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I can smell your sweet cologne,
and my heart aches...

A warm flood of tears rush,
knowing that I cannot hold you,
or feel the warmth of your comfort,
for you are not next to me...

The place of beauty is your home,
surrounded by loving family.

The place of greed has become mine,
adapting so effortlessly...wanting,
all of you.

Another whiff of your cologne,
keeps the flood flowing...

As I face your side of the bed,
staring at the void that is left,
I sink deeper into despair...
with my need growing stronger.

Feeling as if I will not survive,
this uncontrollable flood,
quickly becomes heavier...
weeping for your presence.

I need to look into your eyes...
those gorgeous windows of yours,
to see that beautiful soul beneath;
to have my tranquility.

I need to be held in your arms...
listening to soft whispers of love,
experiencing that new feeling,
of being completely whole.

Only to my torture do I dare,
to brave another whiff...

I am reminded with wet warmth,
of how much I need you by my side.

I miss you like crazy...
as my broken flood gates,
have revealed.

Copyright ©2015 Jamie Johnson
I love you Jessica. Always and Forever!

Copyright © 2015 Jamie Johnson
... I'm not there to listen anymore?
... my touch fades away?
... You outgrow my clothes?
... there's no one's to talk to late at night?
... I stop texting You first?
... I stop answering Yours?
... I stop posting online?
... I stop liking other's posts?
... I log off, and never log back on?
... there is no ringing of the phone?
... there is no one picking up?
... all that is left, is memories?
Will You notice when i'm gone?
Will you ever notice?
They stood within,
The garden of old
Forgotten to time;
Left to unfold
The lily-bush bidden,
To grow wayward free
Birds of paradise dance,
With no eyes to see.
How can they look at me, when I don't even want to look at my own reflection?

How can they listen to me, when I can't even take hearing my hideous voice?

How can they accept my flaws, when I can't even deal with mine?

How can they be happy for me, when I can't even be glad for my own sake?
How can they love  me, when I can't even love my own self?
Wondering lol idk
It’s strange, really, how I find myself tangled in a relentless cycle of pause and play, of fast forward and rewind. So often I envision myself with my hands reached out in attempt to catch a moment in the air, to take hold of a feeling before its color dissolves into another collective memory. Emotions flutter anxiously between my fingers, like restless fireflies trapped inside glasses they cannot escape.

But I do not wish to steal their euphoria, only to preserve it.

They say I was born with a soul incapable of finding rest, possessing an interminable wanderlust that refused to dwindle. A blessing and a curse it was, the perpetual desire to hoard memories like expired love letters in the deepest trenches of my mind. I chased Love until my legs would give out beneath me, and even then I found myself crawling to graze its touch.  

Pause, play, rewind.

A lethal dose of nostalgia. Each solitary moment dances to the tempo of my blood flow, the erratic heartbeats that remind me how alive I have become. I have taken them hostage.

Each ephemeral moment, possessing a life so fleeting and bittersweet. The mellifluous echo of my favorite song being shouted at the top of my lungs, the familiar scent of the first book that stole my breath away. The first rush of freedom, the bewildering taste of loss, the initial weight of a damaged heart.

Like fireflies, they emit an effervescent light that radiates through the darkest chasms of my mind. A focal point. A distraction. Something beautiful amidst the murkiness of tears and unrequited love.

And I see their light shining through my fingertips, illuminating the gaps where nothing but absence exists, and I let go. They are free, an autonomous ray of light that floats through the spaces where I once felt so alone.

But I am not alone anymore, I am never alone, because I’ve created something permanent. A home in the middle of nowhere. A shelter for the explanations I could never bring myself to elaborate upon. A dazzling luminescence that will never die out.

We are everlasting.
I have started to realise how important it is to find happiness within yourself, and not from other people.
The worst thing you can do is place expectations upon someone that isn't yourself.
Because believe me, you will receive nothing but disappointment.
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