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 Dec 2017 unnamed
She Writes
Just because you’ve undressed her
Does not mean you’ve seen her naked

Do you know her past?

Just because you’ve touched her skin
Does not mean you’ve touched her heart

Do you know her secrets?

Just because you’ve been inside her body
Does not mean you’ve been inside her soul

Do you know her dreams?
 Dec 2017 unnamed
 Dec 2017 unnamed
I heard writing helps.
I heard people say just write
"write about what hurts"

write about the gruesome pain
write about the mental never ending rain
write about those secret tears you shed
write about the storms in your head
write about the 2 am thoughts that dont let you sleep
write about the dark memories you keep
write about those scars you daily hide
write about the reasons for your puffy eyes
write about that strange addictive ache
write about your forced smiles, just for their sake
write about those fading, yet haunting dreams
write about your quiet 3 am screams...

Just write, Just write
They said
But little do they know
For me, what lays ahead.

Every time I put my pen to the fresh sheet of paper
These fingers only trace our name together
On the second line, they still want to write....
forever and ever.
 Dec 2017 unnamed
 Dec 2017 unnamed
pull up your bootstraps
wipe off your chins
our mouths may bleed
but these hearts
are iron armored
lets keep them out
just like we practiced
 Dec 2017 unnamed
Brianna Sich
I will drown myself
in things to do.

Since I can no longer
drown myself

in you.
 Dec 2017 unnamed
 Dec 2017 unnamed
You have to understand
I am alive too
And need to breathe
In order to exist
What would you feel like
If I’d take all the air?
give me life
 Dec 2017 unnamed
Jey Blu
There is a pain
Inside my mind
Much like a migraine
Inside my mind
The pain isn't physical, it's
Inside my mind
At least it used to be solely
Inside my mind
I cut to match the pain
Inside my mind
I now have scars to match
Inside my mind
My leg is a canvas for the thoughts
Inside my mind
Writer's block finally passed thanks to Frederick <3 Thank you for helping me and I hope we can become great friends


daughters fallen

bleeding on blades and razors



blood stains

in the snow


in the woods

the truth of her body

savaged by wild flies

a runaway

the girl from the tower

the ***

the money

the drugs

away from her ghosts

into the dark,

her master’s dungeon

"sorry Mum!"
 Dec 2017 unnamed
I like you
Words so hard to speak
Hiding in plain sight
Yet so easy to flee

I want you
Such a nice ring
The heart is fluttering
But the mind is afraid

I need you
Such simple embrace
The want of passion
In such pleasant grace

Fear of rejection
Tightens our bonds
The words we wish to say
Never finding it's way there

Words we find so simple
But hiding they do like
For when we try to speak
Our mind says no way

These words wont do

The mind is a safe place
Words get lost
Wanting to reach out
But the fear is oh so real
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