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 Jul 2017
Tina RSH
Behind the veil of truth, there is love
The charcoal sketch of your beautiful face
That no artist could ever paint, but God himself
The warmth of your hands, that no fire can produce,
Makes my heart melt right through my chest
Where my love for you sleeps like a baby
I would savour the taste of your lips
Just the way champagne tickles my tongue
And tea burns my throat on a freezing day
I pray for the sun to never rise, after you are gone
I pray for this earth not to exist
When you step into the heavens above,
I pray for my bones to be broken,
When your touch is no longer there to give them strength,
A simple tender touch, that keeps my bones in their place.
And you, pulled into my embrace,
Where the universe continues to live, while it has died everywhere else.
Your smooth skin under my gentle caress,
Feels like raindrops falling onto the ground
Death may come and take away the flesh,
Life, however, winds on between your soul and mine!
For life never stops between two lovers.
Sure enough everyone's had that special someone, unreachable, to write about..
 Jul 2017
Tina RSH
I could rest my head 
On my deathbed 
And say oh darling
I die more alive than ever
I please to spend innumerable days
Inside this coffin, 
As the gleaming sun shines 
From my chest 
And burns every bone 
Tightly sticking 
To this temporary structure 
A million times! A million times! 
I went straight to the bottom 
Travelled the depths of this sea 
And saw no more than solid darkness
Deafening,blind, heart-wrenching; hazardous
A sea of dead glee.
But a chest of untouched hope
The only treasure I stole 
Emptied in my veins
Seething with my blood
As I lay in my deathbed
Tina RSH ©
12:15 PM
 Jul 2017
You are cheery
And I am dreary

You are social
And I am a rock

You live to see the sun
I lurk among the shadows

But when I'm by your side
I actually feel alive
 Jul 2017
Mohd Arshad
The fish knows the depth of the sea
It doesn't Walk outside
 Jul 2017
Sat down with
My date Ben
It was the full moon
We ate with   
His friend Jerry
I brought along
My spoon

They were both
So engaging
They really brought
A smile
I had the
Americone Dream!
We chatted for a while

We'd gone out for
Sea food...
But the place was closed
So we had some
Phish food
Ben nearly proposed!

We got back to
My apartment
To watch some late TV
I put on
The Tonight Dough
We were happy
As can be!

Upon finding out
Ben & Jerry
Liked "The Dead"
I put on Cherry Garcia
That tune stuck
In my head!

Yup! It was a hot date!
I loosened up my belt
After a few minutes
I could see
Both of those guys melt!

But they were just
Half Baked
They ran out on me!
Now I'm just a
Chunky Monkey

As lonely as can be!

(C) 7/7/2017
Ordered some Cherry Garcia tonight... my favorite flavor!
 Jul 2017
Nishu Mathur
At the end of the day, I await the night
As it slowly sets in
With a prelude of colours.
It grows quieter and peaceful
Birds cease to sing
And fly home to rest their wings
On long limbed trees that weather time.
Noise ebbs, save for the throaty croak of frogs
Or the mating songs of cicadas.
The sky is lit with silver lamps
While the moon looks on
Smiling with cherubic cheeks
As the blanket of darkness
Tucks the world in
Ushering a world of dreams.
For old boys
And new boys
I forgot to have a body
And a husband
But I lived
My beautiful ordinary life
Created with writing
With the help of your pen

In Sunless sea
We painted a scene
Then filled it with sound
And smell of our intimacy

And at last in death of a stranger
Tantalizing puzzle
The secret of the Monk's past
Dramatically revealed the Nirvana

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
''Why should things be easy to understand ?''
-Thomas Pynchon-
 Jul 2017
grumpy thumb
a soft
too tender
to make
a daisy's petal
it doused
its scent
upon Earth's skin
as intimate
as a lover's
 Jul 2017
I can say the right things
yet in the wrong time,
while I say the wrong things
in the right time.
seems contradicting but in truth, I better stay silent and listen more than confronting any situations thats for the later part....
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