend forever
picking at threads on my sweater
and listening to the wolves howl to my wild side
soon the threads will unravel
and ill be free to embrace corruption
a corrupted soul is better that the light and weary
 May 2014 Jinx
cosmic poet
honeysuckle heart, beating so fast
listen in sin the hummingbirds sing
and devour the poisonous pollen
 May 2014 Jinx
cosmic poet
im so tired of ordinary
I need extraordinary
I crave a life filled with magic in the smallest of things
and love riddled with passion and never having to endure boredom
my heart is so closed off
can it open enough to feel a touch of love
it doesn't even have to be love
I just want something more
something extraordinary
 Apr 2014 Jinx
Ariana Sweeney
 Apr 2014 Jinx
Ariana Sweeney
Blood doesn't mean
Anything anymore.
I wish black and blue ink
Would drip from
Every open wound
And pool together
to create
A tangle
And make words
That mean nothing
To anyone but myself.
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