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  Mar 2015 Donald Charles Mark Keys
i guess i don't love you anymore
i l i v e you.
For those who say “I’m not black” you’re right.
For calling myself black limits me.
It limits my destiny to that of a slave;
To a fate of being judged by my skin,
Trapped by every ***** stereotype

To call myself black is to deny the rest of me.
It denies the Cherokee that flows through my veins.
It denies the Irish proud and strong.
It denies the other nations that have made me.
It denies my ancestry.

So for those who say I am not black you’re right.
For what is black?
Is it the descendants of slaves?
Tired and broken. Or is it those of African descent
Or is it more modern
Is it the mother who raises children alone?
Is it the father who is never home?
Is it the children who know not where they belong?
Is it those who grow up in the projects losing hope?

If this is what black is I reject it!
I am more than black.
I am more than the slave in chain.
I am more than the Cherokee proud and free.
I am more than Irish strong and brave.
For to accept any of these is to limit me to its destiny.

I am a human made by God
Made in his image and likeness.
African, Irish and Cherokee it is what helped make me,
But they do not bind me to their destinies.
So those who say I am not black you are right;
I am more than black. I am a child of the king.
And he has written my true destiny.
One of my oldest poems that I feel still rings true
Am I the only one that has their demons feasting upon their souls?
They say it is easy to tie a noose around your mind,
To overcome the urges and temptations of ending your life with a suicide
They don't know the true pain and torment that is going on in my head
An epic battle that leaves me with restless nights in bed
"End your life already" they say, as they prey on me during my weakest hours
Sometimes I give into the voices, carrying the sharp blade to my wrist
Crying as I struggle to mutter three powerful words that keeps me going
Choking on my sobs, my lungs deflate with a desire to say that God loves me
I try to convince myself that God is trying to test my faith
And to just wait, wait and wait
Then my Demons will eventually go AWAY.....

~Imperfect Desire **
As I trudge through this
mashed potato snow. I feel
that it needs more salt.
I have a dream.
Four simple words that echoed through all of history.
I have a dream.
A powerful statement that shaped a nation.
I have a dream.
Many wonder if it will ever be more.
I have a dream.
Many more believed a Presidential election fulfilled the dream.

He had a dream
But the dream is not yet reality.
He had a dream
It is more than a black white thing,
He had a dream
It is an every race, religion, people thing.
He had a dream
How can we say it is a reality when we look to the south with hate?
He had a dream
When we judge based on pounds of flesh?
He had a dream
When we judge a people by the acts of a few?

There is a dream
For it is still a dream.
There is a dream
And it will remain one.
There is a dream
Till we can all seat down together in brotherhood.
There is a dream
But we can make it a reality together.
An old poem of mine that I feel has special relevance to today
I would have asked you to stay
But I knew you didn't want to
So I watched you go away.

                                                       ­                    *If you had asked me to stay

                                                          ­               I would have, but you didn't
                                                        ­                                     *
So I left, anyway.
A drifter, a shadow,
There one minute, moving on the next
Always watching, always waiting
Loved by some, despised by others
But never caring.

The eternal guardian of the sky
Some celebrate the absence of any,
Others relish in the relief it brings
But regardless it does its job
Whether hated or loved

It can be the solitary loner,
But it always looks for a group.
Whether to enhance the sunset,
Or create a righteous storm
It seeks comrades, it seeks a home.

Never caring whether hated or loved
It seeks comrades it seeks a home
But it still stands resolute.
It will always watch, it will always guard;
Regardless of the opinions of other.
This one is another old one off my facebook notes
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