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 Nov 2014
if i could
i'd spend the world
with you.
i would
if you wanted
but they say
that's a pretty **** big
part of my plan—
your yes or
your no—
and i haven't yet
figured it all
out yet
if you
i am a hopeless romantic and i will never love again
hopeful hopeless
 Nov 2014
May the bridges I burn
Remain that way
Dwelling on the past only brings you down
 Nov 2014
Lou Vaughn
Damaged goods
Hopelessly lost
My existence fading
Too tired to fight
Nothing left to cherish
Complete surrender

Hoping to suffocate my hardened heart
I locked it away in a padded box
Intentionally misplacing the key

Then you appeared...
Familiar stranger
Remembered soul
Such a perfect contradiction
Strong and gentle
Warm and cool
A serious man and a playful child

Rescued by your words
Saved by your compassion
You have awakened my emotions
From their deepest sleep

I breathe for you…I wait for you
 Nov 2014
Kyler Williams
tears come to my eyes
cause the thoughts are there
the feelings are strange
cause i feel as if joy like this is rare
how can i write down the words
for feelings so unexplainable
yet with you they're there
for your astonishing beauty
is an answered prayer
 Nov 2014
Mercedes Faust
my generation is sad.

people rather have *** with a absolute psychopath
than to make love with someone who loves them

they blame being depressed, sinful and vicious
on society.

but do you want to know what the saddest thing about my generation is?

a person from my generation will take their own life.

and others say its just for some type of attention.
 Nov 2014
Henry Willson
I thought I knew the depth of love,
Till you came into my life,
What started as only but just a shake of your palm,
Left me overwhelmed by an aura I can't describe...

I thought I knew happiness, till our love grew,
Sharing the best laughter, a radiance that only us knew,
Hand in hand as we walked under a sky so blue,
Day after day, with a kiss, our Love we renewed...

I thought I knew karma, till I started breaking all the rules,
Never would a day pass without me lying to you,
Pursuing temporary pleasures, evading what was good,
Ignoring the possibility of ending up with life without you...

I thought I knew pain, till I looked in your eyes,
Haunted by the gaze that befell my eyes,
Then and only then did I realise,
I had known not how much you meant to me,
Till that moment you left my side...
 Nov 2014
Sound Of Rain
The two words that automatically come to
my mind when I see you: Imperfectly Perfect.
The way your eyes light up when you're excited,
the way you smile like a 5 year old when you're happy,
the way you roll your eyes and then secretly smile when I tease you,
the way you try to act annoyed with me but end up laughing,
the way you dance when you're hyper,
the way you show me the peace sign at random times,
the way you talk, some times like a tantrum throwing little 6 year old,
the way you're so stubborn,
the way you order me around.
the way you understand me so perfectly,
the way you hug me,
the way you add a "Maybe" after thanking someone,
and the way you do so many other things.

It's adorable how you're shy at the most unneeded times,
and how you're careful about the decisions you make,
and how you and I have a similar perspective,
it's like you know exactly what you want, and how you want it.

Standing over here and looking back, I feel so blessed.
Having you as my best friend is something I never thought was possible.
If only you saw yourself through my eyes,
you'd realize just how amazing you are.
Thank you for being there for me and pulling me through hard times,
I'll always be here for you, the same way you've always been there for me.
Dedicated to my amazing Best friend. You're amazing. And though this poem isn't very (can't find the right word) nice or anything(?) yeah. It's for you. :)
 Nov 2014
Jon Shierling
Dare you say I have not the capacity to Love?
Have you ever loved someone you were sure would die before you?
Have you ever hidden yourself away for the benefit of another?
Have you ever wiped blood from a naked thigh?

Dare you say I am not a man?
Have you ever received a call fresh from ****?
Have you ever been the caretaker of another's memory?
Have you ever lost yourself within hope in spite of all?

Dare you say I am a coward?
Have you ever lost all you knew?
Have you ever pushed forward alone into the night?
Have you ever remade yourself in the image you so desired?

Dare you say?
Dare you nothing.
Dare you not live as a soul on fire.
Dare you not accept any kind of desire.
Dare you not.
 Nov 2014
Jon Shierling
As good as I may be at spitting out poems about injustice and social rage, as tough as I may sound or pretend to be, as cynical and jaded as I may talk and walk, none of that is really who I want to be. I don't want money and fame or power to remake the world as I see fit. Wouldn't be able to handle the responsibility of political power anyway. Honestly I don't even really want to be the person my 18 year old self wanted, and yet have become, almost without realizing it. He would envy me, my younger self, of the life I live now. Beholden to no one, doing basically whatever I want as long as I can afford the rent and make myself go to work after nights full of pointless hedonism. But that entire veneer, yes even some of my writing, is just to make up for this hole that runs right through the middle of me. All I really want, is to return from whence I came. Be a teacher or something, write a bit on the side, have that mystery called true love and family, maybe own a bit of land just for us, somewhere on the edge of a small town full of artists and good honest folk. Coastline or mountains make no difference to me, the language spoken not really that important either. I'll go anywhere and do anything I can to find this dream that I tend to not ever talk about, since it is the one true thing that I have ever really wanted deep down inside, even if my younger self would've denied it.
 Nov 2014
A tale of two, of three, of four -
but focused just on one.
Sixteen years
Five thousand tears
Cause the dirt to become undone

I emerged a fragile rose
Craving nourishment, sunlight
You were the thorn under my nose,
The storm in which the wind blows,
And I could not survive at night.

(My petals leak,
my stems are weak,
you can crush me
- it's an easy feat)

But from the rose a garden grew,
You began to see me shine.
I still was not as big as you
So you took all that was mine

I grew back time and time again,
standing straight up on my own.
I am no match for the stronger winds,
you see - I still need a home

(What roses need -
what you can't give me,
is a home that's always
filled with beauty)

The silence had become so loud,
it created a bigger storm,
I watched my rose fall in the ground,
the dirt I now had formed

But from the dirt, as I had been,
sprouted a smaller tree.
A quiet, lovely evergreen,
to become the biggest you would see

(My branches grew,
stronger than you,
I only need me,
I finally knew)

And from my tree standing tall -
I learned only this way -
I never again saw myself fall,
My roots would not give way.

We come from the same dirt, you and me,
But I became something else.
I became something you could never be,
someone who could help.

(I'm far too strong,
you could not be more wrong -
you'll tire yourself out
before you bring me down)
Bye bye Boy, I'm done with regret
I know we haven't even met
But I'm turning a new leaf
And you best believe
This is gonna be a brand new beginning
A new way to experience my poetry

Hello Girl, hey, where you goin?
Walkin off like she thinks she's Lindsay Lohan
I ain't done yet! And you can bet
You don't wanna turn that new leaf
Without me
Cuz time is a thief
Oh YOU can walk off, stomp off and cuss
But all you REALLY wanna experience
.....Is us

Hey there little Boy,
First off..  Lindsay?
She's got nothing on me
Where you come off acting all cocky?
Like you actually know me
I'll walk away if I **** well please
Look at you
Like you think I won't do it
Have you never met a poet?
I'll walk, no I'll run...  
Drip this ink I got for bullets
Out of my gun
On this page
Just for fun

Hold up, now anybody could see
That even YOU had enough
Sense to spell Boy
With a BIG B
And I DO know YOU
And you CAN walk away this is TRUE
It's cool
Cuz all I'ma do
Is follow you
Follow you
Till you don't run no more
Just let me get my feet in the door
And what you got guns out for?
Girl, I'm a lover not a fighter
A man whose heart burns with desire
Stop all this walking, all this running
How do you KNOW I don't deserve your hearts CROWN?

Fine then boy,
Maybe I just like being chased
But seriously, stop wasting my time
I run even faster when love is on the line
Love = Heartbreak
I've learned that a time or two
I'm not gonna get my self tore up
Over the likes of You
Boy...  Can't you just see
I'm through
Done with the misery
I'm not gonna sit down
I Am gonna run away
Trust me...
You don't really want me to stay
I'm gonna get out my gun,
Use the ink I have for bullets
Start writing down my misery
In tiny poetic fragments
Hoping you can't really see
All my disappointments

I'm sorry,
I'm sorry that someone,
A LOT of someones, got here before me
And they hurt you and I'm sure I don't know WHAT you've been through
But don't you at least wanna TRY?
You really gonna tell me you can't SEE that in my eyes
I always heard that love was ENOUGH
And I got your BACK on your writing
Cuz I know it EASES your pain
We'll have a lifetime together,
Hold on, let me explain
I KNOW what you WANT
What you WANT is FOREVER
And to do it like that ..
We're gonna HAVE to be clever
Sometimes the ONLY way to be BROKEN
Artaxerxes is new to Hello Poetry, but he's amazingly talented. :) His First Collaboration!
So much fun writing this and working with him, I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as we enjoyed writing it!  ❤

— The End —