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Jessa Apr 2018
Every time
These eyes peering
Into yours
I couldn't help
To fall in love with you
Over and over
For there's such truth
Within the window
Of your soul
Where I can see clearly
That my name
Was engraved beautifully
On your heart
How your smile
Melted away my fear
To take another step
In this journey of love
Hold this gaze
A little bit longer my love
For you'll find a home
Within me
A throne with a crown
Which I preserve
Only for you to reign
I have no regret
For falling for you
All over again

Jessa May 2016
Opened up my heart
Just to be hurt
Once more
What a fool I am
For believing in lies
And now  
I'm trapped again
In this painful solitude
Grieving over
Another death of love
The ashes of burning pages
I sealed my heart
With determination
This time......
It's gonna be forever
For I've thrown
The key
Deep inside the ocean of sorrow
Never to be found
So never again
I could be killed
By the tongue of a man

Jessa Mar 2018
I’m tired
To keep repeating
The same script
Over and over

I’m drained
From fighting my way
Just to get myself
In a place that I called home

Nothing could ever changed
Everything is just the same
Silence still roams
Emptiness still reign the throne
Same storyline
With similar ending

So this play
Shouldn’t be continued
For we’re the characters
That couldn’t play our roles
Not as an actor
Neither as a lover

Jessa Sep 2015
Being a sinner and I'm guilty
But should I be condemned for eternity?
Just because I stray too far from reality
It doesn't mean I seek no clarity
I don't want any sympathy
Nor I ask for charity
Just don't judge my sanity
Because within the chaos I still own my tranquility

Jessa Apr 2018
I won't beg
To be loved
Nor I ever wanted
To love
But this memory
I keep it with me
Proof that I was in love
Until that love
Stained my dignity
With humiliation
And shoved me back
Into the darkness
A world I once knew

Jessa Nov 2016
No one knows
Hidden secrets
Behind this face of mine
To be shoved
Into a coffin
While I'm still breathing
Being forced
To sleep with fear
Every night
Nowhere to run
When your nightmares
Live inside

So I carry
The burden within
Dragging along the road
The ****** trail behind
This curse
Will forever
Mark my skin
A condemned soul I am
In this life
But what's waiting
On the other side
When heaven
Erased my name
From the list of the guest

Jessa Aug 2016
The quill
Has become the blade
Slashing my emotion
With words written
Blood spills
On the canvas
Painting the portrait of misery
Every drop of heartache
Bring out
The painful image
And I swallow my pride
Showing vulnerability
In this piece of sorrow
When I keep slaying
My conscience
With the motion of this ink
Weakness shown
Teary eyes
As I **** myself
In this agonizing poem
Crafted by me

Jessa Nov 2016
Again I bleed
Through this ink
Slashing the skin of this chapter
With this quill

Again I tear up
This heart of mine
Pouring the blood
From inside

And I take a sip
From the cup of words
Bitter taste of misery
On my tongue
As the poison
Kills me slowly
In my sleep

Jessa Apr 2018
I could never
Breathe easy
Without you in my life
Nor I could
Inhale the air
When you're no longer mine
I'm choked more
If I choose to stay
By your side
Asphyxiated with your lies
I'm not the love
Of your life
So here I am
Looking at your face
For the last time
You.... I will miss
And I hope
You'll breathe easy
Once I'm gone from your sight

Jessa Aug 2016
And I burn
The melody of love
This time
It's meant to be forever
As I scatter
The ashes in the air
I close my eyes
Praying for the wind
To take this pain away
Let my tears
Wash away
The wound inside
The worth in me
It's only for me to see
The remain of this heartbeat
It's only for me to breathe
I'll rise again
And that moment
I will only live for me

Jessa Sep 2015
I'm laying naked
On the floor
Clinging to survive
With tears rolling down
From my eyes
No voice for me
To scream
No strength for me
To move
And so
I let the coldness
Ravishing my skin
And sorrow
Consuming my soul
I'm dying
Being stabbed in the heart
With lies
With humiliation
By the unknown presence
Leaving me here
And bleed to death

Jessa Oct 2017
Do you know
What it feels like
To call out your name
You’ll never answer me

Do you know
What it’s like
Living with the pain
Of missing you
You’ve erased my name
From your memory

So tell me
Am I to blame
If I burn the pages
Of our story
There’s nothing left
To reminisce

So tell me
Would it be wrong
If I scatter the ashes
Of our love
It has been ages
Since we cremated
Our love

Jessa Sep 2015
Sitting here and I start to frown
Carrying a thought of dying with a knife
Then I realize I'm one of the clowns
Playing my part in this circus of life

I'm juggling from good to bad
Resembling an angel and demon
There are times to be good and bad
****! It's just hard to get even

Walking along the thread
Trying to find the balance
I wish I fall down and dead
No more quest for my existence

Drowning with lust and sin
Sinking into the darkest pit
Somehow I claim back the light to reign
What for? Just to repeat the cycle of ****?!

Jessa Apr 2016
With a wicked smile
To a passionate kiss
And as our tongues
Rolling together
My hands exploring
Your bare skin
And as I bite your lips
To tease your ego
You hold me tighter
And kiss me more
Every sound I make
Unleashing the beast in you
And every step you take
I buried my nails in you
I surrender myself
To every motion
And I keep sinking
With every *******
I beg for more
Keep pulling me down under
Drown me lover
In this ocean of ecstasy

Jessa Sep 2015
Waking up
With cloudy sky
Above my head
I look in the mirror
And I hate
The reflection inside
Has been torn apart
By my own hand
Has been stained
With evil touch

That's what I see
It's how I feel
With no purpose
I dig and dig
Looking for the answer
Where's the inner child
Who am I exactly?
But then I realize
I'm just an empty vessel
Wandering around
For my soul
Has been long gone
I'm trapped
In the hourglass
And soon to be dissolved
In the sand of time

Jessa May 2016
I was the star
Up in the sky
Dancing upon
Your darkened sky
As you sing
The melody of passion
You cast me out
From your galaxy
Far away
From your sight
I'm just a castaway
In this strange universe
I'm so lost here
All alone
Without a place to call home
I'm fading
By the dark hole
Surrender myself
To the emptiness
For there's nothing more
To show
When there's no stage
For me to perform
The musical of love

Jessa Sep 2015
Just like the wind
The laughter we had is vanished
Into the air

Just like ashes
The pages of our story turned into dust
Scattered all over the place

And just like the mist
The memories we created
Gone forever killed by the sunrise

Jessa May 2018
I was smiling
With a crown on my head
I was pretty
And happiness
Shown in my eyes
But now....
There’s no more image
To define me
There’s no shape
To picture
How I looked like
Just dull colors
With torn paper
Stained with my tears
For I'm the faded portrait
That you used to paint
With love

-Jessa ©
Jessa Apr 2018
Can I kiss
Those lips of yours
One last time
Can I preserve
The taste of your ecstasy
One more time

Can you hold me tight
Like you won't let go
This time
Can you caress my hair
And look me in the eye
One last time

For this moment
I want to remember
Bittersweet memory
Between you and me
When we say goodbye
For the last time

Jessa Dec 2016
To be able to see
But not to touch
This longing……. It’s killing me

To have a voice
But it’s not meant to be heard
This silence….. It’s tearing me apart

With my own breath
With no heartbeat
How I wish for this immortality
To be vanished

For I just want everything
To end
But where do I go
Even in death
I’m still restless
For this pain…… This anger
Refuse to rest in peace

-Jess / Jessabelle Autumn
Jessa Apr 2016
In my solitude
I have killed you
For a thousand times
By stood up alone
With no tears flowing
For I know
It will slay your pride
By being strong on my own

In my broken interlude
I have murdered you
Countless of times
With my sharp words
As the knife
I stabbed your ego
Within the rhyme
And I buried your name
In the tomb of time
And I caged your soul
Inside this bleeding piece of mine

But in my heart
Still I'm struggling
To chase away your image
Trying so **** hard
To erase the memory we created
I cleanse myself
With prayers
But you still haunt me
With memories
The ghost from the past you are
Tormenting my life
By reminding me of our scenes
Why can't you just die
So I won't commit another sin

Jessa May 2016
Have you ever woke up
In the morning
And feel so empty
There's no more kisses
To greet you
No motivation
To start your day

Have you ever woke up
In the middle of the night
And reaching out
For the empty space of the bed
He was there
To hold you all night long

But then......
You broke once more
Hope is fading
When he refused
To fight
The rough storm
By the thunder
By the lightning
So he took
The easy way out
Walking away
Leaving you here
Mourning over his absence

Jessa Sep 2015
You may give me a frown
But I never looked down
Still I'm walking in this town
Like a princess wearing a crown

I am not that thin
And it's not a sin
I want to show my skin
I don't care if you're being mean

I'm proud with my curve
And I'm not scared to swerve
I'll do it with joyful verve
And I deserved to be loved

Jessa Apr 2018
Eyes couldn't see
Blindfolded for eternity
Mouth couldn't speak
Frozen tongue with misery
So silently I grieve
Over the death of my sanity
The day I said "I Do"
Marrying my own agony

Jessa Sep 2015
By your beautiful words
By your rhyme
A perfect sublime
You can't penetrate my heart
For I've shielded
With my conscience
You see
You're an open book
And I could read you
Between the line

Jessa Sep 2015
Is it too much to ask
To be loved
Is it so hard
To show a little love
Is it too much to ask
To be accepted
Is it so difficult
To learn about existence
Is it too much to ask
To be honest
Or maybe it's just too easy
To live in denial

I seek no attention
Just a little affection
I'm not looking for fame
Just a little care to be tamed
Nor I want to be treated like a queen
Just equality to be seen

Now tell me
Is it too much to ask?

Jessa Jan 2017
I worship your ghost
And I look for your shadow
But I've forgotten
That I'm the phantom
Running along the corridor
For my broken heart
That you keep in a jar
Too many pieces
Of bleeding love
You stored
Too many bottles of life
You've ripped out
Where's mine?!
I fall down to the floor
Drowning with frustration
Choked with anger
I'm just another additional art
Of the broken heart you've collected

Jessa Sep 2015
I nurtured your words
With love and care
I pampered your lines
With the beat of my heart
Until it forms a beautiful rhythm
A song about you and me

But somehow the melody hurts me
And the lyrics is killing me slow
When I realized I'm just a fool
Praising the art of lie
Deceived by the sweetest chant

Jessa Aug 2016
Standing here
At the crossroads
I don't know
Which way to go
I'm lost
But alone
This journey must go on
So I take a step
Moving forward
But it's too heavy
For I'm dragging
The past with me
Reminiscing us
For it's what keep me going
And I'm still
Carrying your name with me
For my strength
Lies within those alphabets
Forgive me
Because I couldn't let go
But please allow me
To live with our memories

Jessa Aug 2016
A collaboration

Hunting, the moon
Which of your shine glows from
A kingdom over satin skin
Stars around your head
Which I wished
Once grazed upon forever

Parting sky from sea
Is where I've fallen between
Soft lips and kind eyes
Caused a storm constantly when remembering
What you were inside of me
What you are...

Held breath into your return
Underneath my soul is burn
Where your cool energy can only calm
This unbalance of heart and mind
A connection blessed to be

Staring into open sky
Soaking in our rain
Calling to you
Of closed seeking...
Longing for thee

Parting from sky
I'm the moon
Shining above you
Where I paint stars
On your bare skin
Preserving my glow in you

Open sea, that's me
Welcoming you to bathe in me
For this water will calm
The rage of emotion within
Sealed with kisses
To remind you of me

Breathe me in
And feel my presence
For never once
I leave you all alone
To fight the storm on your own

Gazing upon the sky
Whisper to the wind
Feel me in the air
For I'm everywhere
Whenever you're longing for me

-Ashawn & Jess
Jessa May 2016
In the sea of regret
This burden of guilt
Keeps pulling.......
Me down under
I'm sinking
Into the abyss
Never once
I tried to fight the current
Nor to keep swimming
To the shore
For I'm ready
To be faded
With internal silence
I just let.....
The echo of my heartbeat
To be heard
Bit by bit
Til it stops
For eternity

Jessa Apr 2016
Stranded here
In the pit of confusion
Trying to crack your secret
Hidden in binary code
I'm struggling
To find a way in

Don't misunderstand
I'm not attempting
To breach your firewall
I'm just trying
To understand your flow
Looking for my name
Whether it's written
Somewhere in your heart

Or maybe you've erased it
Replaced with someone new
Another coding
For the program you called love
I am lost here
Not knowing
Where my place is
I'm everywhere
Scattering like broken pieces
Searching for a spot
To fit in

Help me
By defining who am I
Tell me
If I'm the subject in your life
Delete me
If I'm just a prototype
For your amusement
Or you can fix me
By rewriting the code
And make me permanent
Within your soul

Jessa Feb 2018
Can you love a devil
Change her way to heaven
Will you fall
For her temptation
And let her lead you
To hell

Jessa Sep 2015
He walked along the street
He stumbled and fell on his feet
He then swallowed his own spit
When he realized he's going into the pit

He once owned a gallery
And he praised his mounted glory
But he sold his soul to gain victory
Little did he knew that his hands were slippery

Everything was burning
And he was crying
Then he was begging
But he was dying
He was grieving
Over his own feeling

He used to be a gold digger
But the king had turned into a beggar
He just wanted to pull the trigger
But a wise man said, " It's on you then go figure! "

Reluctantly he let go of his throne
Oh!!! There's no crown to call his own
He sat there crying and start to mourn
The mad man faced his fate to die alone

Jessa Aug 2016
Spilling blood
On this paper
Slaying my conscience
With words written
Such a painful art I present
By slicing the flesh of emotion
Bit by bit
I bleed through this ink
Not for amusement
Nor for attention
It's just an addiction
To feel sorrow
Through the quill
For agony has become
The food for my thought
And heartache
Etched upon my soul
Silent scream
Embedded between the line
This is who I am
An addict
For words of misery

Jessa Aug 2016
Holding the pillow
Close to my chest
For my heart
Has shattered into pieces
I'm losing you
You're fading away
From my life
Gone with the wind
But the memories
Stay with me
Scriptures we wrote
Will never be erased
For we left our souls
Within those words written
A memoir of love
Between you and me

Jessa Apr 2016
I yearn
To dance my fingers
On your skin again
I long
To take a sip
From your glass of passion
The memory of us
Playing the orchestra of love
Still lingering
Inside my head
The sound of you
Whispering my name
Still haunts me in my sleep
I wish
To fall in your embrace
And to taste
Your sweetest kiss again
To sit on your face
And to feel the magic
From your tongue
What a blissful torture
To be exploded
In the pool ecstasy
To hear
The exhausted voice
When we reched
To the pinnacle of intimacy
This thought
Just killing me
Knowing all I have
Just this memoir
Of a pleasurable moment
Between you and me

Jessa Feb 2018
It seems like
I'm the ghost of the past
That keeps haunting your night
Because you still
Search for me
In every dream
In every thought
Even in your nightmares
How I wish
For you to let go
How I pray
For your restless sleep
To come to an end
But I guess
This won't be over
For I'm still holding on
To old promises
So will you gaze
Upon the stars
And resuscitate me
Soul to soul
Heart to heart
For I yearn to be
More than a phantom
In your life

Jessa Feb 2018
In this heavy air
With more lies
I shut
All doors to my heart
You won't find me
For the window to my soul
Has been closed
There's nothing
You can see in me
Just this pure darkness
With the voices of nightmare
Run away
Because I might stain you
With my sins
Don't turn back
For I might burn you
In my hell
Just spit your shame on me
For this curse
Gladly ...... I'll carry to my grave

Jessa Feb 2018
Roses bloom to your spoken name
Such a ****** to cut them
Yet to give them to you
Beauty to match
Love this trap
Your lips speak
Utter sweet poetry
As my hand goes under
I catch your fall
To break your walls
Giving all without words
Actions to bleed to prove
There’s no me without you
As no sand without sea
Be with me...
As the sun and moon rotate
Loving the sky... our fate
To collide so pure
I just want to erase your design
Rewrite this story love
Take away the pain, as your breath
Upon my lips, my name spoken the same
Redo love, renew... what’s been taken
To rework a false love
Into everything you’ve dreamed...
Into what we both can see

Such a beautiful melody composed
Whenever I utter your name
And words come out easy
To define the beauty of passion
Frozen in time
With your gaze
Such a wonder your eyes hold
Til I almost fall
Feel you there
To catch me
Give you all
For only with you
I want to be
Eyes looking at the same sky
As roses start to bloom
I knew I'm in love again
Another us.... with the same name
A rewrite romance
And the pain ends
Redo what's been missing
Taking what should have been placed
Rework the love..... renew the vow
To everything we've dreamed of
Clarity of fate as we can see

-Ashawn & Jess
Jessa Dec 2016
From the depth
Of my broken heart
I send my love
Through the wind

From the depth
Of your broken heart
I feel the pain
In every beat

Maybe your hand
Never touched this skin of mine
But still.....
The caress lives within my soul

Maybe I've never seen you
Eye to eye
But the image of your face
Will never be erased from my sight

This longing
It's too painful to bear
It's tearing us apart
Where reality is nowhere
To be reached

I become.....
Something you couldn't embrace
By time and space

I'm the shadow
Of agonizing memory
No more me
As I fade into the darkness
Gone..... Within the night

-Jess / Jessabelle Autumn
One of a few last poems Jess wrote
Jessa Feb 2018
How could you expect me
To dive into your heart
When the water is shallow
And filled with the reefs of your pride

I got hurt
With bruises and cuts
When your rough wave
Hit me hard

Wish you could see
That I’m tired
Of fighting the tide
Wish you realize
That I’m not floating
Nor I try to swim

I’m waiting for you
To save me
From drowning
But seems like
You just wanna let go
And watch me ….. sink

Jessa Apr 2018
Never once
You tried to listen
To my cry
Never once
You tried to understand
My agony
Selfishly …..
You feed me with your ago
Heartlessly …..
You abuse me with ignorance
Invisible to your eyes now
But soon …..
This face you’ll miss
Soon ….
My voice will haunt you
In your sleep
Soon ….
You’ll realize that I’m a loss
That could never be replaced
Soon …..
I’ll be gone away from your sight
And memories
Will be buried in time

Jessa Aug 2018
More than skin
I want to be touched
Deeper than dark holes
I yearn to be penetrated
Not just singing
The melody of lust
I crave to speak
The language of passion
To understand every motion
And to memorize
The moment of love
When my soul
Pierced by your light
Such a spiritual healing
I could feel inside
Your breath on me
Is a rebirth of a new beginning
And instantly my heart
Engraved with your name
For you've completed me
As a woman
That could endure every pain

-Jess ©
Jessa Apr 2018
Such a long way
With uncertainty
But still.....
I keep going
Loyally....... right beside you  

Such a long journey
With no clarity
But still.....
I keep riding
Faithfully..... right beside you

Seems like
The road is easy
With no junction
But still.....
We can't keep going straight
We hit the curb
Countless times....
Of pulling over

Is it me.....
Failing as your navigator
Is it you.....
With your pride as a driver
Or is it us......
Fighting to see who's better

But I refuse
To leave this rally
And you ......
Still want this journey
And so I cross my heart
Hope to live
So we could reach
Our destiny

Jessa Sep 2015
I'm trying to escape
For my sight has been *****
Watching the show of life
Proving I'm just another strife
And so I close my eyes
Looking for a paradise
Because deep inside my chaos mind
There's a tranquility I could find

Jessa Oct 2017
Leaves will fall
Like autumn in February
And angels
Will start to grieve
Sending their tears
Through the rain
Hold my hand
And kiss me one last time
For the warmth
Of your lips
It's what I'll carry
To my cold place
Underneath your feet
Shall heaven
Has my name
I'll wait for you there
For this love
Will always eternally
Be yours
Shall the longing
Hit you hard
Find me in the air
Send me your emotion
Within the dandelions
Let the wind blows
Your pain to me

Jessa Apr 2016
I was the beast
Created by men
Equipped with a dark heart
I shut myself from affection
And my face.....
Only showed anger
For I carried
The seed of hatred
Slaying someone's heart
Came easy to me
For I was holding
The blade of vengeance
But now.....
I'm trapped
In this strange prism
I see the colors of rainbow
And my heart beats
Faster than before
Warm embrace from behind
Melt the frozen heart I own
Darkened sky has lifted
And I see
The glow of the sun
No more numbness
As I feel sensation
Within his touch
No more bitterness
For I taste the sweetness
Within his kisses
He's the monster hunter
And he caught me good
He tamed my wild character
With his love spell
And now I'm his prisoner
Willingly to be caged
Inside his ribs
Because he's my magic

Jessa Jun 2018
I can't steal the star
From the sky
To furnish
Your dark canvas
Nor I can be
The moon
To shine within the darkness
I can be your diary
That holds your secrets
A presence
That will listen
To your devilish rhythm
No judgment
No execution
Just confessions
From heart to heart
To ease the burden
You carry inside
As the morning comes
I'll be vanished from your sight
But will forever stay
In your heart

-Jessa ©
Jessa Sep 2015
You write me
A beautiful lullaby
Soothing to my ears
What a beautiful melody
Exquisite symphony
Drift me away
To a world of fantasy
But deep inside
I'm bleeding badly
By the lyrics of yours
For your words are sharp
And like a blade
Slashing my heart repeatedly
I close my eyes
With tears rolling down
Drifting into a deep sleep
And so I die
Killed by a wordsmith
In his sweetest melancholy

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