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The brunettes want to be blonde ,
and the blondes want to be brunette.
The tall want to be short,
and the short want to be tall
the petite want to be curvy
and the curvy want to be petite,
she wants to be her
and her wants to be she
he wants to him
and him wants to be he
we want to be someone else
but someone else wants to be free
 Jun 2015 Dennie Pineda
 Jun 2015 Dennie Pineda
sound of running puddles• the          as they make
window pane•             their way out
   pelting my                         of stagnant
       the rain•                    troubles•listen
            sound of         the calm
          the                calling of
               listen                     the moist
            •                          breeze•as it
                 whispers its hopeful
        promises and decrees• the chaos in
   my heart •  heals it-    
self everyday  be-    
fore again it gets    
torn apart      

Begin reading from mid left of the poem
and work your way round.
 Apr 2015 Dennie Pineda
 Apr 2015 Dennie Pineda
I look at you
And i can see it in your face.
You think you can hide it,
But i see you.

I see the hurt,
The dark circles beneath your eyes.
And the quiet plea
Dancing on your bottom lip,
Too afraid to be voiced
Too afraid to be heard
Because your too afraid to be hurt.

And i just want to take you and
Wrap you up in my arms
Hold you, console you
Tell you things you'll believe.
But you don't seem to believe
Anything anymore.
Because you have been deceived
Far too many times.

So i'll just look at you
And see the pain in your fake smile,
And i'll smile back
And i'll hear the attempted deception
When you tell me your just tired,
I'll say me too.

I know your broken inside,
I can see it in your lies.

Roses are red,
Your wrist are too
Violets are blue,
And so are you.
You're a one night stand
But we spent too many nights
I lost count of it.

You're that unexpected kiss
On a drunken wasted night
Of vomits and *****.

You're that awkward hi
Exchanged by strangers who
Thought they both knew each other
But were clearly mistaken for another.

You're the bruise that turns blue
When I accidentally bump my leg
On the corner of the bed.

You're the scar that I never
Knew I had.

You're the bittersweet taste in
My mouth every morning.

You're the last thought lingering
In my head before slumber takes me
And you're the vagueness that
Haunts me in my dreams.

You're the scalding hot shower
In a cold freezing morning.

You're the boiling tea that numbs
My tongue for the rest of the day.

You're the obsession
I will never learn to let go of.

You're that person I will
Never get to call mine.

You're the one that got away.
 Apr 2015 Dennie Pineda
This isn't love, This isn't hate.
This is that sorta thing hard to relate.
This isn't luck, this isn't fate,
This is that sorta thing hard to escape.

This is the truth, this is a lie,
This is my reason for getting on by,
This is a low, this is a high,
This is the reason I ask myself, why?.

This is a story that shouldn't be wrote.
This is a saying that you shouldn't quote.
This is a struggle that I've never spoke,
This is the reason I'm rowing the boat.

Why am I rowing the boat?

Refusing to sink,
3 a.m and i think,
By 5 a.m &I; might be crouched over a sink,

What of this life,
So called living,
so called, i haven't felt full since thanksgiving.

So called, so called...
God did his roll call,

And for a second I hesitated.
And whispered, Here... You?
The reply i got was..

I Hear You.

You helped me fall in love
with the art of words,
because darling
when I looked into your eyes...
All I wanted to do
was to write about you
It was always you
I will never be enough
*When I'm never enough for myself
And sometimes, sometimes the lack of tears is what's most frightening.

An impenetrable numbness that surrounds me.
Has molded around my being.
A hard shell that even a chisel cannot chip.

I am a stone. Cold, so cold.

When did I lose my heart?
When did I lose the ability to care and trust and feel?

Oh, to feel again.
The salty wet tears on hot rosy cheeks.
The rush of crisp fresh air filling my lungs, lifting me, enticing my smooth bare feet to take courageous steps on soft beds of grassy fields.

Where did that girl go? Carefree and whimsical. The girl who welcomed emotional instability. The ups and downs and all arounds are gone.

She has gone and I am here.
I am what's left.
I am the surviving soul.

My black, wretched soul.
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