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she was not fragile like a snowflake.
she was fragile like a bomb.
and i didn't know which was scarier-
                                                        ­  her explosion or her calm.
part 2
 Jan 2018 harlee kae
my only love was created by hating yours.

i hated your happiness, and that brought me to a place of destruction,
where i spent late nights drowning in the thoughts of you.

in those hours, a lover took my hand and brought me away from myself,
to a place where happiness existed without empty bottles.

and then you found my happy with jealous green eyes,

and then you took it all from me in a matter of seconds,
pretending your love was more than mine could ever be.

and it was easy for you,

because i was a cynic.

and no one could change that.
the story of losing love to an enemy.
 Jan 2018 harlee kae
Miss Ana
There's magic
Between discomfort and perfection
That moment you have faked it
Perfect charismatic facade
Oh, the constant conversation
Pretending in its purest from
There is a formula for people
And I have found it
Charming it's called
Hell it feels
And beautiful they say
I'm dying
I want to be alone
Don't touch me
Hugs feel like bad compliments in the dark
And talking for hours makes my face hurt
Oh, people
Why do we do this?
Social beings
Barely being social
That's my game
There's my Magic
It's a lie
 Dec 2017 harlee kae
Jay Lewis
 Dec 2017 harlee kae
Jay Lewis
As plain as it is to see,
I think of you,
when he's with me.
I still love you,
and it kills me.

Every single time,
I try to leave,
I hear your voice saying,
Don't you dare,
give up on me.

I tried to live as if you were by my side,
But theres only so much acting,
I can do to get by.
I've loved you through this year alone.
And I can't do it anymore on my own.
it was a saturday afternoon
in december
when we met for
a second time,
the sun was shining,
and there had to be
some reason for that.

the universe was
doing something right
when she brought us
back together

it was may when
we approached the
end of you and i,
or whatever i knew us as.

losing you
was like being forced
to shut a book
i really wanted to finish.

pieces of you
lingered throughout
my everyday life
for months,
but i did everything
i could to shut you out.

months later,
i sat across from you
at this cute cafe and
i couldn't help but
wonder what we did
to deserve each other
a second time around.

your eyes seemed brighter,
a more vibrant blue,
a deeper ocean.

a freckle by your eye
that i never seemed to

i wanted to freeze time and
live this moment forever
with you,
because for once,
everything felt aligned.
 Dec 2017 harlee kae
 Dec 2017 harlee kae
I don’t remember how it went anymore
I was too caught up in the emotions to notice when it fell apart
It wasn’t until there was thread spilling over my hands and onto my feet that i realized that none of it was keeping us together anymore
mmmmm how sad all I remember are things going really well and things going really badly.... where was the in between?
 Nov 2017 harlee kae
I love it here
The dark pressing in on our car
Your smile in the driver’s side
Breakdowns never felt so lovely
I never thought I’d love the road so much
Even more than I did before
Crossed legs and holding hands
Opioid laughs and careless daydreams
Wind rushing like our bloodstream
Hazards on and headlights flicker
We’re free,
Just like we always wanted to be
No longer too young
We’re free
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