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I happen to find flaws beautiful
to all of you people who feel worthless because of their imperfections
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
I haven't even TALKED to a guy my age in a LONG time
hey, if you just need a friend, i'm here for you. just message me anytime :) and if you happen to be a guy in high school, even better. What I really want right now is a guy I can just be friends with. like, REALLY badly. no complications, just someone to talk to, who can talk to me :)
 Dec 2014
Tiffany Marie
Ember is kind
Ember is smart
Ember is loving
Ember Is  art

She is E.E.
And she forever  is my *friend
Second thing that does go out to Ember Evanescent
 Dec 2014
Tiffany Marie
This isn't a poem
Do you need advice?
Well ask me anything
I willl find the answer
Thanks byezz now
oh I almost forgot
To get in touch with
me just comment your
Problems or personally
Message me
Advice for free no paying a $ or 5
Get advice from me for absolutly freeeeeeeeee
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
I plan on going way over the top to keep you from slipping through the cracks. I know that won't fix it, but it can't hurt. I'll be here to support you no matter what. If you are broken and distant and unreachable, I'll be there to listen. If you just need someone else to talk so you can keep your mind off of your emotions that refuse to stay in your control, I will blabber on and on (I'm good at that), if you are okay but certainly not happy I will send you multiple jokes that are super unfunny to any normal person but given our sense of humor, might be kinda hilarious. If you are drowning in memories I will buy you insane amounts of chocolate and try my very hardest to draw your attention away from the past. Instead we can point out every problem with Disney princesses and speak in very offensive "Russian" (and I use that term very loosely) accents just for the hell of it.
Expect me to go over the top with this. I will be there to support you, and it will involved ALOT of chocolate!
Chocolate doesn't solve everything, but hey, it's worth a shot.
 Nov 2014
Theara Steglaidias
Your eyes
Fall ever so slightly tilted
In that perfect way
That melts my heart
Like the chocolate
That is them
When ever
Your beautiful gaze
Pierces mine

Your round lips
So uniquely tainted
So that they aren't
The red everyone wishes
And some how
This dull color
Makes them that much more special
And I want them to be mine that much more

Your hair
Like perfect rings
Wrapped around my fingers
Flows like waves
Of coffee
In a beautiful dream
To good to be true

Your face
Eternally planted on my eyelids
So that every time I blink
I see your complexion
And never can I
Remember faces
But somehow my mind
Captures every piece of you
And I replay it to myself
As you keep me awake
Unable to sleep
For you have stolen from me
And the loot you have robbed
Beats in your hand

And your smile
Always put on your face
Staying strong and happy
Untouched by the world
Even when it tries to cause you pain
And I can only stand by
With an ache in my chest
As I am helpless
Against what life will throw

For you are too good
Too sweet, too kind
Too caring
Too ready to apologize
Too prepared to make the world perfect
Too innocent yet too haunted
Too good to by true
Too true to be mine.
Repost if there is someone in your life who is always smiling and always trying to make life better for everyone. Someone who is too good to be true and too true to be yours. Or repost if you just like the repost button. Or if just managed to read the whole thing since it's really long. And coment if you can. I always love to hear interpretations.
 Nov 2014
Kendall Rose
You were born with thunder rumbling from between your lips.
Your words were learned to be feared.
the promise of being trapped in the rain was too frightening for anyone to listen.

You were a flower that had begun to wilt,
covered by the shade of those towering above you,
and when they stole the last ray of light,
you learned to become your own sun.

Lightning shown in your golden-brown eyes.
Fierceness and a refusal to take any odds into consideration.
You struck hearts into beating again,
you struck minds into thinking again.

Your soul is a flood raging over hills. You are washing down every crevice of the world;
drowning and sweeping away things that will never measure to your strength.

You are a Californian wildfire.
Beautifully destructive and distinctively fearless.
You are crackling heat in valleys where thirst will never be quenched.
Don't be offended when they turn away,
some people just can't take the heat.

You have grown into a refusal to let the natural disasters inside of you sit still.
You have taken every ounce of nothingness that you felt and turned it into a brewing storm.
We will hear that thunder rolling from your lips this time.

Sonnets were written about your icy smile years before you were born.
Poets know the beauty of a powerful earthquake that could send cities crumbling,

Everyone knows the beauty of a powerful woman that can send worlds crumbling.
 Nov 2014
Ena Alysopriono
You wanted to know why
I was destroying myself
But how do you explain
To someone who doesn't know
What it feels like
To have your thoughts
Tear you apart
 Nov 2014
The incident of a hundred fireflies
like tiny ships
on their way, haphazardly,
to nobody's home
while lightning flickers lightly
in the teeming, inhabitable air.
 Nov 2014
everything i've loved, i've lost.
 Nov 2014
A simple melody, a yellow rose
A forgotten tragedy, my sweetest repose

A ****** trail, snow white sails
The end of all travail, my sweetest repose

A gentle brook, the sweet warm air
A good old book, my sweetest repose

A grain of sand, a giant oak
The touch of your hand, my sweetest repose

A drop of dew, the evening hue
A day with you, just to name a few
You're my sweetest repose
These are just a few of the things that bring peace upon my soul.

*dedicated to Nes
:p :)

 Nov 2014
Lou Vaughn
He's a thundercrash thorncake
Can crush you with a handshake
Juicy as a rare steak
Feeds my dreams

Owns a chartreuse shotgun
Is taller than the noon sun
Has me coming undone
Licks my pain

He's a cyanide thrill ride
A rollercoaster landside
Likes it by the bedside
Fills my ache

I am his and he's mine
Like succotash and sunshine
Exploding like a landmine
Save our souls!
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