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 Sep 2014
Edward Coles
We are young, they say,
like the new stars forming,
like the ocean sounds adorning
sleep to the city dweller,
with his leathered face
but handsome pay.

He's exchanging the sirens
for a more rhythmic pace,
taking off his coat
and professional face,
to press you to the wall,
forgetting the Keats and the Byrons
that came before.

We are young, I'm sure,
despite having to crawl,
despite disappearing into
the city sprawl,
and returning half a person,
only memory intact,
and a stream of shutting doors.

You're giving up too soon.
Too soon a disciple of established fact,
too soon beguiled by
your own stage-lit act;
a smile worn, rather than felt,
a dress bought for him,
but never touched,

and for all of the hands
you may have dealt,
not a single one
has kept you young.
 Sep 2014
Edward Coles
There are bare-breasted women
lounging in the unmade bed
of my mind.
They teach me chords on the piano,
and how to stay grateful
in the face of time;
how it lingers between seconds,
but years go by unannounced.

We don't make love. We ****,
taking back each wasted Sunday
spent talking to G-d,
or waiting for political truth.
They run their fingers over my back,
send me to a sleep
of dried sweat and loving violence.
They send me sunflower seeds and ****

in the post,
so I can bloom by the open window
and feel warmth through winter.
There are powerful women
laying down the law by the clock tower.
They stand up for Syria
and challenge the authority
I had conjured in my mind.
 Sep 2014
louis rams
I tried to explain colors to a person who could not see
But I found it was too hard for me.
Then a thought came into my mind
To put their feelings into color and rhyme.

The first question I asked is:
“I feel like I’m flying high above the sky”
Then I will call that GREEN
For high above the earth, that color is seen.
It’s when I have no one to talk to and no one around.
Then I will call that BROWN.
That is when I lost something that cannot be replaced.
Then I will call that “GREY” for that
Is something which in your heart will stay.
That is when my stomach shakes like Jell-O.
Then I will call that emotion “YELLOW”
Then the final question I must ask
That is when I am lifted high above
All that I think and feel.
Since GOD is pure, I will call it white
Because he puts your heart and soul into flight.
“ we have enough colors for different emotions
Just like the raindrops that fall into the ocean.
Now the colors no longer have a barrier, because now
It has an emotional carrier.
Emotions and colors go hand in hand, just like the joining
In a wedding band.
 Sep 2014
Alexandria Hope
My words are drying up, one by one by the storm inside
Your words, "I need something different"
"you'll find someone else" added to all the lies
Once promises I'd make a home in
Now I haven't seen the world sober in so long,
Why ask me how I'm doing when breaking up with me
Was losing the right to know whether I'm dead or alive.
 Sep 2014
I don't know how to not push you away. I don't know how to deal with these feelings I can't convey. They're locked up inside my heart, my head, my chest, my lungs, my fingertips. You're looking right at me but you fail to notice how my consciousness slips. With every passing breath, my lungs become harder to use. I'm not listening to your words, I'm just wondering why internal wounds are so much easier to bruise.  The pain is still horrendous to feel. But to the world, if the wounds aren't visible, they're not real. It's like I'm being torn from the inside out. But I can't find my voice to let the monster out. And no one seems to notice if you're breaking inside. Everyone looks the other way, even when your tears refuse to subside. I'm too tired to fight. Maybe I'm crazy, maybe they're right.
But God, I thought crazy was supposed to be bliss. No one warned me I'd wind up like this.
 Sep 2014
Sometimes it brings happiness,
Sometimes it brings pain,
Money, if you mess with it,
Will go straight to your brain
Just random
 Sep 2014
nate k
i've given
wrong people
right pieces
of me
(c) nate k. 2014
10 w.
 Aug 2014
nate k
i wish to kiss her wrists
just like the blades once did;
replace those scars with wisps
of hope life once forbid
(c) nate k. 2014
for lucy.
 Aug 2014
If you're having a bad day,

Move on and pray.
Simple solution
 Jul 2014
Jahanvi Goyal
The other day I looked in the mirror,
That is when life became more clearer.
Yes, the mirror showed me the gospel truth,  
Mystery was solved, by the mirror, the sleuth.

The scars on the skin seemed to fade away,
The soul opened doors to the clandestine cache.
The dazzling light bouncing out of me,
Made me gasp in ecstasy and glee.

As tears trickled down my cheek,
I realised it is me keeping myself weak.
When the reflection in mirror is only mine,
How, because of someone else, I can then whine?

The happiness erupting through my soul,
The hope and will once again make me whole.
The mirror shows me who I am,
Anyone who jeopardises my way, will get a wham.

The mirror shows me myself on the stage,
Giving a success speech, wearing a gown of beige.
My strength centres in me once again,
Determination comes, that now efforts won’t go in vain.

I see the talented beautiful myself,
I can do it, I just need my own help.
I promise the me in mirror, to never again be broken,
I promise the reflection, to achieve even the unspoken.

Pathway to life is criss-crossed,
To succeed, obstacles need to be in trash tossed.
The other day I looked in the mirror,
That is when life became more clearer.

-Jahanvi Goyal
 Jun 2014
Of These Oceans
A great author once wrote
We accept the love we think we deserve.

And though the words were not my own
They stuck to me like gum beneath the chairs in my school
And I found myself reading them over and over again
Doing my best to soak in every single piece of truth  
That was crashing on my head like waves

And when you told me that he really loved you
And you still believed him
You broke my heart

Because the love that you know
Is not a grain of sand on the seashore
Or a star in the heavens
Or a blade of grass in the forest
Or a snowflake in winter

It is a word that cannot be found in the dictionary
A letter from no one's alphabet
A direction that can never be travelled
A lantern that cannot be seen in the dark

You have never heard
That love is for real
That it will strike you like lightening
You will feel it in your fingertips
In your lungs
In your bones
You have never heard
That there is a man who will never leave you
Who will love you like a word
Not like the weather

You tell me that there is nothing to be said
Nothing helps
But I disagree

You don't know love
But one day you will
And that love is not temporary
It is forever.

Just wait for the the storm
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