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 Sep 2019 byron Johnson jr
I stopped looking
for my other half
in other people
the moment I realized
I was already whole
within myself.
I find no shame
in my solitude
now that alone
I do not feel lonely.
 Sep 2019 byron Johnson jr
I think I'm done
Getting lost in your mind.
I think my love
Was one of a kind.

I cared for you
More than myself.
I lived for you
Not anything else.

My life is over
With you not around.
Farewell, son
We'll meet in paradise.
- See you later -
 Sep 2019 byron Johnson jr
beware of those monsters
that lurk in the bottom of your head
if you give them more attention
it won’t be long until you’re dead
New thoughts
Invading my mind
Help me
This is not what i would usually find:

Sick and twisted
Blood and gore
Things that i've never,
Ever thought before.

"You can't have slaughter without laughter!"
"What's a funeral without a bit of fun?!"

Stop it
I'm scared
Let me get this STRAIGHT.
Hold on, I'm gonna run this BI you.
I wanna see how this PANs out, ok?
LES just see how this goes.
I need you to TRANSfer those papers.
Come on, I bet you ACEd the test!
It's late and I'm delusional and my sleep deprived brain thinks I'm funny. Shhhh, don't tell me I'm wrong.
I'm a proud panromantic potato btw.
With tears in her eyes
And nicotine in her mind
She stares out into an ocean
And wishes she could walk on water
 Aug 2019 byron Johnson jr
it's been days...
since I felt the salt on my skin
burning from the sun
making my skin golden
glowing, my cheeks blushing all day every day
my hair curly and salty

my feet kicking the blue sea
playing with the sand wet or dry
running with my dog
my golden legs moving

my hair seaweed as I float on the surface of the blue waters
swirling around, playing, dancing
the cold waters cooling my burnt golden skin

the waves making music
the fire crackling to keep me and my friends warm
as we listen to one play the guitar
as we gaze at the diamonds in the sky

Neptune sharing his beauty
making me and everything and one around me beautiful
 Aug 2019 byron Johnson jr
She kissed him
With question marks?
While he kissed her
With "quotations"
And together they became
a run on sentence...
It never ends.
 Aug 2019 byron Johnson jr
I went out to find
Some value in me,
So I sold what I had
For little a fee.

My eyes for a penny
I sold to some fools,
They're blind and useless,
Mistook for jewels.

My lips for a nickel
To the sweetest sin,
So they'll know the love
That has never been.

My ears for a dime
I sold to a lover.
To hear sweet nothings,
And silence uncover.

My hands for a quarter
I sold to a ghost,
So that she might feel
What I've wanted the most.

Finally my bones for a dollar
I sold to the earth,
But as for my soul-
There was found no worth.
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