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Isaac Golle Mar 2015
I see it
It's on their faces
All of 'em
This shadow
Like some sort of indifference
Built out of hurt and pain and loneliness
Like they're so tired of fighting that they just gave up
"This is reality" they say
Yea, I see it
Don't think you can fool me
And there's a lot I could say
You know, to them, to myself, or to God
A lot of words that attempt to heal
A lot of prayers that attempt to reveal
A lot of...wrestling...that attempts to understand the brokenness of our condition and how God fits into all of it
But lately I've only been able to think of one thing
One single question that wells up inside whenever I begin to feel overwhelmed by the comprehension of the depth to which you have sunk your teeth

How dare you?

I see her
She's laying it all before me
Her heart
Her emotions
All her past
All her brokenness
Her father who used to chase her all over the house
Call her all sorts of horrible names
Totally RUINING her sense of self worth!
And now, she doesn't know what to believe or what to say or how to say it or what to pray or what to do or what to choose or how to love or when to love or if to love at all and all I can say is

How dare you?
Are you not aware?

And I see him
He's caught up in himself
So misguided by the failures of those involved in his life that he built a wall TEN MILES THICK around his heart, locked it, swallowed the key and never looked back cuz he's so **** sure there's nothin' left to see and all I can say is

How dare you?
Do you not know?

Oh and I see him
Sitting right across from me all full of lies and blasphemy
The things he says only ever amounting to full blown hypocrisy
I see him
So full of anger, hatred and hurt that I don't even know where to begin
The web is so thick it's BLACK
And you say it's hopeless, and I feel helpless, and all I can say is

How dare you?
Can you not see?

Oh, and I FEEL it!
That voice!
Insipid and subtle
So confident and slithering and leaving no room for rebuttal
Give UP it says
You're not capable and they're not worth it!
Your faith is invalid cuz it contradicts all the others
Your heart is too filthy and your soul is too shredded!
You're gonna fail!  Because you always fail you failing, miserable failure!
And all I can say is

How dare you?
Do you not know?
Can you not see?
Are you not aware?

Get to tremblin', beast.
For we are the children of the living God.
A poem about the mess of humanity.  I'm working on a spoken word album and this one is on it.  Preview the piece at the link below.
Isaac Golle Sep 2014
When I was a kid
I remember watching the comedy channel
Not in my own house, mind you
My parents were too smart for that
When I was a kid hanging out at my friend's houses watching the comedy channel
I remember
A slogan
Time.  Well.  Wasted.
And I remember thinkin'
"Oh!  Yea!  I like that!  Imma sit here a lil' longer!"
I was just a boy at the time and that's as far as the thought got
About a half-hour later we decided time was better wasted building gigantic, man-eating snowmen.
Eventually I went home
I wasted some time arguing with my parents about schoolwork, ate a bowl of cereal and wasted the next 8 hours in a comatose
I woke up to waste the next several years of my life figuring out how to waste the NEXT several years of my life
Somewhere in there someone told me I should do what I feel called to do so I wasted time waiting for a sign of some kinda magicy, Jesus voodoo
While I was waiting I wasted time reading Ecclesiastes and learned about what a waste of time it is to read Ecclesiastes
So I tried filling my time with all the things that weren't supposed to BE a waste of time but then I didn't have any time so I fell flat on my face on the edge of the vortex that is the human condition!
And I cried, "God!"
"Why do you waste your time with a foolish and selfish sinner like me?"
And the almighty, holy, infinitely incomprehensible, incredible God of the Universe replied
"Time.  Well.  Wasted."
Sep 2014 · 2.7k
Isaac Golle Sep 2014
I remember
You were walking to the fire pit with that stupid, wonderful, lost little boy look in your eyes
I remember
We talked about dirt bikes
I remember
You laughed at pretty much everything every single one of us said
I remember thinking
"Man, shut the hell up, already!"
I remember the next several weeks
You annoyed the hell outta me

I DON'T remember the day you first felt like a friend
I DO remember all the things you taught me
Like all the joy in the world is bubbling directly through your soul
Letting the world think you're crazy when all you're doing is having fun
Letting go of yourself and doing the right thing for the sake of others, so that they may feel..
A friendship so full, deep, and rich; the first time we saw each other after several months all we could do was laugh
For like fifteen minutes straight
You made my soul feel whole

I don't remember when we started to drift
I don't recall the day it began
But suddenly, I realized I was losing my best man
I tried so hard to clutch you in my hands!
But you continue to slip through my fingers like sand
Slowly, slowly you disappear
And sometimes I catch a glimpse
A frail, fleeting glimpse
So intact and incredible
It is but a glimpse

Then away you go
Where you glow and you glow and you glow and you glow
For someone else to know
And I'm having a hard time letting go
Is it worse to lose a good friend instantaneously to a tragic accident, or slowly over time?  I love you, Holt.  And I miss you a lot.  Don't worry though, you're doing incredible, honorable, wonderful things :)

I don't really know if this is a poem or not.  It's raw, heart feelings though so I decided to classify it as poetry.
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
Dance(Spoken Word Piece)
Isaac Golle Sep 2014
What a perfect balance
What a complicated dance
What a mess
Something that is both felt
And chosen
And received
And needed
We all seem to have our own little perceptions of love, don't we?
What it looks like
How it feels
What it's for
Arms wide open?
Or arms tightly closed?
If I hug a man do I love a man or am I just trying to buy his land?
If I tell you I think you're making a bad decision am I your enemy, or your closest friend?
What a complicated dance
Open arms always willing to embrace, but never holding back
Knees strong enough to meet me where I'm at, but never too weak to lift me past that
Words gentle enough to sooth a child, but STRONG enough to fight off giants!
Ears always ready to be lent, but never bought no matter how much is spent
Only love is capable of being the safest, most dangerous place all at once
Because love
Sweet, sweet, incredible love
God is love
This is a spoken word piece written in the midst of frustration with myself, and the journey of understanding marriage.
Isaac Golle Jan 2013
Honor. Valor. Dignity. Love.
Honor. Valor. Dignity. Love.
Three things amaze me
Four I do not understand
An eagle in the sky
A snake on a rock
A ship on the high seas
And the way of a man with a young woman
Honor. Valor. Dignity. Love.
I will always take the fall, I say
And I won't push back when you push me away
I will take the flack of a full frontal attack
And I will turn the other cheek when you slap me across the face
But I will not be known as meek!
For to be meek is to be mild
And to be mild is to be tasteless, flavorless, and vile
Devoid of passion
Crawling with passivity
Embodying all that is apathy but trying to pass it off as some kind of charity
If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you for even sinners do that well,
Try loving the ones you'd rather see burning in hell
If you agree say aye,
I, think you're just too afraid to try
Well blessed are the meek,
for the will inherit the earth
Blessed are the peacemakers
for they will be called children of God
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me
But I'll be tossin' temple tables and chasin' people out with whips and cables
If they say my God is not able
For a city built on a hill cannot be hidden
And a man under God cannot be smitten
So I claim the love and grace in which I have been placed
And I claim the calling into which I am falling
And when the enemy comes a calling
I raise my sword in the air and boldly declare
He said YOU are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its saltiness it is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot
So I take hold of love and grace
And I proclaim the name of the one holding me firmly in place
I lay waste to the lies replaced by fear in mine enemies eyes
And lift my hands up high
Honor. Valor. Dignity. Love.
Surely I am only a brute, not a man
I do not have human understanding
I have not learned wisdom
Nor have I attained to the knowledge of the Holy One
But I know I have found the truth.
And I will not let go.
Jan 2013 · 1.4k
The Key(Spoken Word Piece)
Isaac Golle Jan 2013
Who gave you the key to my heart?
I swear you've had it, from the start.

Three in the morning finally crawling into bed
Bits and pieces of our favorite love songs rolling through my head
Hummin' a tune cuz I know I'll see you soon
We've only been holding each other since sunset
You sang sweet lullabies with your eyes while I listened intently

Cuz when I see your face, I smile
When I look at you, I smile more
When we talk, my voice is beaming
When I hear you sing, my heart is soaring
And when I get a glimpse of your soul tucked behind your sparkling blue eyes I hold that stare so calmly but inside I'm jumping for joy!
And even when I can't see you
When all I have is the thought of you
Well I'll be ****** if all I let out is a grin

You go beyond butterflies and above pretty blue skies
But you don't even leave the ground cuz we're aimin' for a love so deep that even we can't find the bottom

and I wanna write you a love poem
But I can't find the words
I wanna sing you a love song
But I can't find my voice
I wanna give you a flower
But we trampled them all while we were dancin' in the moonlight

And baby, when all these feelings
All these butterflies, lullabies and gazing deep-ly into your eyes
All this happiness, all this ectasy
All this emotional high that makes me feel so free!

When all this is gone, I will love you still
Because love is a choice fueled by power of will
And we will not be condemned by chasing a thrill
So when the highs become lows and the lows become throes
Of tossing and turning
Of hearts burning from confusion, confliction, and diffusion
Of a feeling we thought to be eternal
I will be reminded that feelings are fickle, let the teardrops trickle
Keep walking forward until my heart decides to catch up
Place one hand in yours and one in God's and sing that same old song

Who gave you the key to my heart?
I swear you've had it, from the start.
See it performed here:;
Sep 2012 · 28.7k
Grace (Spoken Word)
Isaac Golle Sep 2012
Let it fall like an ocean
Let it rip through the skies
Let it fill up my heart and pour out my eyes
Let it gravitate my soul
Let it make me feel whole
Let it remind me of why I live
Let it remind me of all that you give!

Let my heart be made still and let mine eyes be opened!
Let me remember that my ears
were made to listen
And my lips exist for a lot more than just kissin'
Let me remember that these hands simply cannot do it all
Cuz see I wasn't made for that
I wasn't made for that at all

I was made to live and when I say live I think I mean give
But then I quickly realize I can only give so much!
And there's only so many lives I can touch!
Well how can I love if I can't constantly give
And how can I live if I can't constantly love but
Where's the hope in the God above if I'm the one doin' all the work?
And that's when I remember I accomplish the most when I just let go
And let You grab hold

Well what were these hands made for if not feeding the poor?
And what are these heart-wrenching feelings of constantly wanting more?
Why do my bones ache and my soul quake at the thought
Of living for myself?
Why do I worry so much about putting the marginalized on the shelf?
Why do I worry
about a life that loves hell?
Well maybe all this
is an unidentified desire to glorify God personified in Jesus Christ crucified

And maybe my soul's been singin' songs to my saviour since the day I was born
And maybe my saviour's been singin' sweet lullabies to quench the fear in my eyes
Maybe not all is lost
Maybe hope and salvation really come without cost
Tell them what?

Maybe it's time I remembered I don't have all the answers
Maybe it's time I remembered I am a speck of dust in a rolling beach of existence
Maybe it's time I look at what's right in front of me
And not strain my neck as far as the eye can see
Maybe it's time to focus on living and not just surviving
Maybe thriving looks more like trusting than trying
Maybe all the answers to my questions aren't really answers at all
Maybe it's alright that my walk sometimes feels like a crawl
Maybe 100% of the wrongs I do are all my fault

Maybe God's lookin' at me like a child set free
Maybe God's not lookin' at who I used to be
Maybe God's lookin' right past all the bitterness and apathy
Maybe God really does look at the heart
And maybe He's been holding mine from the very start
Maybe this is all going according to plan and if it's not well then maybe God's still using it to help me become a better man
Maybe it's time I stopped trying to figure all this out!

Let it be felt
Isaac Golle Sep 2012
Let's write a love poem built out of plaster and garden gnomes
We'll staple it together with our memories of bad weather
And we'll fill it with our hopes and dreams
Between the two of us I think we've got enough so it'll be bursting at the seams
Cuz I've never met someone who's got such a sparkle of life in their eyes
And that's all it's gonna take to put the twinkle in mine
You shine like roses and smell like the stars
I mean whoops!  You've got me stumblin' over my own heart
What I meant to say is you're looking exceptionally pretty today
Not that you weren't pretty yesterday or the day before or that tomorrow you won't blow my mind...even more
You've got a wonderful smile and a fantastic laugh
But even better than that your mind shines like a thousand stars
And your soul beams like a billion rays of sunlight
It spills out so radiant from your eyes
And see that's where I get lost
That's when I get those moments of soaring through the skies
It's not when we lock lips it's when we lock looks and start to read each other like books
Our souls intertwining into a three strand rope
And that rope's been binding up my heart gettin' tighter since the start
Cuz see I've never believed in soul mates but you've got me second guessin'

Let's write a love story stitched out of pain and sorrows
Made of hardships and forgotten souls we borrowed
Let's fill it with joy and glue it together with God
Cuz if it's God's wind in these frail sails then this tiny ship will never fail
And when we reach land He'll help us blaze a trail
Take the long way round so we can bask in the sound
Of our harmonic voices remembering that love is all about the choices
But if we forget that we'll end up voiceless
Drifting further apart as we follow the other noises
And I don't want that I wanna keep makin' choices
Choices to pursue no other woman than you
Through and through that's all I wanna do
Cuz I've never believed in soul mates but you've got me second guessin'

Let's paint a picture of a beautiful rose
One that sits amidst the thorns and thistles
Yet despite all that it flowered and flourished to its fullest potential
Slowly but surely unfolding each and every petal
Exposing all our darkest secrets as we hammer out these hearts of metal
And let these roots grow deeper and thicker in the soil
Remembering that love is all about the choices
And even if we lose our voices we've got our gazes
And when the haze is strong we'll listen to our favorite love song
And if we lose our hearing we'll just hold each other tight
Breathe each others breath all through the night
The rose'll get redder and the stalk'll get thicker as our hearts flicker into one, unified thrum like the beat of a drum and, 'you can wrap your fingers 'round my thumb'

Cuz I've never believed in soul mates but you've got me second guessin'
To see the poem as spoken word:
Aug 2012 · 1000
The Hunt
Isaac Golle Aug 2012
Space is a most peculiar place.  Mostly because a lot of it is just that—space:  A whole lot of not-a-lot.  Granted, it is far more than just nothing, for any fool could glance up on a clear night and tell that there's quite a bit going on up there.  But the problem with it being, “up there” is that we can't really get to it just yet, despite the fact that we'd really, really like to.  
We'd like to learn a lot about how little of not-a-lot of activity is actually happening in the eerily quiet universe, but so far everywhere we've gone it appears we've been the only ones who've gone there.  This proves one of two things: either we really ARE the only ones looking out into space thinking, “So where're the others?” (which unfortunately may prove us to be absolute lunatics) or that if there are other chaps out there, they really don't seem too concerned with meeting their neighbors.
Regardless of whether or not there is a lot going on in the not-a-lot around us, there is certainly a lot going on in the tiny little dot we've got called, 'earth'.  At first glance one might say it's a whole lot of nothing, and at second glance—if one is rather intuitive—one might say the exact same thing.  Yet on a third glance—if one is a rare form of intuitive—one might say it appears as though we are doing an awful lot of searching.  
Like a tumultuous yet well-oiled machine hurtling through the galaxy on a relatively small rock at disconcerting speeds, the human race is seemingly trapped in a perpetual scramble to find something.  The only problem is that we're not really sure what exactly it is we're looking for.  That's not to say we're completely clueless; this thing does have a name, and a select few of us have had glimpses of it from time to time.  It is not so much the question of, 'what' this thing is as it is the elusive content which makes up the very nature of this thing.  We haven't got much of a clue as to how to find or create it, and yet the moment we come across it, we recognize it.  We know it.  It feels oddly familiar and perfect, and somehow we know in the deepest recesses of our search-weary souls that it is exactly what we need.  Even if it lasts no more than a few seconds, that recognition and experience is enough.  
We are hooked.  Mesmerized.  Breathless.  Addicted.
Our entire being screams at us that, “That” was what we've been looking for, and that it's all we need, and we need to spend the rest of our lives dedicated to finding that.  
And so we do.  We stretch and strain and scramble and scream and shoot and shout and sip and slop and slap and scribble and serenade and sniffle and sing our hearts to shreds as we desperately seek out the fleeting feeling so many have come to know as, “love”.
We are destitute.  We are distraught.  We are banking our entire existence on finding that which we know little to nothing about.  We have paradoxically fallen in love with the pursuit of love.  Some of us **** for it.  Some steal for it.  Some give all they own for it.  Others think to have found it, and proclaim so to the rest of us in hopes that some will agree and validate their ridiculous theories.  Some find it in others.  Some find it in money.  Some find it in themselves.  
Four letters, and an unfathomable cavalcade of implications.  We see others experiencing it.  We remember the times we've felt it.  We long for times to feel it again.  We believe in it.  We wish it was alive and searching for us as hard as we are.  He is.
Jun 2012 · 1.1k
Hearing Problems
Isaac Golle Jun 2012
I've seen them all disappear

All my friends givin' away their lives to ***, drugs, and beer.

There's a lack of reason for hope in their lives and yet still

Something within them thrives.

They've made the choice to quell God's voice while I strive so very hard to hear and to listen and yet still!

All I feel is lost and confused it's like all my strength is used and my trust abused

I feel like a sailor on a ship lost at sea with nothing left but a knife and some T3's

I'm trying so very hard to follow God's calling but you see it's VERY HARD when He's the only one calling

No place to stay except a place that wants to send you away or lead you astray

Make a choice make a choice they cry and I reply can't you hear God's voice and all I get is well that's not practical

So now I find myself in an ever shrinking bubble trying to avoid trouble but it's OH SO HARD when He's the only one calling!

All I can think about is the people who've left and gone astray, taking their own path saying Hey this must be the way!

They're only living for them self and God sits in the bible on their shelf waiting

While His desires grow dusty and cold in the darkest recesses of their mind my

Oh my.

I really do not want that to be me cuz as far as I can see Jesus said COME, FOLLOW ME and a fully alive disciple is all I want to be.

I used to struggle with the verse about hating your own family but I've come to learn that I really hate, what they want for me to be successful safe and happy.

I don't understand where all this depression is coming from!!

But one thing I understand is that it's hard to live in this land and follow God's calling, when He's the only one calling.

I want to remain faithful, but then my old friend Mr. doubt comes along and rears his head.

His favorite time to come around is late at night when I'm trying to go to bed.

He says I have been led astray and Jesus is not the only way

And I always say you're right, He's not.

BUT THE REST ARE LIES and as Jon Foreman oh so graciously said, "the water keeps on fallin' from my eyes"

I've read all the verses about God's provision and how He gives gifts to those who keep His kingdom the number one priority in aaaall of their decisions But honestly in this small town it's hard to make a livin'...and still feel like you're livin'.

All this doubt and worry hurts cuz the devil often flirts with my imagination shouting WHAT IF YOU FAIL or WHAT IF YOU'RE WRONG or what if you don't even have the words to finish this song?

See I wish I could do all things through Christ who strengthens me but in all honesty lately it hasn't felt like He's been doing anything for me.

But I still suppose that Christ has much more than a plan for me.

It's just that sometimes it's really hard to see.

Cuz it's really hard to follow God's calling when He's the only one calling me.
Done as spoken word here:
Jun 2012 · 875
Isaac Golle Jun 2012
Where is Jesus amidst all of this religious business?

Where is the person we are supposed to be falling in love with?

Where is the God-man when we put on a show by lifting our hands?

Where is the King when our favorite songs we sing?

Why do we call Him Lord if every time we talk about Him we get bored?

Where is the master when we worship our pastor?

Where is our heart for the broken, lost, and defeated?

Where is jesus amidst all of this religious business?
Jun 2012 · 1.2k
Isaac Golle Jun 2012
The focus is not always quite clear

Sometimes clouded by drugs, fights, and beer

Sometimes clouded by death, defeat, and fear

Sometimes clouded by ambition

Sometimes clouded by success

I often forget that You must become greater and I must become less

This is not a game

This is not just some test

This is a question of righteousness

And as with all things between You and I, my Lord

There is no comparison

I stand before You in Your presence like a sack of ***** linens

"My God, My God!" I cry

I am trapped and chained in my pit of sin

I know I cannot win

For even my works are as filthy rags in the presence of the King

What then shall I say to thee?

"Oh look, Lord!  See how I fed the poor and hungry?"

"See how I tithed, Lord?  How I gave ever so generously?"

My God, my God will ask ever so quietly

"Child, did you ever even know Me?"
Jun 2012 · 796
Isaac Golle Jun 2012
Everything fades.  Nothing Stays.

Why then do I worry about my ways?

What drives me to think?

To feel?

To care?

What is it within my being that screams, "Meaning!" when everyone else around me shouts, "Meaningless!"

What is it about the stars that makes them so beautiful and majestic?

What about the night sky so captivates the human eye?

Where is the beauty in the trees, the grass, the fields, and the leaves?

What is it in the imperfection that somehow screams, "Perfection!"

No single snowflake like another, yet we continuously try to copy each other.

There is a message hidden in the world we live in.

It is written in the hearts and minds of men

Carved in the stones of the earth

Engraved in the trees of the forests

Splayed across the grass of the fields

and painted in the sunsets, sunrises, and moonlit skies.

It is sung by the birds of the sky

Brayed by donkeys in the pasture

Roared by the lions of africa

and howled by monkeys in the jungle

It rumbles in the deep of the ocean

Whispers in the winds of the tundra

and bellows from the tops of the highest mountains

It is thunder

It is lightning

It is the driving rain

It is the calm after the storm

It is every moving, living, breathing, sighing, crying, lying, weeping, wailing, inhaling, exhaling, flailing, waving, craving, growing, slowing, dying, trying thing on this little spherical home

It resonates from mountain top to mountain top

ocean to ocean

shore to shore

and sea to shining sea

It is the song inside us that persistently sings, "meaning!"

It is the one thing that stays when all else fades

It is the voice that whispers, "Child, you are loved"
Jun 2012 · 1.3k
The Pursuit
Isaac Golle Jun 2012
Will my heart ever know contentment?

Will my soul ever really be still?

Will my desire ever really be completely and fully to love as my God loves?

Will I ever know more than the constant struggle against evil?

Will I ever meet those who truly desire the truth?

Will I wallow in self-pity, resentment, and an obnoxious desire to gain knowledge?

Will I desire love, gentleness, kindness, self-control?

Will I live in the moment, and not be lost in hopeful dreams of tomorrow?

Will I commit to what has been put before me, or will I selfishly wish for a situation which I deem better?

Will I follow the steps of the one I call Lord, or will I simply make Him a feel-good-friend?

Will I live by faith, or live by security?

Will I seek out equality as opposed to prosperity?

Will I look for those who are lost, and offer them a way to be found?

Will I live a quiet life, without ever making a sound?

Will I treat my God with reverence, or have I already lost respect?

Will I listen to the cries of the broken?

Will I answer their desperate call?

Will I give up my life to live for others?

Will my desires matter to me at all?

Will I make the sacrifices a disciple must make, or will I allow myself to fall?

Will I live my life the way I hope to live it?

Will I live by God's commands?

Will I seek to blot out injustice, and offer deliverance to all?

Will my cry be to destroy the wicked, or to save the broken?

Will I reach out my arms to the hurting?

Will I embrace the crack addicts, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, and warlords, as though they mattered to me most of all?

Will they matter to me at all?

Will my heart break for the millions trapped in slavery?

Will I answer their desperate call?

Will tears fall when I hear of death, pain, and destruction?

Will I react at all?

Will my heart move when I hear that faint call?

If not, I would rather not live at all.
Jun 2012 · 1.2k
Abandonment Issues
Isaac Golle Jun 2012
I'm just gonna be real

And tell you exactly how I feel

This life has been a steal

And so there's not a single emotion I conceal

I mean, what's the deal?

I watch as my friends turn into slippery eels

More and more I being to see what is and what's fake

It's almost more than I can take

When I look to those I love for a break

They just remind me that life is not a piece of cake

It does nothing to help my heart that aches

I feel a sense of despair

I have been betrayed and regarded as thin air

I look for Christ in those who claim to know Him well

And yet it is an act they simply cannot sell

Every piece of my soul moves to yell

It is an act they simply cannot sell

In those I once placed my trust

I now feel regarded with disgust

The world has many things to offer

But one thing it lacks is satisfaction

It scoffs and scorns our every action

All the while giving a false sense of traction

By my friends I have been forsaken

What is this foul path they have taken?

I looked for Christ in those I love

But found Christ only comes from above

It is for the King alone that I will sing

For He surpasses everything

To the King these troubles I will bring

For He alone brings peace to everything

Hope in the world is a hope that is lost

Hope in the King is a hope without cost

I looked for Christ in those I love

But instead found Christ waiting with open arms above

The world will disappoint

But Christ will anoint

I cherish those who seem not to cherish me

Christ cherishes beyond what I can see

I looked for Christ in those I love

But only truly found Christ in the hope above.
Jun 2012 · 1.2k
Half Hour
Isaac Golle Jun 2012
A half hour gone. A half hour away. A half hour leaving me to sit some more. A half hour of thinking. A half hour of contemplating. A half hour of wondering and wishing. A half hour of listening. A half hour of talking. A half hour of going insane.
I sit and I think and I wonder and I contemplate. I sit up and slouch down and even turn around. I moan, I groan, I rack my brain. So many questions but only one answer, am I really going insane?
I thought I knew the answer, thought I knew it well. I figured this would be a breeze, but it turned out to be a near living hell. This desk is so bland and boring. Nothing but a sheet of paper and a raw chewed up pencil. Wait a minute, somethings missing! O yea, the eraser fell on the floor last time I moved.
Should I pick it up? Nah, what's there to erase? I haven't written much. A few scribbles here and there, nothing I need to touch.
I glance around the eerily quiet room with a tired sigh. A voice says, 'Shut up!' and I do my best to comply.
As turn to face the horrible paper again my eyes catch the old grandfather clock. Another half hour before the horrible song.
I'm tired and bored; what am I doing this for? I stand up to walk away. It's not that simple.
'What are you doing?'
'I'll be on my way.'
'Sit down! I think you'll find it best to stay.'
The voice is commanding and intimidating some how.
So I sit. And continue to look around.
It's all one color, this grotesque little room. A stark white, with nothing on the walls or ceiling. Look up, look down, look all around, nothing but the color of snow.
The few others in the room slowly begin to move. They stand and slump towards a certain corner of the ugly space. One, two, three, and four...there aren't anymore.
Save for me; the fifth; the odd one out. Left sitting here to pout.
'Can I leave?'
'Oh no. Stay till your finished, then it will be time to go.'
What an odd person.
I finally see them now, the source of the voice. With frizzled Grey hair and a large poofy mustache. Their eyebrows are really thick too...kind of someone who would go boo.
They're staring at me intently. Why not? I'm the only one in the room.
What do they want me to do? Oh right, the paper, woohoo.
I glance back at the clock, about a quarter to. Fifteen more minutes, before the awful thing goes coo.
You'd almost think I'm crazy, not knowing where I am, but I start to wonder how I got here, and where my story began. Why am I afraid of the clock, or this creepy old man? I stand up once again.
Oh right, that's why.
But how'd this start? Where did my story begin? Furthermore, how did it lead here, to this place where I can't win?
I look back at the paper, covered in scribbles, but just that, no letters. Or maybe they are, I just am unable to read.
My heart starts to beat; what happened to me? Am I really going crazy, or perhaps just insane?
I try to make out the words, but I try in vain: I'm stuck in this room, unable to leave. I can't finish the paper, because I can't read. Maybe I can write, but turns out I can't even draw.
The man just keeps staring, boring through me like a drill. I'm a piece of dumb wood, stuck in wood hell. I look around once more, at the clock I so dread. One more minute, and then I'll be dead.
How do I know? What makes me so sure? If I know not how I came here, how do I know where I go?
Something is telling me. It's that man in the corner. He must be controlling me, having some kind of order.
I stand up again. This time with valor. That man wants to **** me, and he's been waiting half an hour.
But as I get up, he makes a move too. The clock has now struck, and the crowd is yelling boo.
There's a crowd? Come from where?
'No where really, they're suddenly...just there.' says the man
'How do you know?'
'I just do' he replies
'Fair enough I suppose.'
We're both standing now, with weapons in hand. I've a sharp pencil, and he a hot brand.
He won't try to **** me, he'll make me his own. Some kind of slave I guess, depressed and alone. I lunge and he moves, swinging at me with a fist full of rage.
He seemed so calm a moment ago, but now a new person all his own.
I trip and I fall, but I don't hit the ground. I just keep going through nothing. No sights, and no sound.
It's all white you see, the walls, and the floor, and the ceiling above me.
But were they ever even there? Who knows? I don't care.
I look back up to see the man there, far away with his desk and his chair.
He's still holding his iron, looking down upon me. What world am I in, that fills me with such glee?
I have not a care as I continue to float--for that's what it is. There is no air rushing past me and no ground to hit. I'll stay here forever I suppose, alone but free. Better than being held in captivity.
How did I know he would take me a slave? Perhaps he was helping me, or trying to be brave.
I'll never know though, because he is long gone. I'll just float here forever, looking on and on.
Someday I may meet another, one as fortunate as me. To have left the cruel world and come soaring through the breeze.
But until then I'll just float, forever and ever, here in my happy boat.
This was written in high school during math class when I supposed to be writing a paper or something.
Jun 2012 · 1.2k
Sir Lancelot
Isaac Golle Jun 2012
When I was a little tot
I wished to be Sir Lancelot
I leapt and pranced
And danced all day

I slayed great dragons
And drank from flagons
Passing the time away
As if I were a knight at play

Yes, I wished I was Sir Lancelot
But alas, one day
I learned that I am not
The great Sir Lancelot
A commentary on, "growing up".
Jun 2012 · 1.5k
Isaac Golle Jun 2012
We cry when we're happy
We cry when we're sad
Now doesn't that make you oh so mad?
Jun 2012 · 532
Fair Trade
Isaac Golle Jun 2012
The world welcomes wretched weather
In exchange for phones, cars, and
     chocolate bars
Jun 2012 · 1.6k
Isaac Golle Jun 2012
Smash, Crackle, Boom
Zip, Zap, and Zoom
Dive, Duck, and Dip
Tear, Stretch, and Rip

Nice to meet you
I'm an onomatopoeia
However I must run
I have things to get done

I am, after all, an onomatopoeia

— The End —