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You don’t know how I felt
How you felt
How I felt
How we both felt the same
All the anger and pain
From your sick little game
You called love

You don’t know how I loved
How I yearned
How I craved
To be something I wasn’t
Someone who doesn’t
Get lost in the present
With you

You don’t get how I felt
How I was
How I am
You made me something else
Changing ourselves
Something I never wanted
To be

You don’t know how I hated
How I loved
How I hated
Your bittersweet words
That were more of a curse
Than a blessing for someone
Like me

You don’t know how I cried
How I sobbed in the night
How I lost all the light
All of it trapped inside of your hands

I cried from the pain
How my soul is forever stained
By the darkness you seeped into
My heart

These tears aren’t for you
They never will be
They are mine for only me and myself
For the hatred you left
Behind on that cliff
As the wind swept you farther away

I cry for myself
How I caused you to leave
How I made you feel how you did
How I didn’t understand
How I couldn’t understand
What you were always telling me

“I love you”

You saved me, then hurt me
Loved me, deserted me
Left me behind to rot
I loved you for how you were
You loved me for what you saw
And for what I only showed and wanted you
to see

You don’t know I felt
And now, you never shall
I don’t know how you felt all the same
It’s not fair how you left and now I have to
live without you

You ruined my life
Committed suicide
Destroyed my pride
Left me behind to die
alone in this world without you

You don’t know how I felt
How I hoped to tell
“I love you” to you someday

I’m the cause of your hate
You just couldn’t wait
long enough for me to say
Those three words

You don’t know how I felt
And these tears aren’t for you
They’re for me and all of my failures
Abandoned here in this world
I can’t be myself
ever again

You were the disease
I wanted to catch
The only cure for me
Have you ever been left behind?
 Jan 2020 hurtlovebug91
no one
no matter what anyone else says or does
the world will always make you feel
and insignificant
and worthless

 Jan 2020 hurtlovebug91
no one
do you ever have the desire
to just cut
open your skin
watch yourself bleed?

not for any reason
not because you want to release
not because you need to cope
not because you are sad

but just because you want to.

it's in those moments,
when it's no longer a coping mechanism
when it's no longer a release
when there's no longer a reason

it's simply addiction

 Jan 2020 hurtlovebug91
no one
she was slightly suicidal

partly crazy

but mostly alone

I will write you
The real you
In a different light

I will write you
Until you root for yourself
Until you find yourself
Until you realise you deserve the things you dreamt of
Until you realise you can dream more
Never put yourself down, what you need sometimes is to see yourself as a different person, to change perspective.
 Jan 2020 hurtlovebug91
please understand that i text you, not to annoy you; i only want you to know that i'm still here,

even if you make it feel like i am not
 Jan 2020 hurtlovebug91
if you are looking for a way for me to give up and hate you, i am sorry to disappoint you,
but i am already blinded by the many reasons to love you
When someone knocks you down with a wet towel
Get up

When someone hurts you
Get up

When it gets hard and impossible
Get up

When you can see nothing but darkness
Get up

Remember who you are
Remember where you come from
Remember you are unique
You have a right to be here
Get up
in the rink.
He wears no
padded gloves,
instead opts for

brass knuckles. To hit
and not be hit
you must have rhythm
and wit. You got to

dance inside the
ropes. You can’t rely solely
on hope. You’ll get your
share of punches, nose

bleeds and aching
muscles.  There’s not
always a referee to
oversee, especially as an

adult. You’ve got to do it
yourself. And when you’re
down for the count you must
muster the strength to stand up.
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