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 Sep 2015 Dragon's Lair
recreation's okay

if you don't overuse

it helps on days

full of constant abuse

it's not like I'm crazy

or criminally inclined

i just like to relax

i just like to unwind

too much to forgive

so much pain to forget

the world is in chaos

it helps ease my regret

don't worry about me

i got a lot on my mind

i just love to relax

just love to unwind

it's not going to **** me

there's no need to judge

i'm careful as can be

please don't hold a grudge

you say that's it's hurting you

you say "I'm not blind"

but I need to relax

i just need to unwind

what's the harm in a buzz?

it's better than nothing

"she does what she does"

we all want to feel something

maybe I should stop

they say you only have so much time

but I have to relax

have to unwind
Who else would listen,
But* you?

       You take every inch of self-blasphemy and agony I have to offer
           You hear every half muttered feeling
                        Every cut
I only used the blood to tell you what I thought

      Our love was one most often found and subsequently lost in childhood
    Before the sunset of adolescence brings dark into the world
      And in its depths
We realize how small we are
          How far we are from places that feel safe
                          Our love was a shield against that
    I could tell you my secrets and you'd shine brightly, make the world small again, if but for a while

         It was you I stayed up all night to talk to
             Underneath the covers with a flashlight and a pen and YOU.

   God, you.

          You listened to every insignificant detail of who I was and in your foggy dialect made me feel vindicated

          You've always been,
And as long as you have, I've loved you.
       Dear Poetry, my God, have I loved **You
Like a shooting star
Beautiful, yet so very far
Made of my wishes, hopes and dreams
Everything inside my heart
For a fleeting second
Seems you're just close enough to touch
Then there you go again
And I'm left wishing and missing you so much
Waiting until you're back in my sights
Covered by the darkness of night
The only thing that could make me happier
Would be flying by your side
Shining brightly together
As the rest of the world admires our beauty
From a distance, forever
Long distance love can be hard, but I have faith we'll be together soon. ❤
.                       She'll
for a                     little bit of coverage
Ride                     windows down
in the rain              like she loves it
                                What she'll do
                             for a hundred likes
                             on a website

  in real life              
      Is something project X like
her best nights
Her friends lie about her importance 
Beauty cant get you on a Forbes list
                                          But her dreams only  
*exist when attention shuts out pain
I find it hard to keep my head on the level
          Keep thinking,
waiting for the second I lose my mental
     Missing some thoughts about you
Memory got shot, a drive-by from what the last guy put me through
     And some of the blood left a few stains
Bruises and scars but it ain't the same thang
            The marks everyone else can see ain't nothing compared to the rips and tears deep inside of me
       The stains on my soul turning what used to make me whole
          into something ***** and cold
      No amounts of bleach or scrubbing can make me forget
Nothing can help me escape from
             the laundry list of regrets
It beats me up inside,
       causes more, new and fresh bruises
               with every nightmare
And no matter how many dreams I have between,
         I can't seem to get there
To that place of no longer looking back,
            of thinking about the past
Cause some trauma tends to define
      what your **happiness lacks
She was dark, drowning in her thoughts
Couldn't find her way to what she lost
She was damaged, scarred from heart to soul
Too bruised to remember what made her whole
She was in pain, constantly fighting back tears
But never brave enough to fight her fears

He was young and stupid--a ******* at heart;
a self-loathing so strong it tore him asunder
The things he needed always fell apart;
the things he wanted, denied, leaving his heart to hunger

She was a dreamer until life gave up on her
Too many demons to battle but she wasn't a fighter
She made wishes on falling stars and smoldering skies
But she was cursed, the heavens told her lies
She was dead inside, yet living within the crowd
Her screams for help were never heard, but still so loud

He was **** outta luck: the world fresh outta *****
Heart and soul burning--the proverbial candle ,
and it's it only a matter of time before Xanax
fails to give him a reason to even get up
It's hard, it's Hell--it's too much to handle,
but he's too paranoid to even panic

She's too scared to think of how few people care
Never opens her heart, she wouldn't dare
Confiding in the voices only she can hear
Believing the ***** no one gives, outta fear
She's dangerous, made too many mistakes
It's all her fault she knows nothing but heartache

He's alone, he's paranoid; a self-fulfilling prophecy
teetering on the edge of extinction
A dying breed bastardized by blood and water alike
How can he be saved when acceptance Id heresy?
They all think he's just pining for the next reason
to say, "No more beginnings," and end his life

She's lost her will, her strength to survive
Nothing's figured out, no reason to be alive
Balancing her life on the edge of a blade
She gets cut, no matter which side she takes
Holding tightly to the sharp point of reality
She's lost focus, just walking through life blindly

He's a sympathetic tool playing by apathetic rules;
it's only a matter of time before he knuckles down
No more bitter Mondays--out comes the Saturday Night Special
He's living on borrowed time; it's time to pay the dues
When you tread a fine line, you slowly come unwound
come the realization both sides of the tightrope take you straight to Hell
 Sep 2015 Dragon's Lair
Just Melz
I keep searching for you everywhere

I don't remember where I saved those old pictures
And sometimes you're asleep when I want to talk
     But when I look inside my heart, where all my love is kept

I've found that 
you *completely fill it up
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