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I've written so many poems
About heartache and regret and worry
About people who will never care enough to read them
For people I could never trust enough
To share with anyway
I showed you my poems today
The sad ones and the happy ones
You wrote your first poem today

I feel like there is someone grabbing my heart
It only stops when I'm around you
When I look into those Aqua eyes
I see joy
I see trust
The worry of not knowing is gone because you know there is no need
Because I will never leave

I stopped writing sad poems
When your lips first met mine
 May 2015
I am not a genius, nor am I mad
I am just very, very sad.
 May 2015
Awesome Annie
Change was screaming in my face, I had no choice but to comply. Backwards fables burned into me, it's all just one big lie.

I see the problem clearly now, but this mountains in my way. Life comes with no foresight, it just wants to make you pay.

Counting on my hands the wrongs I've done, that lead me to this rope. Always an uphill battle, somewhere beyond another *****.

I think of giving up sometimes, but it just wouldn't seem right. Holding onto hope I stand, grasping with all my might.

I could be the warrior, that rises up and claims his glory. But really I'm just a damsel, and distress is my life story.
 May 2015
Awesome Annie
Standing in a puddle of gasoline,
Trying to get this ******* match to light.
It doesn't matter what I do,
in the end it's never right.

A scarlet letter brands my body,
to match my lips of crimson red.
Let me whisper poetry in your ear,
and take your heart to bed.

Lay me down,
I'll set fire ablaze to tame your tortured soul.
Broken hearts never mend,
a shattered essence can never be whole.

I'm standing here with this stupid match, Striking it to spark.
Always hoping to set fire,
to what's hiding in the dark.
 May 2015
Violet Blue
You think your friend
Is in danger
One of the happiest
Cutest people ever
This person we know is on their Facebook
Dragging all this ******* out
Making it seem like something was wrong
When in the end it was just our mate
And said she was asleep
Why'd you drag that out so long
Making us worry
To find it's really nothing
**** sakes
 May 2015
When your body feels foreign and abandoned
When your hands are shaking more
than the soil before an earthquake occurs
When your words seem to only grow louder
but never have more meaning added to them
They are only adding fuel to this fire that never should have started in the first place, there was not much to do after it started
Just watch it burn, feel it pierce your skin
When he yells, when he hits, when he yells more
Do not let it dismay you
Wipe the blood from your face, do not cry
There is no use in showing more weakness to this man
This man who claims to love you will tower over you
Holding you hostage, peeling off your innocence
Do not scream, do not alert the neighbors
Everything will be alright just wait until this is over
Let the silence resonate in your ears
Do not flinch when he yells again for he will only feel more superior
Do not fight for yourself after it all because you know he loves you
Deep down it is not just anger
You swear deep down he's a good guy
 May 2015
If you give a girl a with a big heart your broken pieces,
she will gently pick them up and carry them in her soft hands,
and pay no mind to your sharp edges.
She will try to glue you back together
and she’ll do it in a way that made you forget you were ever broken.
With scratched finger tips and ****** palms,
she’ll lift you up to the sun,
letting it's blinding rays shine through you
to show you that even the worst things have things to love in them
and that even the shattered can again be whole.

If you give a girl with a big heart your body,
she will study you like an archaic God.
She will learn your curves and surfaces like braille,
she will adjust her hearing to the pitch of your laughter
so that no matter how far apart you become,
her ears will perk up like a dog's when you giggle,
and she will smile, knowing that you smile.

If you give a girl with a big heart your time,
she will make each second feel like infinity,
and each sunset like the end of the world.
You'll forget that the universe is as vast and wondrous as it is,
because you will be so captivated by the light that she emits
right where she sits,
by your side.

And if you take from a girl with a big heart,
for the love of God,
do not take it all.

If you take from a girl with a big heart,
please remember that her love is not a renewable resource.
The wind and the sun and the water will forever be there to serve you but
she will run dry, and become another fact of history that will one day be forgotten.

If you take from a girl with a big heart,
please remember how sharp your edges were before her,
how lifeless your body was before she touched it,
and how meaningless time was before she made it into something magical.
 May 2015
waiting for you to ring my doorbell
with flowers in hand and a scared look on your face
asking me to wait for you.
I would get close to your face and whisper "I promise"
followed by a deep kiss showing you how much I love you
 May 2015
Lachrymose and Lies
I may as well be a widow
Clinging to a past love that is no more
The sweetest tang of heartache
For a me, as I was before
It seems like forever ago
Since I became mature
Innocence crumbled to nothing
But a beaten senseless
 May 2015
Portland Grace
I am sun-kissed and I glow in the moonlight,
my eyes reflect like water,
and summer makes me speckle and freckle
and I crave rivers and mountains
and other things that make me beautiful.

I am long-legged like the spiders you hate,
my hair is red like roses and smells like springtime,
I am soft in a way you imagine clouds to be
and I no longer fear you or the dark.

I have grown out of sidewalk cracks,
I am a ******* garden and you can't step on me anymore.

I am too tall to be contained and too beautiful to be detained
and I will never again haunt myself with things I couldn't be.

I am too much to be too little and somewhere you always knew it.

So when you talk to me like you think I still love someone who made me believe I was just an ugly girl,
remember that there are flowers growing inside me,
and I washed the taste of your sharp tongue out of my mouth months ago.

I am an ocean with waves and depths and storms and beauty and there is so much to me that you will never get to see.

You were an anchor weighing me down confining me to one stark place of myself,

I am so much more than you ever saw, I finally know this now.
And sure, this one is for you and everyone else like you.

Love yourself, love yourself, always remember to love yourself.
 May 2015
Sylvia Plath
"I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead;
I lift my lids and all is born again.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

The stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed
And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

God topples from the sky, hell's fires fade:
Exit seraphim and Satan's men:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I fancied you'd return the way you said,
But I grow old and I forget your name.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

I should have loved a thunderbird instead;
At least when spring comes they roar back again.
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)"
 May 2015
I am utterly in love with you right now.
Downright in love.
And time may take this moment away,
Time may take us away,
Time may even take this love away,
Time takes a lot of things away.
But right now,
This feeling is invincible.
My love too colossal to flag.
We're invincible.
Because I am simply in love with you
Right now.
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