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freeing the mind Aug 2015
I'm putting pen to paper but unable to find the words ,
A buzz in my mind writing is my cure,
I could stay up all night just to find the one simple phrase,
The ones I thought before,all a haze.

I think it through& through again,
But still only holding in my hand the pen,
My hand is shaking , tapping as thinking ,
As I slowly can feel my heart sinking ,
I think of the past words I have written ,
All of the topics I was mistakenly hitting.

But tonight nothing coming to mind,
The words inside unwilling to subside,
Collision with heart& mind and soul,
This pen& paper beginning to grow old.

My mind for awhile has been empty,
Don't get me wrong words have been pleanty,
But nothing like poetry to clear my mind,
Not the easiest of things I could find,
Perhaps this is a good thing & it is starting to sink in,
My happiest days are waiting to begin.
I cannot seem to find words lately to write and I am really unsure of how to react to that.
freeing the mind Aug 2015
Nobody is born with the entitlement to happiness,
Each day we build & grow and develop,
We make decisions & aim for them to bring us in the right direction,
The little things we allow to bring us down,
Only stand in the way of what we thrive for,
You must take chances& roads and lanes
Just to find your path in life,
Each day bringing yourself one way or another,
Take the happiness bit by bit and make yourself into the person you deserve ,
Share it with others and influence theirs too
Happiness is the little things they see in you and each and everything which you may do.
freeing the mind Aug 2015
The trees bend above our heads
But yet we do not feel inclosed,

The currents hurry down the stream
We do not fear how fierce it flows,

Many hear voices in their heads
But yet aren't scared of the dead,

Daily feel the strength of the wind
But wonder of the words it sings,

The rain could crash& bang and clatter
But none of that really matters,

What we really fear are the daily faces We all see & all the voices which we hear.
freeing the mind Jul 2015
Listen, What do you hear?
A killer silence in a crowd of people,
Nobody speaks no longer,
Every person young and old looking down ,
In the deepest silence we may hear , tap tap tap or click click click,
The moments pass,
At long last, someone may say 'hello' or 'i better go' ,
But in quick realisation we see this person is like us all, hand to their ear speaking through a line,
Board games no longer, street lights rarely seen in the midst of evening by the children,
Each of us, glued to screens , letting time pass away, no time spent together, a new love of our lives ,
What is this you ask?
The devil i say, also know as technolgy.
freeing the mind Jul 2015
We get put into groups by the colour of our skin,
Judged if percieved as 'too fat' or 'too thin',
Singled out for looking different to them all,
Perhaps you are seen as slightly too tall,
Name calling and looks spotting is all the rage,
Ridiculous really in this day and age,
Both genders 'beauty' reviewed time and time,
This generation is certainly out of line,
They define peoples beauty by the medias conception,
Letting it alter their personal perception,
The pain they cause to the people they prey among,
Your faith in humanity would nearly be gone,
Who should show these people they are doing wrong,
What they have been causing all along,
Societies segregation and marginalisation,
Creates for us a serious realisation,
History is repeating again and again,
This same thing was happening way back when.
To be yourself today, is something they tell us is not okay,
We need to stop these people , tell them, soon it will be our day.
Bit of a long poem about society judging and pushing others to the edges of society for looking different to the majority
freeing the mind May 2015
I see the trees, the birds and the flowers,
Their beauty through the summer showers,
The colours the shades , the warmth the haze,
Seem to all go on for days,

I hear the water down the window,
And the wind as people go,
I notice the animals small and fragile,
I wonder if I was welcome for awhile,

I feel the peace, the calm and the quiet,
The tranquility of the nature surrounding me,
is not something everyone can see,
I mean, they walk by looking at the sky?
Surely they notice the birds and bees who fly?
For me it's different, I feel, see, hear and wonder about the nature around me ,
the experience for others and how ignorant they must be,
to just not stop for awhile & take a seat in nature right beside me.
freeing the mind May 2015
As the months have gone by,
I have seen you try and try,
To turn things around& pick yourself up from the ground,
No matter what the rumour, never let it affect your humor,
A smile on your face,
Seems you have everything in place.

The fight goes on and on,
But still you, you remain strong,
The shine in your eyes,
Behind it you hide, the lies
of being okay, a struggle you face everyday.

But still through it all, you remain there,
Advice you give, your heart you share,
The love its real, you make sure I feel, creating your own little armour of steel.

An inspiration for me,
A true friend not hard to see,
Beside you I will remain,
No matter what the pain.
Quick poem for a friend, it is not complete needs work but i will complete it soon
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