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 Feb 2015 amelia
Jeremy Duff
I need feminism
because men are more upset about people saying "all men"
than they are about the fact that 1 in 4 women will be ***** in their lifetime.

Not harassed, not catcalled,
And that is not okay.

I need feminism because out of the four women
I speak to everyday
two of them have been *****
and all four of them can't walk to their car
without sticking their keys through their fingers to
feel the slightest inclination of safety.

I need feminism
because the other day in my math class
a student said "She was asking for it"
and the teacher agreed.  

I need feminism
because when my father wasn't drinking
he was telling me to be a man.

I need feminism
because the way my father taught me to treat women
was to get them drunk.
It's not his fault,
he knew no better.

I need feminism
because my father knew no better.
 Feb 2015 amelia
 Feb 2015 amelia
you are an artwork
you are harnessed
by the cosmic greatness
from a sea
of glory, of defeat
of suffering, of enduring
of love, of kindness
of strength, of vulnerability

you are an artwork
paint, create yourself
and be noticed
be seen for the cunning artistry
that you are
 Feb 2015 amelia
 Feb 2015 amelia
If I could relive that moment
The moment that I lost you
I'd do it all over again
Same words
Different actions
Different words
Same actions
 Feb 2015 amelia
BertJane Perez
Goodbyes never hurt me
It's always the memories that follow
To live in such a cruel reality
A world so insensitive and shallow

A goodbye is just a moment
But the memories are stuck on replay
To think we deserve such torment
We remember each and every day

A goodbye will not hurt you
But the memories will shatter your being
Break your heart into pieces
Your life may even lose meaning

Goodbyes do not hurt you
They are only the beginning
A life that was once so simple
Turned into a life so unforgiving
 Feb 2015 amelia
Adriean New
I told you I'd do anything for you.
I told you I'd give you my coat
when you're cold.
I told you I would love you
even on your worst days.
I told you I'd travel oceans
just to see you.
I told you I would kiss you
when you were hurt.
I told you all these things,
thinking you'd do the same
in return.
Turns out,
you kept your coat so
so you wouldn't freeze.
You took your love back,
when I was struggling.
You didn't even cross puddles
if it meant you had to get wet
just to see me.
You wouldn't kiss my scars,
which hurt me
second most to you.
Never do more for someone who wouldn't do if for you.
 Feb 2015 amelia
Heliza Rose
 Feb 2015 amelia
Heliza Rose
words refuse to die,
so do not give the wrong words life
 Feb 2015 amelia
Luminosity Cat
I'm trying so hard.

I'm pulling for my words.

I'm stammering.
           I'm stuttering.

It is a sudden rush of worries.

My mind is swimming in thoughts I can't sort.

I'm getting clammy,
            People are staring.

Everyone is going to see the real me.

My heart is quickening.

I'm drowning,
             but everyone else is breathing.

Someone, help me.
 Feb 2015 amelia
Sierra Scanlan
Maybe we'll meet again one day at a coffee shop in the city and then, the timing will be right
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