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 Oct 2015 Dee
 Oct 2015 Dee
If I am beautiful
I forfeit my ugliness

If I am ugly
I forfeit my beauty

If I am insane
I forfeit my sanity

If I choose not too decide
I still have made a choice
 Oct 2015 Dee
 Oct 2015 Dee
Weren't stars beautiful
Until they were rendered
Burning ***** of plasma

Weren't miracles beautiful
Until they were rendered
Objects of finite probability

There is beauty in mystery
There is comfort in knowing.
You must make a choice.
 Oct 2015 Dee
hello again
I need to know if you're okay.
Please tell me if you are.
I need to know whats going on.
Let me in.
I'm at the door waiting for you to open it.
Just, let me in my love.
I'll always be here.
I'm here waiting for you to let me in the door.
My dear, my love, I'm here.
I want you to let me know if you're okay.
 Oct 2015 Dee
Sedoo Ashivor
 Oct 2015 Dee
Sedoo Ashivor
I've seen the colour of poetry
It's black and white and blue
I've seen the love for poetry
It's in you and you and you
 Oct 2015 Dee
Kobayashi Issa
Even on the smallest islands,
they are tilling the fields,
skylarks singing.
 Oct 2015 Dee
Dhaye Margaux
It's not easy to accept that some things really wouldn't last
Even the people you want to keep are just like those butterflies
Once they get out of their cocoon, they would seek for their own lives
But what is painful when you realized that they have found another heart

I am not greedy, not that selfish but it really really hurts
Knowing that someone you love the most won't be with you until the last
Why this world has to make you feel that you are alone from the start
There'll be borrowed moments, borrowed joys, but you can never borrow a heart

"If they will come to get you here, will you really go with them?"
"I won't," he said. "You know that I love you, you know me well.
But maybe when I grow old, I can go and live with them"
That made my tears roll down my face, my broken heart, I cannot tell

I thought I have him here with me and will be mine until the peak
I thought someone will care about me as my own blood when I am sick
I thought he's not temporary, that he is mine, though I don't speak
Oh, why I have to over-think about these things that make me weak?

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